How to hire

Outside Sales Representative

An outside sales representative, also known as a Field sales representative, is a professional who represents a company by engaging with external clients and customers in the field. Their primary role is to sell products or services, build and maintain customer relationships, and generate revenue through various sales techniques. They are responsible for identifying potential clients, conducting market research, creating tailored sales presentations, and negotiating contracts. Outside Sales Representatives play a crucial role in expanding the customer base, meeting sales targets, and providing valuable market insights. Their work involves adapting to changing market conditions and effectively managing their time and territory.

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What is an Outside Sales Representative?

An Outside Sales Representative, commonly known as a field Sales Representative or Account Executive, plays a pivotal role in driving an organization's growth and success by actresumesively engaging with external clients or customers. 

These professionals are the frontline ambassadors of a company, entrusted with the critical mission of promoting and expanding the company's market presence. Their multifaceted role revolves around sales, client relationship management, and strategic lead generation, all while striving to enhance revenue streams.


Some of the key roles and responsibilities of Outside Sales Representatives are:

Building Client Relationships: Outside Sales Representatives are tasked with establishing and nurturing enduring relationships with clients. This involves not only selling products or services but also fostering trust, credibility, and loyalty. They serve as the human link between the company and its customers, representing the brand and its values.

Sales and Revenue Generation: Their primary mission is to drive sales by identifying opportunities and converting leads into customers. They use an array of sales techniques, such as consultative selling, solution selling, or relationship selling, to tailor their approach to each unique client and situation.

Lead Generation: In order to reach sales targets, Outside Sales Representatives proactively seek out new prospects and leads. They meticulously scour the market, engage in market research, and tap into industry trends to identify potential customers, all while utilizing keyword-rich strategies such as "outside sales representative job description template."

Customized Sales Techniques: One of their key strengths is the ability to adapt their sales strategies to suit the unique needs and preferences of each client. By comprehensively understanding the client's challenges and objectives, they tailor their presentations, pricing structures, and negotiations to address these specific concerns.

In essence, an Outside Sales Representative is the embodiment of an organization's brand, acting as the face and voice in the field. Their role extends far beyond traditional sales; it's about building lasting connections, responding to the changing market dynamics, and ultimately contributing to the company's success.

Why Hire an Outside Sales Representative:

Hiring an Outside Sales Representative is not just a choice; it's a strategic imperative for organizations seeking to flourish in today's competitive business landscape. These professionals bring an array of advantages, including increased revenue, market expansion, profound market insights, and a unique ability to cater to individual client needs. This, in turn, fortifies a company's presence in the market and solidifies its position as an industry leader, echoing the "outside sales representative job description" at every touchpoint.

Also read: Hiring outside sales reps? Best Practices & Tips

Roles & Responsibilities of an Outside Sales Representative?

Outside Sales Representatives shoulder a diverse range of responsibilities that encompass sales, client relationship management, market analysis, and collaboration, all geared toward ensuring the company's growth and profitability.

Sales and Prospecting

  • Identifying Potential Clients: The foundation of an Outside Sales Representative's role lies in the identification and targeting of potential clients or customers, intending to expand the customer base. They employ various strategies and channels, leveraging the power of keywords like "outside sales representative job description template" to find and engage with prospective clients.
  • Market Research: In-depth market research is a vital task, allowing these professionals to understand customer needs and preferences. They explore customer behavior, preferences, and market trends, which is crucial in tailoring their sales approach effectively.
  • Maintaining a Robust Sales Pipeline: To meet and exceed sales targets and quotas, Outside Sales Representatives proactively develop and nurture a robust sales pipeline. This involves the continuous pursuit of new leads, further underlining their role in expanding the company's market presence.

Product/Service Presentation

  • Tailored Presentations: Beyond merely presenting products or services, Outside Sales Representatives specialize in crafting customized presentations that highlight the unique selling points of what they offer. They weave a narrative that speaks directly to the specific needs and aspirations of each client.
  • Addressing Inquiries and Objections: Being the first point of contact, they must effectively address customer inquiries, objections, and concerns. This requires a profound understanding of the products or services they represent and an ability to communicate their value persuasively.

Relationship Building

  • Nurturing Long-Term Relationships: Building and maintaining strong, long-term relationships with clients is an integral aspect of their role. This entails not only facilitating sales but also providing a superior level of customer service and support to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Client Retention: Beyond the initial sale, Outside Sales Representatives are responsible for ensuring client retention through regular follow-up and after-sales service. By employing strategies like "outside sales representative resume," they can personalize these efforts and strengthen client loyalty.

Negotiation and Closing

  • Effective Negotiation: Negotiating sales terms, pricing, and contracts is a critical skill that they bring to the table. This part of the role demands finesse and strategic thinking, as they work to secure mutually beneficial deals for both the client and the company.
  • Exceeding Sales Targets: Meeting or, better yet, exceeding sales targets and quotas is the hallmark of a successful Outside Sales Representative. Their ability to close deals and secure purchase orders or contracts is a testament to their sales acumen.

Market Analysis

  • Market Trend Monitoring: They vigilantly monitor market trends, competitor activities, and customer feedback. This proactive approach ensures that the company remains adaptable and well-informed about industry developments.
  • Sales Data Analysis: By analyzing sales data, they identify areas for improvement and growth. This process not only helps refine the sales strategy but also plays a role in optimizing the company's operations.
  • Insights Reporting: Their role extends to reporting market insights to the sales team and management, assisting in making informed, data-driven decisions. This is essential for a company's long-term success, as it ensures that strategies align with market dynamics.

Administrative Tasks

  • Precise Record Keeping: Meticulous record-keeping is imperative, as it maintains accurate records of sales activities and customer interactions. This aids in tracking progress, measuring performance, and addressing any discrepancies.
  • Reporting and Forecasting: The preparation of sales reports, forecasts, and budgets is an integral part of their administrative duties. These documents serve as guideposts for decision-makers and are indispensable in strategic planning.
  • Document Accuracy: Ensuring the accuracy of all paperwork, including contracts and invoices, is a key responsibility, as it helps avoid disputes and legal issues that may arise during the sales process.


  • Internal Team Collaboration: Collaboration with internal sales and marketing teams is essential to align strategies. Outside Sales Representatives ensure that the entire organization is on the same page, working towards common goals and leveraging the "outside sales job description template."
  • Knowledge Enhancement: They continuously update their product knowledge and industry expertise. This proactive approach ensures they stay on the cutting edge, enabling them to provide the most relevant and up-to-date information to clients and prospects.
  • In summary, the multifaceted role of an Outside Sales Representative extends far beyond traditional sales, encompassing market analysis, negotiation, and collaboration. Their comprehensive set of responsibilities positions them as invaluable assets in an organization's quest for growth and prosperity.

Talent sourcing

Why Hire an Outside Sales Representative?

Hiring an Outside Sales Representative is a strategic investment that can yield a multitude of benefits for your organization. These professionals serve as catalysts for growth and success in several key areas, providing essential value through their unique roles and skill sets.

Revenue Growth

Key to Increasing Revenue: One of the primary reasons to bring an Outside Sales Representative on board is their remarkable ability to actively seek and close sales opportunities. By identifying potential clients, engaging them, and expertly navigating the sales process, they serve as essential drivers of revenue growth.

Meeting or Exceeding Targets: Their proficiency in closing deals and securing purchase orders or contracts is central to achieving sales targets and quotas. This means not only meeting your revenue objectives but potentially surpassing them.

Outside Sales Representative Salary: Investing in an experienced Outside Sales Representative aligns with the organization's goal of maximizing revenue. The keyword "outside sales representative salary" highlights the value of this role in enhancing financial outcomes.

Market Expansion

Market Reach Enhancement: Outside Sales Representatives play an instrumental role in expanding the organization's market reach. By identifying and engaging new customers, they open doors to unexplored territories, helping the company break into new markets and expand its footprint.

Key to Market Penetration: Their efforts go beyond traditional sales; they are the catalyst for entering untapped markets, diversifying the client base, and tapping into previously uncharted business opportunities.

Customer Relationships

Foundation for Customer Loyalty: Building strong, lasting relationships with customers is vital for fostering repeat business and securing customer loyalty. Outside Sales Representatives are not just focused on closing the deal; they are equally committed to ensuring the satisfaction and retention of clients.

Exceptional Customer Service: Their commitment to providing exceptional customer service and support underscores their role as brand ambassadors. This dedicated service often leads to clients becoming loyal advocates for the company.

Client Retention: Their ongoing follow-up and after-sales service, as per "outside sales representative resume," reassure clients that their satisfaction remains a top priority. This proactive approach cements long-term relationships and secures a loyal customer base.

Market Insights

Invaluable Market Insights: Outside Sales Representatives serve as conduits of market intelligence, collecting invaluable data about market trends, competitor activities, and customer feedback. This data forms the foundation for informed and strategic decision-making within the organization.

Competitor Analysis: By observing and reporting on competitor activities, they provide a competitive edge that can be used to fine-tune the company's strategies and stay one step ahead in the market.


Personalized Sales Approaches: The ability to tailor sales approaches to cater to the unique needs of each customer is a hallmark of an Outside Sales Representative. This personalized touch significantly increases the likelihood of successful deals.

Adaptability to Client Needs: Recognizing that each client is unique, they employ consultative selling strategies, customizing their pitches to align with the specific challenges, goals, and preferences of each customer.

In sum, hiring an Outside Sales Representative is not merely an expense; it's a strategic investment in revenue growth, market expansion, and customer relationships. Their unique role as market observers and skilled relationship builders positions them as essential assets for your organization's long-term success.

Skills and Qualities of an Outside Sales Representative?

1. Sales Expertise: An effective Outside Sales Representative must be a maestro in sales techniques. Proficiency in prospecting involves identifying potential clients or customers strategically. Their presentation skills should be compelling, engaging, and customized, emphasizing unique selling points. Negotiation skills are essential for securing favorable terms, while closing skills are the culmination of a well-executed sales process.

2. Communication: Communication is the lifeblood of successful sales. Exceptional verbal and written communication skills are non-negotiable. Outside Sales Representatives must articulate the benefits of products or services persuasively, addressing customer inquiries with clarity and professionalism. This skill is the bridge between the product's value proposition and the client's needs.

3. Customer Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong customer relationships is at the core of their responsibilities. This involves more than just closing a sale; it requires cultivating trust, understanding client needs, and providing ongoing support. The ability to leverage customer relationship management tools and strategies is crucial for ensuring client satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Market Research: A keen skill in conducting market research sets exceptional Outside Sales Representatives apart. They must be adept at analyzing market trends, identifying opportunities, and understanding customer needs. This skill ensures that their sales approach is not only informed but also adaptive to the evolving market landscape.

5. Product Knowledge: Deep knowledge of the products or services offered is a foundational skill. This goes beyond memorizing features; it involves a nuanced understanding of how these offerings address specific customer pain points. This knowledge empowers them to tailor their sales presentations effectively, utilizing the "outside sales representative resume" to showcase their expertise.

6. Time Management: Efficient time management is critical in the dynamic field of outside sales. Outside Sales Representatives must prioritize tasks effectively to meet sales targets. This involves strategic planning, setting priorities, and allocating time wisely to maximize productivity and outcomes.

Personal Qualities

1. Persistence: Persistence is a hallmark of successful Outside Sales Representatives. They exhibit a relentless drive to overcome challenges and reach sales targets. This trait ensures that they navigate rejection and setbacks with resilience, always maintaining a focus on the end goal of securing successful deals.

2. Resilience: In the face of inevitable rejection and setbacks, resilience is a key personal quality. Outside Sales Representatives understand that these challenges are inherent in their role and gracefully navigate them. This quality is particularly crucial in maintaining motivation and a positive mindset throughout their sales journey.

3. Adaptability: The business landscape is dynamic, and so is the role of an Outside Sales Representative. Adaptability is the willingness to embrace changing market conditions and evolving customer preferences. This quality allows them to pivot their strategies and stay relevant in a constantly shifting environment.

4. Confidence: Confidence is the foundation of effective salesmanship. Outside Sales Representatives exude self-assuredness in their product knowledge, presentation skills, and interactions with clients. This confidence instills trust in customers and enhances their ability to influence purchasing decisions.

5. Honesty and Integrity: Maintaining high ethical standards is non-negotiable. Outside Sales Representatives must uphold honesty and integrity in all dealings with customers and colleagues. This not only builds trust but also contributes to the establishment of a positive and reputable brand image.

In essence, the combination of these skills and personal qualities equips Outside Sales Representatives to not only navigate the challenges of the field but also to excel in building lasting customer relationships and driving revenue growth.

The process of recruitment and selection

Outside Sales Representative Job Description Template 

Job Title: Outside Sales Representative

Location: [Location]

Salary Range: [Outside Sales Representative Salary]

Job Type: [Full-Time]

Company Overview:

[Company Name] is a leading provider of cutting-edge Information Technology solutions and services. We are seeking a dynamic and results-driven Outside Sales Representative to join our team. If you have a passion for technology and a proven track record in sales, we want to hear from you.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Identify and target potential clients in the [Location] area who require IT solutions.
  • Conduct in-depth market research to stay abreast of evolving technology trends and customer needs.
  • Develop and maintain a robust sales pipeline with a focus on lead generation for IT products and services.
  • Create customized sales presentations that articulate the value and benefits of our IT solutions.
  • Address customer inquiries, objections, and concerns effectively with a deep understanding of our technical offerings.
  • Build and maintain strong, long-term relationships with clients in the IT sector.
  • Negotiate sales terms, pricing, and IT service contracts with clients.
  • Achieve or exceed assigned sales targets and quotas, emphasizing the "outside sales representative job description" as a guide.
  • Continuously monitor market trends, competitor activities, and customer feedback to provide insights to the IT team.
  • Collaborate with the internal IT sales and marketing teams to align strategies and updates on technology products.


  • Proven experience as an Outside Sales Representative in the IT industry.
  • Strong track record of meeting or exceeding sales targets and quotas for IT products and services.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills, specifically in IT solutions.
  • Proficiency in conducting market research and understanding IT trends.
  • Self-motivated with a deep passion for technology.
  • Reliable, responsible, and dedicated with a strong work ethic.

Application Process:

Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume along with a cover letter outlining their relevant experience and why they are an ideal fit for this role. Please include your salary expectations.

[Company Name] is an equal opportunity employer, welcoming applications from candidates of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

How to Hire an Outside Sales Representative?

Hiring an Outside Sales Representative is crucial for businesses looking to expand their reach and directly engage with customers and clients in the field. This role requires strong interpersonal skills, the ability to adapt sales strategies to meet in-person demands, and a proactive approach to building and maintaining relationships. Follow this detailed guide to find and hire the ideal Outside Sales Representative for your team:

A. Clarify Your Needs and Goals

Define the specific responsibilities and goals for the Outside Sales Representative within your organization. Consider how this role will contribute to reaching out to new markets, enhancing customer interactions, and achieving sales targets through face-to-face meetings. A clear understanding of these needs will guide your search and help in evaluating the right candidates.

B. Craft a Detailed Job Description

Utilize the job description template provided earlier to create a detailed and enticing job posting. Highlight responsibilities such as conducting field sales visits, developing client relationships, presenting product demos, and closing sales deals. Specify required skills, experience, and qualifications, including proven sales ability, negotiation skills, and resilience. Be sure to also include information about your company culture and the benefits of joining your team. Enhance your job description with tools like HireQuotient's JD generator to help you create compelling JDs.

C. Utilize Various Recruitment Channels

Post the job across multiple platforms to reach a broad audience. This includes popular job boards, professional networking sites like LinkedIn, and industry-specific forums. Additionally, leverage your professional network for referrals, as they can often lead to high-quality candidates. Consider using EasySource to help you discover candidates from your internal and external candidate pools. EasySource's Candidate Discovery Module will automate candidate discovery based on the metrics you have set.

D. Screen for Key Competencies

Review applications with an eye for the core skills and experiences that align with the role's responsibilities. Look for candidates with a proven track record in sales, particularly in an outside sales environment, who demonstrate strong interpersonal and negotiation skills. Prioritize those who show a strong understanding of your industry and the ability to independently drive sales. To automate this process, EasySource's AI can assist with your candidate screening. EasySource's Candidate Screening Module will ensure that candidate profiles align with your job requirements.

E. Engage the Short-Listed Candidates

An integral part of the recruitment process is engaging the candidates that were shortlisted. You could send messages at scale using an automation tool, but to attract top-tier candidates, personalized messages that resonate with their specific skills and career aspirations are more effective. Creating a personal connection increases the likelihood of candidates engaging further. EasySource’s Candidate Engagement Module can help create compelling, personalized messages quickly and efficiently.

F. Assess the Skills of the Candidate

While resumes and profiles provide an overview, a comprehensive assessment of a candidate's proficiency is essential. Use HireQuotient’s candidate assessment tool, EasyAssess, which will help evaluate their sales skills and suitability for an outside sales role. The assessment tools ensure that the candidate's relevant skills are closely examined and evaluated. You can choose from a variety of assessments in our library of skill assessments.

G. Conduct In-Depth Interviews

Prepare a list of interview questions that delve into the candidate’s experience with outside sales, their approach to client management, and their ability to meet sales targets. Use behavioral interview techniques to assess their ability to navigate sales challenges and build client relationships effectively. Sample questions might include:

  1. What are the key responsibilities of an Outside Sales Representative?
  2. Describe a successful sale you closed in a face-to-face setting.
  3. How do you prepare for and follow up on client meetings?
  4. What strategies do you use to manage your territory and schedule?
  5. How do you handle rejection or a difficult sales negotiation?

Consider using HireQuotient's EasyInterview for efficient asynchronous video interviews.

H. Evaluate Interpersonal and Negotiation Skills

Assess the candidate's interpersonal skills and their ability to engage effectively with clients. Include role-playing scenarios or practical tests to evaluate their negotiation techniques and adaptability in real-world sales situations.

I. Check References

Contact previous employers to verify the candidate’s past job performance and achievements in outside sales roles. This can provide valuable insights into their work ethic, effectiveness, and potential fit with your team.

J. Make a Competitive Offer

Once you've identified the right candidate, make an attractive offer that reflects the value they bring to your organization. This should include not only a competitive salary but also benefits, opportunities for growth, and any other perks that make your company a great place to work.

K. Ensure a Smooth Onboarding Process

Facilitate a comprehensive onboarding process that introduces the new representative to your company’s sales processes, tools, and team members. A well-structured onboarding program is essential for setting them up for success in their new role.

By following these steps, you can hire an Outside Sales Representative who not only meets the technical and experience requirements of the role but also aligns with your company culture and contributes significantly to achieving your sales objectives.

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