
Talent Sourcing

How is Diversity Hiring different than a ‘Diversity Hire’?

Published on June 4th, 2023


The concept of diversity hire goes beyond the traditional notion of simply filling job vacancies; it aims to create inclusive work environments that celebrate and leverage the power of diversity. Implementing an effective diversity recruitment strategy is key to attracting and retaining diverse talent, ultimately leading to enhanced innovation, productivity, and overall success for businesses.

The term "diversity hiring" has gained considerable attention in recent years, but it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. It is important to differentiate diversity hiring from the concept of a "diversity hire." While diversity hiring refers to the intentional effort of organizations to actively seek and hire individuals from diverse backgrounds, a diversity hire is often used derogatorily to imply that someone has been hired solely based on their diverse characteristics, rather than their qualifications or abilities.

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Organizations that prioritize diversity recruitment understand that a diverse talent pool brings unique perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table. By actively seeking diverse talent, organizations not only foster a culture of inclusivity but also tap into a broader range of ideas and innovation. A robust diversity recruitment strategy entails reaching out to individuals from underrepresented groups, implementing unbiased selection processes, and creating an environment that values and supports diverse perspectives.

Effective diversity hiring goes beyond mere tokenism or meeting quotas. It is about creating an organizational culture that embraces and celebrates diversity in all its forms. Organizations that engage in diversity hiring recognize the value of diverse talent and prioritize creating equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

Let us now delve into the details of the distinction between diversity hiring and diversity hire and understand why they matter in building a diverse and inclusive workforce. 

Striking Differences between Diversity Hiring & ‘Diversity Hire’


Diversity Hiring

Diversity Hire

DefinitionThe process of actively seeking and attracting diverse candidatesAn individual hired specifically to increase diversity in a company
FocusA broad, systematic approachIndividual, targeted approach
GoalIncrease diversity within the overall workforceAchieve diversity through a specific hire
Hiring StrategyBroad recruitment effortsTargeted recruitment efforts
Candidate PoolA widerbackgrounds range of candidates consideredSpecific individuals targeted for their diverse backgrounds
QualificationsFocus on finding the best candidate with diverse qualificationsMay prioritize diversity over qualifications
EvaluationAssess candidates based on qualifications and skillsConsider diverse background as a significant factor
ImpactAims to create a more diverse and inclusive workplaceIntentionally addresses underrepresented groups in the workforce
Hiring ProcessIntegrates diversity considerations throughout the processMay involve specific diversity-focused initiatives
Hiring StrategyBroad recruitment effortsTargeted recruitment efforts
Long-term EffectSustains diversity efforts over timeIndividual hire may or may not lead to sustained diversity
PerceptionSeen as a strategic business approachMay be viewed as a token hire or quota fulfillment
ImplementationIntegrated into overall HR policies and practicesSpecific action taken for a particular role or position

Defining Diversity Hiring

Diversity hiring plays a vital role in creating inclusive and equitable workplaces. In this section, we will delve into the nuances of diversity hiring, highlighting the distinctions between diversity hiring and the concept of a 'diversity hire.' We will also address the misconceptions and challenges associated with the term 'diversity hire,' while emphasizing the importance of meritocracy in diversity hiring.

Also read: Diversity Hiring Checklist

Differentiating Diversity Hiring from 'Diversity Hire'

Diversity hiring is an intentional and strategic approach employed by organizations to attract, recruit, and retain individuals from diverse backgrounds. It involves actively seeking out candidates from underrepresented groups and creating equal opportunities for all applicants, regardless of their diverse characteristics. The goal of diversity hiring is to build a workforce that reflects the diversity of the broader society and customer base.

On the other hand, the term 'diversity hire' has often been misinterpreted and used in a derogatory manner. It refers to the notion that an individual has been hired solely based on their diverse characteristics, rather than their qualifications, skills, or abilities. This misconception undermines the true intention and value of diversity hiring, perpetuating the idea that diverse candidates are only hired to fulfill quotas or as a form of tokenism.

The Misconceptions and Challenges Associated with the Term 'Diversity Hire'

One of the primary misconceptions surrounding the concept of a 'diversity hire' is the assumption that diverse candidates are given preferential treatment over others. This misconception disregards the fact that diversity hiring aims to level the playing field and provide equal opportunities for all candidates. The truth is that diverse candidates are often subjected to higher scrutiny and face additional challenges during the hiring process, despite their qualifications.

Another challenge associated with the term 'diversity hire' is the potential for stereotyping and the belief that diverse candidates are hired primarily for optics, rather than their qualifications or capabilities. This harmful stereotype undermines the achievements and qualifications of diverse professionals, diminishing their contributions and reinforcing biases within the workplace.

Also read: Why Diversity Hiring is Important?

The Role of Meritocracy in Diversity Hiring

Meritocracy is an essential component of diversity hiring. It ensures that candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications, skills, and potential contributions to the organization, regardless of their diverse characteristics. Meritocracy allows organizations to prioritize competence and suitability for the role while simultaneously considering the benefits of a diverse workforce.

In a truly meritocratic environment, diverse candidates are given equal opportunities to showcase their abilities and compete on a level playing field. It recognizes that diversity and merit are not mutually exclusive; rather, they can coexist and strengthen organizational performance. By embracing meritocracy in diversity hiring, organizations can foster a culture of fairness, empower talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, and maximize the potential for innovation and success.

By understanding the distinctions between diversity hiring and a 'diversity hire,' addressing the misconceptions surrounding the term, and upholding the principles of meritocracy, organizations can create inclusive and equitable recruitment practices that promote diversity and harness the full potential of their workforce.

Related read: 9 Reasons Your Recruitment Strategy Should Include Diversity Hiring

Benefits of Diversity Hiring

Diversity hiring offers numerous advantages for organizations, both in terms of their workforce and overall business performance. In this section, we will explore the key benefits of diversity hiring, highlighting its positive impact on innovation, employee engagement, and organizational success.

1. Enhanced Innovation and Problem-Solving

A diverse workforce brings together individuals with a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of thought fosters creativity, encourages the exploration of new ideas, and leads to innovative problem-solving approaches. When people from different backgrounds collaborate, they bring unique insights and alternative viewpoints to the table, allowing for more comprehensive and effective solutions.

2. Broader Skill Sets and Expertise

Diverse talent pools encompass individuals with varied skill sets, expertise, and knowledge. By actively seeking candidates from different backgrounds, organizations can tap into a vast array of talents that align with their specific needs. This diverse skill set not only improves the overall capabilities of the workforce but also enables organizations to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.

3. Increased Adaptability and Global Perspective

In today's globalized world, organizations need to navigate diverse markets and engage with customers from different cultures and backgrounds. Hiring employees with diverse cultural insights and language skills provides organizations with a competitive advantage in understanding and connecting with diverse customer bases. It enables organizations to adapt their strategies, products, and services to meet the needs of a globalized marketplace effectively.

4. Improved Employee Engagement and Retention

Employees thrive in inclusive environments where they feel valued, respected, and represented. By prioritizing diversity hiring, organizations foster a sense of belonging and create a culture of inclusivity. When employees feel that their unique perspectives are appreciated, they are more engaged, motivated, and committed to their work. This, in turn, leads to higher retention rates and a more positive work environment.

5. Better Decision Making

Diverse teams are better equipped to make informed and well-rounded decisions. When multiple perspectives are considered, the potential for bias and groupthink is reduced. Diverse teams challenge assumptions, encourage critical thinking, and offer a broader range of insights, leading to more robust and effective decision-making processes.

6. Enhanced Reputation and Employer Brand

Organizations that prioritize diversity hiring and create inclusive work environments tend to develop a positive reputation and a strong employer brand. This reputation attracts top talent from diverse backgrounds, creating a competitive advantage in the recruitment market. Candidates are more likely to be attracted to organizations that demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion, leading to a broader and more qualified pool of applicants.

7. Increased Market Reach and Customer Connection:

Diversity hiring enables organizations to better understand and connect with diverse customer segments. When employees reflect the diversity of their target audiences, they can more effectively tailor products, services, and marketing efforts to meet customer needs. This inclusive approach enhances customer satisfaction, fosters brand loyalty, and expands the organization's market reach.

Also read: 5 Reasons Why Diversity Hiring Is Crucial

Strategies for Successful Diversity Hiring

Successful diversity hiring goes beyond passive efforts and requires intentional strategies to attract, recruit, and retain diverse talent. In this section, we will explore key strategies that organizations can implement to ensure effective diversity hiring practices and create inclusive work environments.

1. Building a Diverse Candidate Pipeline

To attract diverse talent, organizations must proactively build a diverse candidate pipeline. This can be achieved by implementing the following strategies:
- Actively sourcing candidates from underrepresented groups through targeted outreach, job fairs, and partnerships with diversity-focused organizations.
- Ensuring inclusive language in job descriptions  and advertisements to attract a diverse pool of applicants.
- Leveraging social media and professional networks to reach candidates from diverse backgrounds.
- Providing equal access to career advancement opportunities within the organization.

2. Unconscious Bias Training

Unconscious biases can significantly impact the hiring process and hinder diversity efforts. To mitigate bias, organizations should provide unconscious bias training to hiring managers and interviewers. This training raises awareness of biases, promotes fair decision-making, and ensures that candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications and potential rather than stereotypes or preconceived notions.

3. Implementing Structured Interview Processes:

Structured interviews provide a standardized and objective approach to evaluating candidates. By using predetermined criteria and asking consistent questions, organizations can reduce subjective judgments and enhance fairness. It is important to develop interview questions that assess a candidate's skills, experiences, and qualifications, rather than focusing solely on cultural fit, which can inadvertently perpetuate bias.

4. Partnering with Diversity-Focused Organizations:

Collaborating with diversity-focused organizations and professional networks can be an effective way to access a diverse talent pool. These partnerships can provide valuable networking opportunities, mentoring programs, and access to diverse communities. By actively engaging with these organizations, employers can tap into talent pools they may not have reached through traditional recruitment channels.

5. Cultivating Inclusive Organizational Culture:

Creating an inclusive organizational culture is essential to attract and retain diverse talent. Organizations should foster an environment where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute. This can be achieved by:
- Establishing diversity and inclusion initiatives, employee resource groups, and affinity networks that support and celebrate diversity.
- Encouraging open dialogue and communication across different backgrounds and perspectives.
- Providing opportunities for career development and advancement for employees from diverse backgrounds.
- Implementing policies and practices that address bias, discrimination, and harassment.

6. Leveraging Employee Referral Programs:

Employee referral programs can be a valuable source for attracting diverse candidates. Encourage employees to refer candidates from underrepresented groups by offering incentives and ensuring a fair and inclusive selection process. This not only widens the talent pool but also reinforces a culture of diversity and inclusion within the organization.

7. Tracking and Measuring Diversity Metrics:

To assess the effectiveness of diversity hiring efforts, organizations should establish metrics and regularly track progress. By measuring diversity data, such as representation at different levels, retention rates, and promotions, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance diversity initiatives.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a robust and successful diversity hiring process. These efforts not only attract diverse talent but also foster an inclusive work environment where individuals from all backgrounds can thrive and contribute to the organization's success.

8. Leverage AI and automation

Diversity hiring can be achieved by taking help with automation and artificial intelligence. We’re talking about the one and only fully automated talent sourcing platform  - EasySource, a recruiter’s free LinkedIn search 

EasySource comes embedded with generative AI and Chat GPT making it super simple for recruiters to find and engage with candidates in just a few clicks. With EasySource, hiring managers can now send hyper-personalized messages to candidates across multiple platforms, that too with outreach automation, and can maintain and track a robust talent pipeline via the dashboard. 

Download EasySource today to take away all your talent sourcing hassles and a life of great talent pipeline and quick recruitments!

The Bottom Line

In today's diverse and interconnected world, organizations must recognize the importance of diversity hiring as a strategic business practice. By intentionally seeking and embracing diverse talent, organizations can unlock numerous benefits that positively impact their workforce and overall success.

Diversity hiring goes beyond meeting quotas or engaging in tokenism. It is about creating inclusive work environments where individuals from all backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered. Successful diversity hiring requires proactive strategies that build diverse candidate pipelines, mitigate unconscious biases, implement structured interview processes, and foster an inclusive organizational culture.

The benefits of diversity hiring are far-reaching. A diverse workforce brings together a range of perspectives, experiences, and skill sets, leading to enhanced innovation, improved decision-making, and a broader market reach. Moreover, diversity hiring contributes to employee engagement, retention, and a positive employer brand, creating a competitive advantage in attracting top talent.

It is crucial to distinguish diversity hiring from the notion of a 'diversity hire.' Misconceptions surrounding the term 'diversity hire' can undermine the achievements and qualifications of diverse professionals. Organizations must emphasize the role of meritocracy, ensuring that diverse candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications, skills, and potential contributions to the organization.

As organizations strive for successful diversity hiring, it is essential to recognize that diversity is not a one-time goal but an ongoing commitment. Regular tracking and measurement of diversity metrics allow organizations to monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions.

By embracing diversity hiring and fostering inclusive work environments, organizations can build stronger, more resilient teams that drive innovation, adaptability, and overall business performance. Diversity is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage that propels organizations toward sustainable growth and success in an increasingly diverse global marketplace.

We at HireQuotient believe in diversity supremacy. Connect with us for more such diverse hiring strategies and tips. Till then, happy hiring

recruitment and selection



Soujanya Varada

As a technical content writer and social media strategist, Soujanya develops and manages strategies at HireQuotient. With strong technical background and years of experience in content management, she looks for opportunities to flourish in the digital space. Soujanya is also a dance fanatic and believes in spreading light!

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