What is Job Description?

Learn about what a job description is, its uses, advantages, disadvantages, and objectives here. Also, learn how to write an effective JD with a list of online job description generators.

A job description outlines the roles, responsibilities, and skills required to perform a specific job. It is used to inform the applicants about the job duties during recruitment and to evaluate an employee’s performance during the performance management process. 

It comes in handy for the employees as it gives clear and concise ideas that can be used as a guide for job performance. 

On top of that, a JD can also be used to determine salary levels, job titles and pay grades, career planning, and to establish legal requirements for compliance purposes. 

It is thus quite imperative for HR professionals or hiring managers to create JDs so that they can accurately reflect the employees’ current job duties and responsibilities.

Objectives of Job Descriptions

A job description brings many effective uses to an organization. Here are some key objectives:

  1. To provide the employee with the expectations that are required of them in the role
  2. To provide enough detail to help the candidate assess if they are suitable for the position
  3. To support the recruitment team during the selection process
  4. To help formulate questions for the interview process
  5. To allow the prospective employee to determine their role or standing within the structure of the organization
  6. To assist in forming a legally binding contract of employment
  7. To help set goals and target for the employee upon joining
  8. To aid in the evaluation of the employee’s job performance
  9. To help formulate training and development plans

Why should HR leaders care about job descriptions?

JDs are an indispensable part of recruitment and employee performance. A crystal-clear job description helps the HR to 

  1. Define the job requirements and find the right pool of candidates: Chalking out a job description gives a clear picture to the candidates and only the ones who feel adept with the requirements, apply for the position. 

This attracts the right pool of candidates for the job role and the recruiter doesn’t need to spend hours of time shuffling through the resumes of hundreds of candidates. 

  1. Recruit the right candidates: A job description entails all the pointers that an employer is looking for in a candidate. Having a well-outlined job description can save the time of the recruiter and serve as a checklist to tick the boxes if the applicant has the required skills.

This helps in choosing the best candidate for the job, eliminating the chance of mishiring. 

  1. Execute performance evaluations and training and development: A job description not only helps in recruitment but can also be useful for evaluating a candidate’s performance. 

Based on the job description, an HR professional can decide if the employee is satisfying the company’s needs or needs training and development for better performance. 

You as an employer can also avoid any unforeseeable legal complication that any employee claims down the line if you have an up-to-date JD.

What Is the Typical Structure of a Job Description?

A job description should have a simple and accurate layout that clearly defines the needs of the role. The actual structure of a job description may vary across job roles and organizations, a well-rounded JD should be loosely structured like this:

  1. Job Title
  2. Location
  3. Reports to
  4. Job Purpose (a brief line or two)
  5. Responsibilities/duties (detailed)
  6. Essential and desirable criteria
  7. Company/team overview
  8. Application information

How to Write a Job Description

Creating a JD that attracts the absolute best candidates requires a balanced mixture of conciseness and detail. Here is a step-by-step guide to craft engaging JDs:

  1. Focus on the Job Title

Keeping the job title may seem like the most unimportant and easy part of creating a job description, but it can affect the quality and quantity of candidates that apply for the job role. 

Try to keep the job title simple and common, one that is known to all applicants. Keeping a very unique or flowery title will confuse the candidates and hence make them reluctant to apply for the job. 

Do not forget to add the seniority level where required and keep it concise. 

  1. Introduce your Company

This is the part where you can boast about your organization, highlight the best features and make your company look like the best place to work. 

You can also bring up unique attributes such as a dog-friendly environment, dress-up Fridays, remote working, or free lunches. This will amp up your JD and attract more candidates. 

  1. Describe the Role Briefly 

In this section, you will want to give a few brief sentences about the role, what it will entail in general terms, and the type of person that you are looking for.

You can use some of the information about the role here as well as in later sections.

For example, you might mention that the candidate needs at least a 2:1 degree in a related subject or that they need to be proficient in using Microsoft Office.

Here you should also include pertinent facts like the salary range, working hours and days, and whether it is a part-time or a full-time job. 

  1. Mention the Duties and Responsibilities

While it is a no-brainer to understand the responsibilities from the job title itself, you should briefly mention the major responsibilities of the role to show the candidate what is expected of them.

Plus, you should not forget to add any specific or unique responsibility that the candidate has to fulfill. 

Think of a ‘day in the life’ of the candidate while jotting down the duties. While both duties and responsibilities may sound like one and the same, duties are daily tasks that a candidate has to perform to meet his daily target. 

  1. Qualifications and Skills

You will of course want to mention the required qualifications and skills for the job role in the job description. 

For instance, if you are looking for a software developer, the candidate should have an engineering degree as an essential qualification. 

Apart from technical skills, soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and similar characteristics should also be included in the essential qualifications and skills.

Keeping the essential skills aside, there is something called desired qualifications and skills which are sometimes required in a job role. 

Say you are putting up a JD for a graphic designer, you can ask for experience in ADOBE and Canva as a desired qualification. Similarly, you can put expertise in other tools and platforms for other job roles as a desired skill in the candidate. 

  1. Talk about Package and Benefits

Although you have already mentioned the salary range in the job role section - it is important to include a section about what the successful applicant will receive as their package.

Alongside a salary, candidates will expect some form of perks and benefits to be offered. 

Think about listing things like

  • Holiday entitlement
  • Pension details
  • Discounts
  • Subsidized meals
  • Free gym membership
  • Reimbursements 
  1. Don't forget to add the link for the application

Finish the JD with simple instructions for how to apply for the role.

You should include a contact name in the recruitment department and instructions on the next steps.

You might want applicants to send a resume and cover letter to a specific email address, or to click a button to fill out an application form online. They might need to apply through the business website or speak to a recruitment agency.

Whatever method you use, it needs to be easy for the candidate to complete.

The Anatomy of a Good Job Description

Crafting a good job description is both an art and a science, serving as the cornerstone of effective recruitment and talent acquisition. A well-structured job description not only details the duties and responsibilities inherent to the position but also mirrors the organization's ethos, making it a vital tool for attracting the right candidates. Here's how to strike the perfect balance between brevity and detail, ensuring your job descriptions stand out.

  1. Clarity and Structure: Begin with a clear, concise job title that immediately gives candidates an idea of what the position entails. A good job description flows logically, starting with a brief overview of the role, followed by detailed sections on responsibilities, qualifications, and company culture. Utilize clear headings and bullet-pointed lists to break down the duties and responsibilities in the job description, making the document easy to scan and understand.
  2. Duties and Responsibilities: This section is the heart of any good job description. It should clearly outline what the employee will do on a daily basis, highlighting key tasks with actionable verbs. To enhance SEO, incorporate phrases like "duties and responsibilities in job description," ensuring you accurately capture the essence of the role. Be specific but avoid overwhelming the reader with minutiae that might change over time.
  3. Job Specification: A concise job specification directly follows, delineating the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience. This includes educational requirements, professional certifications, and soft skills crucial to the role. Integrating terms such as "job description and job specification" here improves searchability while offering candidates a clear picture of what's expected.
  4. Inclusion and SEO: In today's digital age, a good job description also means an SEO-optimized job description. Use relevant keywords throughout, like "how to write a job description" and "job description template," to ensure your posting ranks well in search engine results. However, keyword stuffing can detract from the readability and quality of your job description, so balance is key.
  5. Templates and Samples: To streamline the creation process, consider utilizing a "job description template" or referring to a "job description sample." These resources provide a solid starting point, ensuring you don't overlook essential elements. For those drafting multiple job descriptions, "job description template excel" files can be particularly useful, allowing for easy customization and consistency across postings.
  6. The Final Touch: Before finalizing, review your job description for clarity, tone, and inclusivity. A good job description not only defines the role but also invites a diverse pool of qualified candidates to envision themselves as part of your team. By following these best practices, you'll create job descriptions that attract top talent, providing a clear path for candidates to understand their potential role and impact within your organization.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Write a Job Description

1. Understand the Role: Start by gathering detailed information about the position. Consult with the team that will work with the new hire to understand the essential functions, "duties and responsibilities in job description," and the impact this role has on your organization. This foundational step ensures that the job description aligns with actual job needs and expectations.

2. Define the Job Title: The job title should be clear, concise, and reflective of the role's duties and level within the organization. Avoid internal jargon that may confuse external candidates. Incorporating commonly searched terms like "profession and job description" can improve your job description's SEO.

3. Write a Job Summary: Provide a brief overview of the role, including its purpose, importance to the company's mission, and how it fits into the larger team or organizational goals. This "job description definition" should encapsulate the essence of the position in a few sentences.

4. Detail the Responsibilities: List the key "duties and responsibilities in job description," focusing on what the employee will do daily. Use action verbs to start each bullet point, and be clear about how the role contributes to the organization's success. Remember, a good "job description example" balances specificity with brevity to maintain clarity and engagement.

5. Specify Qualifications and Skills: Outline the "job description and job specification," including required and preferred educational background, experience, technical skills, and soft skills. This section answers the candidate's question: "Do I qualify for this job?"

6. Describe the Working Conditions: If relevant, describe the working environment, physical demands, and any travel requirements. A "job description template excel" or "job description template word" might include placeholders for this information, ensuring it's not overlooked.

7. Include Salary Range and Benefits: Transparency about compensation and benefits helps set expectations and attracts candidates who are a good fit. Mention any unique benefits that distinguish your company, such as flexible working conditions or professional development opportunities.

8. Call to Action: Conclude with clear application instructions. Whether directing candidates to an online application form or to submit their resume via email, make the next steps straightforward.

9. Review and Revise: Ensure your job description is free from errors and biases. Consider using a "job description form template" for consistency across your organization. Reviewing "list of job description" samples in your industry can also provide valuable insights.

10. Use Job Description Builder Tools: For efficiency, consider leveraging online tools like "Job Description.ai" or templates to ensure your descriptions meet industry standards and best practices.

By following these steps, you can create clear, inclusive, and effective job descriptions that attract the right candidates. Remember, a well-written job description is a powerful tool in your recruitment arsenal, serving not only to fill the current vacancy but also to enhance your employer brand and attract top talent in the future.

Job Description Templates: A Recruiter's Best Friend

In the world of recruitment, efficiency and consistency are key to attracting top talent. This is where "job description templates" become invaluable. Serving as a foundational blueprint, these templates ensure that every job posting maintains a high standard of clarity, completeness, and attractiveness to potential candidates. 

  1. Streamlining the Recruitment Process: Utilizing a well-structured "job description template" can significantly streamline the creation of job postings. By providing a consistent format, templates allow recruiters to focus on customizing content for the specific role rather than worrying about the layout and organization of each new job description. This efficiency not only saves time but also ensures that all necessary information is included in every posting.
  2. Ensuring Consistency and Clarity: A "job description template word" or "job description template excel" offers a uniform structure that helps maintain consistency across all job postings within an organization. This uniformity is crucial for candidates comparing different roles within your company and aids in setting clear expectations about the position's requirements and responsibilities.
  3. Facilitating Effective Communication: A good "job description template" serves as a communication tool, enabling recruiters to convey the key elements of a role succinctly. Templates often include placeholders for essential sections such as "duties and responsibilities in job description," "employee job description," and "job description and job specification," ensuring that candidates receive comprehensive information about the role.
  4. Enhancing SEO and Attractiveness: Templates designed with SEO in mind can improve the visibility of your job postings. Including relevant keywords such as "how to write a job description," "profession and job description," and "job description example" within your template can help your job postings rank higher in search engine results, attracting a larger pool of candidates.
  5. Adaptability to Various Formats: Whether you prefer working in Word, Excel, or any other format, there are templates available to suit your needs. "Job description template word" and "job description template excel" are particularly popular due to their ease of use and adaptability, allowing recruiters to create, store, and edit job descriptions with ease.

Job description templates are more than just a convenience; they are a strategic tool in the recruitment process. They not only ensure that job postings are consistent, clear, and comprehensive but also aid in optimizing them for search engines, thereby widening your reach to potential candidates. For recruiters looking to enhance their hiring process, adopting a "job description template" is indeed a step in the right direction.

Crafting Your Job Specification: A Detailed Overview

In the intricate process of recruitment, understanding and defining the role of a job specification within the broader job description is paramount. This detailed overview not only delineates the necessary qualifications, experience, and skills required for the position but also acts as a cornerstone for aligning candidate expectations with organizational needs. Integrating the "job description and job specification" effectively ensures a seamless match between the role's demands and the prospective employee's capabilities.

  1. Qualifications: Start by specifying the educational background needed for the role. Whether it's a bachelor's degree in a relevant field or specific professional certifications, clear qualifications set the foundation for the type of candidates you attract. Incorporating terms like "employee job description" helps to outline the expected educational pathway for potential applicants.
  2. Experience: Experience is often what sets candidates apart. Detail the years of professional experience required, along with the nature of this experience. For roles requiring specialized knowledge, such as those in technical fields or senior management, highlighting specific "profession and job description" experiences can help in attracting candidates who are not just qualified but also seasoned professionals in their respective areas.
  3. Skills: The skills section is where the "job description and job specification" truly converge to paint a picture of the ideal candidate. This includes both hard skills, such as proficiency in certain software or technical competencies, and soft skills, like leadership qualities, communication abilities, and problem-solving aptitude. Utilizing a "job description template" or "job description form template" can aid in ensuring these skills are presented in an organized and easy-to-understand manner.
  4. Best Practices: When drafting the job specification, incorporating "writing job descriptions best practices" is crucial. This involves being specific yet concise, using language that is inclusive and free of industry jargon, and ensuring the role's requirements are realistic and aligned with the market standards. A "good job description" balances the need for detail with the necessity of keeping the candidate engaged and informed.
  5. Customization and SEO: Tailoring the job specification to reflect the unique aspects of the role and your organization can significantly enhance its attractiveness. Additionally, incorporating SEO strategies, such as including relevant keywords like "how to write a job description" or "how to create a job description," can increase the visibility of your posting to the right candidates.

A well-crafted job specification is not just a section of a job description but a vital tool in the recruitment process. It sets the stage for attracting, evaluating, and eventually selecting the right candidate for the job. By clearly outlining the qualifications, experience, and skills needed, recruiters and talent acquisition experts can streamline their hiring process, ensuring they find the best match for both the role and the organization's culture.

Segment: Specify Qualifications and Skills

In the architecture of a compelling job description, detailing the qualifications and skills is pivotal. This section of the job description and job specification not only helps in screening candidates but also in setting clear expectations for the role. It answers a crucial question from the perspective of potential candidates: "Do I qualify for this job?"

  1. Educational Background: Start by specifying the educational qualifications necessary for the position. Whether it's a degree, diploma, or certain certifications, being clear about the educational requirements ensures that you attract candidates with the right foundational knowledge. For instance, a "job description for a Software Developer" might require a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field as a minimum educational qualification.
  2. Experience: Experience requirements give candidates insight into the level of expertise and familiarity with the field you expect. Be specific about the type of experience needed, including the years and the scope of work. For example, "An HR Manager job description might list 5+ years of experience in human resources management as a required qualification."
  3. Technical Skills: In today's job market, specifying technical skills is increasingly important. Detail any software, tools, or methodologies that the candidate should be proficient in. Utilizing a "job description template word" or "job description template excel" can help ensure these technical skills are clearly listed and easy to update as role requirements evolve.
  4. Soft Skills: Equally important are the soft skills that enable employees to navigate the workplace effectively. Skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving should be included to paint a complete picture of the ideal candidate. These skills often distinguish equally qualified candidates and contribute significantly to team dynamics and company culture.
  5. Preferred Qualifications: While the required qualifications are non-negotiable, outlining preferred qualifications can attract candidates who may bring additional value to the role. This could include skills or experiences that are beneficial but not essential for the role, providing insight into the broader scope of the position and potential for growth within the organization.

By clearly specifying the qualifications and skills required and preferred for a position, recruiters and talent acquisition specialists can streamline the hiring process, ensuring that candidates have a clear understanding of what is expected. This not only enhances the efficiency of the recruitment process but also improves the quality of applications, making it easier to identify candidates who are the best fit for the role and the organizational culture.

Job Description Template

[Job Title] Job Description

At [Company Name], we foster a culture of [briefly describe company culture, such as 'innovation', 'teamwork', 'customer focus', etc.]. We are currently seeking a [Job Title] who is passionate about [brief description of what the job entails, e.g., 'driving project success', 'enhancing customer engagement', 'managing financial operations']. The ideal candidate will be skilled in [mention a few key skills related to the position, e.g., 'leading teams', 'developing marketing strategies', 'operational management'], committed to delivering high-quality results that align with our company’s objectives.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • [List the primary responsibilities of the role.]
    • Example: Manage and oversee the daily operations of the [department/area].
    • Example: Develop and implement strategies to improve [mention what the strategies aim to improve, e.g., 'customer satisfaction', 'operational efficiency'].
    • Example: Collaborate with [mention any departments or roles they will work with, e.g., 'sales', 'marketing', 'upper management'] to align [department] goals with overall business objectives.
    • Example: Analyze data to monitor performance and plan improvements and demand.

Required Skills and Qualifications

  • [List required education, experience, skills, and technical knowledge.]
    • Example: Proven experience in [relevant experience].
    • Example: Strong understanding of [mention relevant technologies, theories, or methodologies].
    • Example: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
    • Example: Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines.

Preferred Skills and Qualifications

  • [List any preferred qualifications that are not mandatory but would benefit the role.]
    • Example: Advanced degree in [relevant field].
    • Example: Certifications such as [mention relevant certifications].

Salary Range

  • [Provide a salary range. Be transparent if possible, as it helps in attracting the right candidates.]
    • Example: $XX,XXX to $XX,XXX, depending on experience.


  • [List the benefits that your company offers which could attract potential candidates.]
    • Example: Health, dental, and vision insurance.
    • Example: Generous PTO policy.
    • Example: Retirement plans with company match.
    • Example: Opportunities for professional development and career advancement.

Use this [Job Title] job description template to advertise your open role and attract qualified candidates. Customize this template according to the specific needs of your [department/office/company].

This template serves as a foundation to ensure consistency and comprehensiveness across your job descriptions. Customize each section to reflect the specifics of the role you're hiring for, and remember to keep the language inclusive and welcoming to attract a diverse pool of candidates. Given below is another example to help you apply the methodology discussed so far.

Sales Development Representative Job Description

At [Company Name], we are dedicated to building strong customer relationships and driving business growth through innovative solutions. We are seeking a Sales Development Representative (SDR) who is energetic and passionate about engaging potential clients, understanding their needs, and identifying opportunities to advance the sales process. The ideal candidate will have a knack for initiating contact with potential customers through cold calls, emails, and social media interactions, and will be skilled at qualifying leads and setting up meetings for the sales team.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Engage with potential clients to introduce [Company Name] products and services, identifying alignment with the client's business needs.
  • Qualify leads from marketing campaigns as sales opportunities.
  • Contact potential clients through cold calls, emails, and social media platforms.
  • Set up meetings or calls between (prospective) clients and Sales Executives.
  • Report to the Sales Manager on weekly, monthly, and quarterly sales results.
  • Stay up-to-date with new products/services and new pricing/payment plans.

Required Skills and Qualifications

  • Proven work experience as a Sales Development Representative, Sales Account Executive, or similar role.
  • Hands-on experience with multiple sales techniques (including cold calls).
  • Track record of achieving sales quotas.
  • Familiarity with MS Excel (analyzing spreadsheets and charts).
  • Understanding of sales performance metrics.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
  • Ability to deliver engaging presentations.
  • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or relevant field.

Preferred Skills and Qualifications

  • Experience with CRM software (e.g., Salesforce).
  • Experience in selling [specific product/service type if applicable].
  • Knowledge of the [specific industry, e.g., technology, healthcare, etc.] market.

Salary Range

  • $40,000 to $55,000 annually, plus potential commissions and bonuses.


  • Competitive health, dental, and vision insurance.
  • Paid time off including vacation, personal, and sick days.
  • Company-sponsored retirement plan.
  • Extensive training and professional development opportunities.
  • Flexible working hours to accommodate different time zones.

Use this Sales Development Representative job description template to advertise your open role and attract top candidates who are eager to contribute to your sales team. Customize this template to reflect the specific requirements and responsibilities of your organization.

Create more job description templates with our free Job Description generator tool.

What can HR leaders do to create high-quality job descriptions?

HR professionals can integrate these few pointers to build job descriptions that attract suitable candidates:

  • Include the various essential sections: Craft a well-structured JD with the company overview, job summary, and an explanation of required responsibilities, skills, and qualifications. Also, specify the job’s benefits and perks as well—it can tip the scales for curious candidates. 
  • Make sure the descriptions are well-written: The quality of the job description reflects directly on the company ethos. An engaging, comprehensive, and concise job description demonstrates professionalism and trustworthiness.
  • Keep the target audience in mind: Use engaging and conversational language to write the job description that aligns with the company brand and also resonates with the applicants. 
  • Consult Project Managers about the Opening: Lack of internal communication can lead to hiring problems from the get-go. In order to avoid hiring the wrong people, you should consult your department heads and project managers about their candidate expectations.
  • Provide Candidates with Competitive Job Benefits: It’s not enough to simply list all the requirements you have from a candidate and call it a day. Competitive employment benefits will effectively attract applicants to your company.  
  • Avoid Spelling & Formatting Errors: Lastly, you should aim to maintain your business’ professional reputation by carefully proofreading any job description you post online. While it may seem like an obvious final step in writing a compelling job description, even a single grammar mistake can drive away potential candidates.
  • Be transparent: If this role entails long hours and hard work, say so. In doing that, you'll weed out people that don't fit the bill—and you won't be wasting anyone's time. And always quantify the experience level necessary.

Now some bonus tips - 

  • Write in a concise, direct style.
  • Always use simpler words rather than complicated ones; keeping sentence structure as simple as possible. It will cut verbiage, shorten your description, and enhance understanding.
  • Use descriptive action verbs in the present tense (for example: writes, operates, or performs).
  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms. Other people reading the position description may not be familiar with them. If abbreviations and acronyms are necessary, define them the first time you use them.
  • Avoid gender-specific language.
  • Focus on essential activities; omit trivial duties and occasional tasks.
  • Avoid references to other employees’ names, instead, refer to the job title or department.
  • Only include assigned duties today. Do not include potential future duties and eliminate any duties no longer required.
  • Use job description generator software to simplify the process. 

Why should creating high-quality job descriptions be a part of modern HR strategy?

Job descriptions aren’t just a supplementary component of the HR strategy. Modern HR strategy needs job descriptions to be effective. Complete, well-written job descriptions enable HR to build a plan that drives successful employee recruitment, engagement, and retention.

Creating a semi-informative and ordinary JD will only add to the problems of the HR professional and not solve any. 

With the surfacing of SaaS tools, you can utilize job description builder software to design a compelling JD that speaks volumes to the candidates and also save your time. 

Importance of Job Description

There are a multitude of advantages of a job description in organizations such as for hiring and employee performance evaluation. It is a document or information that is beneficial for both employees and employers. Here’s why:

  1. It is the backbone of the hiring process as it has all the important information about the skills and qualifications that should be matched while selecting the future employee of the organization.
  2. A good JD outlines what is expected from the employee and helps the employer define the necessary skills for the job
  3. A well-written JD helps to ensure that the job covers the appropriate activities, obligations, and responsibilities.
  4. A good JD provides clarity of the job role to the candidates.
  5. The job description helps in finding training and development opportunities.
  6. JD helps managers to manage employees and provides insight for succession planning.
  7. It resolves the issues when an employee refuses to do some tasks stating ‘it is not my job’. Also, avoid disputes based on who should perform which activities in the organization.
  8. It is a legal document and it can be used by the employee during any lawsuit against the organization.
  9. A well-crafted job description can help both applicants and interviewers prep for the big day. Applicants will be able to prepare for likely topics of conversation and interview teams will be equipped to ask questions that will accurately gauge the candidate’s qualifications.
  10. Once a candidate is hired, the job description will stand as a baseline to measure growth, reference during performance reviews, and consider future training opportunities.

Disadvantages of job descriptions

Job descriptions are useful for the company, the employee, and the applicants. But sometimes it can fall short and not fulfill its role. 

For example, a job description can be rendered useless for senior managerial positions because they cannot be bound to a few pointers in the JD, they should have the freedom to be flexible and take initiatives to guide the organization in a new direction. 

Another problem that arises is that many companies do not perform thorough job analysis and often leave out important details in the JD which can turn the candidate away. 

And last but not least, the HR professional may not be able to keep up with the changing trends of the job role and find it hard to update the job description constantly. One solution for this particular problem is to use a job description generator for resumes which can be less daunting. 

What should a job description include?

There is a list of do’s and dont’s that you should follow to build a job description that is compelling to the applicants:

The Do’s

  1. Refer to the Job Description Writing Guide
  2. Attend a Job Description Workshop
  3. Use a factual and impersonal style when writing the job description
  4. Base the job description on the department’s needs
  5. Write an accurate, concise, and complete job description
  6. Use complete sentences
  7. Keep sentence structure as simple as possible, omitting unnecessary words that do not contribute pertinent information.
  8. Begin each duty/task with an action verb.
  9. Be precise. This is critical for accurate job evaluation and analysis.
  10. Focus on critical activities.
  11. Use a logical sequence in describing duties and responsibilities (Key Responsibility first, followed by the corresponding duties)

The Dont’s

  1. Use the narrative form when writing a job description.
  2. Base the content of the job description on the capabilities, skills, and interests of the incumbent
  3. Write the job description as a step-by-step guide on how to do the job.
  4. Include minor or occasional tasks which are not unique to a specific job.

Uses of Job Description

A job description finds uses for both the employee and the employer. Check out how the two of them take advantage of the document here:

Use of job description for employers

During the hiring process, a job description defines the role of the position and the ideal candidate to fill it. The job description helps target recruitment to reach the ideal candidates with a thorough description that makes the job sound tempting. Hiring managers can use it to weed out applicants when choosing candidates for interviews. At the interview, the points in the description can serve as the basis for questions.

In the HR department, job descriptions aid in planning and implementing training. By looking at job descriptions, HR professionals identify the key skills that employees need, and then they cover those specific topics in training sessions. The training needs might apply to specific roles, specific departments, or the entire company. Job descriptions help HR determine who needs each type of training.

The details in the job descriptions may become checkpoints on employee evaluations. Supervisors use the duties and responsibilities as a guide for determining how well the employee performs. Likewise, the job description can come in handy when employees and their supervisors create goals or development plans.

Use of job description for job-seekers

If you're looking for a new job, you'll probably spend a lot of time looking over job descriptions. The statement indicates whether a potential job is interesting and aligns with your goals, interests, skills, and preferences. It shows you what the company expects and whether you fit the qualifications for the job position you're considering. You can use that information to tailor your application materials to what the company wants and prepare for potential interview questions.

By studying the job description, you can compare the position to similar jobs to see how the responsibilities, salaries, and benefits stack up. You start to get an idea of the industry standards for the type of positions you're considering. Information in job descriptions can help you negotiate when you receive a job offer because you have supporting details showing what's common in the industry.

Best Job Description Generator Tools for Recruiters

We have seen the ups and downs of creating a job description and how important it is for an organization. With the emergence of digital technology and artificial intelligence, every human work has been made easy and automated. 

Similarly, there are online job description generator tools floating around in the market and they are the future of recruitment (which is already here) that untangles the entire hassle of creating a job description and yields you a well-crafted document in minutes. 

To ease your quandary, we have siloed the best JD generator tools that are available right now:

  1. HireQuotient
  2. Snaphunt
  3. Textio
  4. Ryter
  5. Job Description.ai
  6. Pitch Me
  7. Ongig
  8. Jdxpert
  10. Linguix

Create a perfect job descriptions specific to your role:

  1. Director Of Marketing and Sales Job Description
  2. Chief Sales Officer Job Description
  3. Sales Specialist Job Description
  4. Sales Executive Job Description
  5. Sales Lead Job Description
  6. VP Sales Job Descriptions
  7. Inside Sales Representative Job Description
  8. Sales Assistant Job Description
  9. Sales Consultant Job Description
  10. Sales Coordinator Job Description
  11. Sales Engineer Job Description
  12. Sales Director Job Description
  13. Sales Representative Job Description
  14. Retail Sales Associate Job Description
  15. Sales Manager Job Description
  16. Sales Associate Job Description
  17. Crafting an Effective Human Resource Specialist Job Description
  18. Crafting an Effective Job Description for Human Resource Coordinators