

HR Certifications You Must Know About

Published on July 6th, 2023


the role of HR professionals has never been more critical. As organizations strive to attract, retain, and nurture talent, understanding the nuances of HR certifications becomes indispensable for recruiters, talent acquisition experts, and hirers. This guide aims to illuminate the complex world of HR certifications, underscoring their significance in identifying and securing the most competent HR professionals for your organization.

HR certifications are not just accolades; they are a reflection of an HR professional's commitment to excellence and continuous learning in the ever-evolving field of human resources. For recruiters and hirers, knowledge of these certifications is paramount in distinguishing the candidates who are best equipped to handle the multifaceted challenges of modern HR roles.

From ensuring compliance with labor laws to implementing cutting-edge talent management strategies, HR certified professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the table. This guide will navigate through the most sought-after HR certifications, including those offered by globally recognized bodies such as SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), HRCI (HR Certification Institute), and CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development). By delving into what these certifications entail and the expertise they signify, recruiters and talent acquisition specialists can make informed decisions, aligning their talent search with organizational goals and industry best practices.

Moreover, understanding the different levels and specializations within HR certifications can help hirers tailor their recruitment strategies to meet specific organizational needs. Whether it's navigating the intricacies of international labor laws or driving diversity and inclusion initiatives, the right HR certification can be a key differentiator in a candidate's profile.

As we embark on this exploration of HR certifications, remember that your ability to discern and value these credentials will not only enhance your recruitment process but also contribute significantly to the strategic talent management and overall success of your organization. Let this guide serve as your roadmap in harnessing the full potential of HR certifications to attract top-tier HR talent.

New technologies, regulations, and workplace trends are emerging all the time, and HR professionals need to stay up-to-date in order to be effective. One of the best ways to do this is to earn HR certifications and complete relevant courses.

HR certifications demonstrate your knowledge and skills to employers. They can also help you advance your career and earn a higher salary. There are many different HR certifications available, so you can choose one that aligns with your interests and career goals.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most important HR certifications and courses that you should know about. We will also provide tips on how to choose the right certifications for you.

The Strategic Value of HR Certifications in Talent Acquisition

In the competitive realm of talent acquisition, the significance of HR certifications cannot be overstated. For recruiters, talent acquisition experts, and hirers, recognizing the strategic value that certified HR professionals bring to the table is pivotal. These certifications serve as a beacon, signaling an HR professional's mastery over the latest industry standards, legal compliance, and best practices in human resource management.

HR certifications, such as those offered by SHRM, HRCI, and CIPD, are more than just credentials. They are a testament to an individual's dedication to staying at the forefront of HR developments. This commitment is crucial in today's fast-paced business environment, where HR policies and regulations are constantly evolving. By prioritizing candidates with HR certifications, recruiters ensure that their organization remains compliant with current laws and adopts HR best practices that foster a positive workplace culture and drive organizational success.

Moreover, HR certifications equip professionals with the skills necessary to implement effective talent management strategies. This includes talent acquisition, retention, and development, all of which are integral to achieving business goals. Certified HR professionals are adept at navigating the complexities of the labor market, leveraging their in-depth knowledge to attract and secure the best talent for their organization.

Incorporating HR certifications into your recruitment strategy also sends a strong message about your organization's commitment to excellence and professional development. It attracts like-minded candidates who value continuous learning and are likely to contribute positively to your organization's growth.

Therefore, understanding the strategic importance of HR certifications is essential for those involved in talent acquisition. This recognition not only enhances the recruitment process but also contributes to the long-term strategic objectives of the organization by ensuring that the HR function is led by professionals who are equipped with up-to-date knowledge and best practices.

HR Certifications: A Benchmark for Professional Excellence in Human Resources

In the intricate landscape of human resources, HR certifications emerge as a definitive benchmark of professional excellence, embodying a profound commitment to one's career in HR. For recruiters, talent acquisition experts, and hirers, these certifications represent a crucial criterion in evaluating a candidate's proficiency and dedication to the field. Esteemed institutions such as SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), HRCI (HR Certification Institute), and CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development) offer HR certifications that are universally recognized across the industry. These credentials stand as a testament to a candidate's comprehensive understanding, capabilities, and knowledge in human resources management.

HR certifications from these reputable organizations signal a candidate’s ability to stay abreast of the latest HR practices, trends, and legal compliance requirements. This is invaluable in a domain where continuous evolution is the norm. By prioritizing these certifications in hiring decisions, recruiters and hirers can ensure they are selecting candidates who not only meet the baseline requirements for HR roles but also exceed them. These certified professionals bring with them a wealth of industry-specific knowledge and a proven skill set that can significantly enhance an organization’s HR functions.

Moreover, HR certifications serve as a reliable measure of a candidate’s commitment to ongoing professional development. This commitment is indicative of an individual’s dedication to not just fulfilling their role but excelling within it, thereby contributing to the organization's success. In the competitive talent market, having an HR certification can be the differentiator that sets a candidate apart, offering recruiters and hirers confidence in their potential for making impactful contributions.

For organizations aiming to uphold the highest standards in HR practices, incorporating HR certifications into their talent acquisition criteria is not just a strategy—it's a necessity. These certifications provide a solid foundation upon which to build a robust HR department capable of addressing the dynamic challenges of today’s workforce.

In essence, HR certifications are more than just credentials; they are a marker of professional excellence in human resources. As the industry continues to evolve, the significance of these certifications in the recruitment process will only amplify, underscoring the need for recruiters, talent acquisition specialists, and hirers to recognize and value these qualifications in their search for the most qualified HR professionals.

Leveraging HR Certifications for Organizational Growth and Development

In the quest for organizational excellence, the role of HR certifications emerges as a pivotal element in catalyzing growth and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. The correlation between certified HR professionals and enhanced organizational outcomes is undeniable, with empirical evidence and case studies underscoring the transformative impact of HR certifications on employee satisfaction, retention rates, and overall productivity.

Businesses that invest in HR certifications for their personnel often report significant improvements in operational efficiency and employee morale. For instance, a study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) highlighted that organizations with a higher proportion of certified HR professionals experienced lower turnover rates and higher employee engagement scores. This is indicative of the profound influence that HR certifications have in equipping professionals with the strategies and best practices required to nurture a positive work environment.

Moreover, HR certifications play a critical role in embedding a culture of continuous learning and professional development within an organization. This culture not only motivates individuals to pursue excellence in their roles but also aligns their personal growth trajectories with the organization's strategic objectives. Certified HR professionals, with their up-to-date knowledge of industry standards and regulatory compliance, are well-positioned to lead developmental initiatives, mentor colleagues, and drive policies that support career advancement and skill enhancement across the board.

Additionally, the presence of certified HR personnel can significantly enhance an organization’s reputation in the talent market, making it an employer of choice for top-tier candidates. This is particularly relevant in competitive industries where attracting and retaining the best talent is paramount for sustained success. HR certifications signal an organization's commitment to high standards and best practices in human resource management, thereby attracting professionals who value excellence and are likely to contribute positively to the organizational ethos.

In essence, leveraging HR certifications is not merely about fulfilling a criterion; it's about consciously integrating a catalyst that propels organizational growth, nurtures a learning-oriented workplace, and sets a foundation for sustained excellence and innovation. As recruiters, talent acquisition experts, and hirers, recognizing and prioritizing these certifications in your talent strategy can be a game-changer, positioning your organization to thrive in the complexities of the modern business landscape.

HR Certification Trends: What Recruiters Need to Know

In an ever-evolving HR landscape, staying abreast of the latest trends in HR certifications is essential for recruiters, talent acquisition experts, and hirers. The current trajectory in the HR field points towards a growing emphasis on diversity and inclusion, remote workforce management, and HR analytics. These emerging areas of specialization are not just buzzwords but are rapidly becoming core components of the HR function, reflecting the changing dynamics of the workplace and workforce.

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I): In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards prioritizing D&I within organizations. HR certifications that focus on diversity and inclusion are gaining traction, equipping HR professionals with the knowledge and skills to foster an inclusive culture. Recruiters should look for candidates with certifications in D&I, as they are likely to be adept at implementing strategies that enhance diversity, equity, and inclusivity in the workplace.

Remote Workforce Management: The rise of remote work has necessitated a new set of skills for managing distributed teams effectively. HR certifications that cover remote workforce management are increasingly relevant, preparing HR professionals to tackle the unique challenges of remote work arrangements. Candidates with such certifications can offer valuable insights into best practices for remote team engagement, productivity, and communication.

HR Analytics: The ability to interpret and leverage data is becoming crucial in the HR domain. HR analytics certifications are on the rise, empowering HR professionals to make data-driven decisions that align with business objectives. Recruiters should seek out candidates proficient in HR analytics, as they can play a pivotal role in talent acquisition, performance management, and strategic planning through analytical insights.

Understanding these trends and recognizing the value of HR certifications in these areas can significantly enhance a recruiter's ability to identify candidates who are not only equipped to handle the contemporary challenges of HR management but are also poised to drive innovation and excellence within the organization.

As the demand for these specialized skills increases, HR professionals who proactively pursue certifications in these areas demonstrate their commitment to professional growth and their readiness to contribute to their organization's success in a meaningful way. For recruiters, prioritizing these certifications in the hiring process ensures that the organization remains competitive, adaptive, and forward-looking in its approach to HR management.

The ROI of Investing in Certified HR Professionals

In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition and organizational development, the importance of investing in certified HR professionals cannot be understated. For recruiters, talent acquisition experts, and hirers, understanding the return on investment (ROI) associated with hiring HR professionals who have pursued HR certifications is crucial. This segment delves into the tangible and intangible benefits that certified HR staff bring to an organization, underlining the cost-effectiveness and long-term advantages of such an investment.

Certified HR professionals, backed by credentials from reputable bodies such as SHRM, HRCI, or CIPD, come equipped with a proven knowledge base, up-to-date industry insights, and a commitment to adhering to best practices and ethical standards. Research and data consistently show that organizations that prioritize hiring certified HR personnel see a marked improvement in various performance metrics.

Quantifiable Benefits: Studies have demonstrated that companies with a higher percentage of certified HR professionals experience lower employee turnover rates, higher employee satisfaction scores, and improved employee engagement levels. For instance, a report by the HR Certification Institute highlights that businesses employing certified HR professionals report up to 33% less staff turnover, directly translating into significant cost savings related to recruitment, onboarding, and training of new hires.

Strategic Advantages: Beyond the immediate financial savings, certified HR professionals contribute to strategic planning and implementation. Their expertise in areas such as workforce planning, talent management, and organizational development enables them to align HR strategies with business goals effectively. This alignment is pivotal in achieving long-term organizational success, driving productivity, and fostering innovation.

Enhancing Employer Branding: Investing in certified HR staff also enhances an organization's employer branding, making it more attractive to top talent. A strong team of HR professionals certified in the latest HR disciplines signifies an organization's commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, positioning it as an employer of choice.

Long-term ROI: While the initial investment in hiring certified HR professionals may be higher compared to non-certified counterparts, the long-term ROI is substantial. Certified HR staff are more likely to implement efficient, legally compliant HR practices that mitigate risk, enhance operational efficiency, and drive employee performance. Moreover, their strategic input can lead to better decision-making, contributing to the organization's resilience and adaptability in a changing business environment.

In conclusion, the ROI of investing in certified HR professionals is multifaceted, encompassing cost savings, strategic gains, enhanced employer branding, and overall organizational excellence. For recruiters and organizations aiming to thrive in today's dynamic market, prioritizing HR certifications in their hiring criteria is a strategic move that promises substantial returns.

How to Validate HR Certifications: A Practical Guide for Recruiters

In the intricate process of talent acquisition, the ability to authenticate HR certifications claimed by candidates is crucial for recruiters, talent acquisition experts, and hirers. This guide offers practical advice on verifying the authenticity and validity of HR certifications, ensuring that the credentials of potential hires are not only current but also legitimate. As HR certifications become a pivotal factor in hiring decisions, understanding how to validate these credentials is essential.

Checking Accreditation: The first step in validating HR certifications is to verify the accreditation of the issuing body. Reputable HR certifications are usually awarded by well-known institutions such as SHRM, HRCI, or CIPD. Recruiters should familiarize themselves with these organizations and their certification processes. A quick visit to the official website of these certifying bodies can provide information on accredited certifications and the standards candidates must meet to achieve them.

Contacting Certifying Bodies: For further validation, recruiters can directly contact the certifying bodies. Most organizations are willing to confirm the certification status of individuals upon request, provided privacy policies are adhered to. This direct verification can confirm the certification's authenticity and the candidate's standing with the certifying body.

Understanding Recertification Requirements: HR certifications are not lifetime awards; they often have expiration dates and require recertification. Recruiters should inquire about the recertification process and whether the candidate has met these requirements. Understanding the recertification criteria, such as continuing education units (CEUs) or professional development credits, can also provide insight into the candidate's ongoing commitment to their professional development in the HR field.

Leveraging Online Verification Tools: Some HR certifying bodies offer online verification tools that allow employers to check the certification status of candidates quickly. These tools can be an efficient way to confirm the validity of HR certifications without the need for direct contact. Recruiters should leverage these digital resources whenever available to streamline the verification process.

Asking for Documentation: Finally, recruiters can ask candidates to provide documentation of their certification. Certificates, transcripts, or digital badges can serve as proof of achievement. However, it's important to note that documentation should be used in conjunction with other verification methods to ensure its authenticity.

By following these practical steps, recruiters and talent acquisition experts can ensure that the HR certifications presented by candidates are genuine. This diligence not only safeguards the integrity of the hiring process but also ensures that organizations are bringing on board HR professionals who are qualified and up-to-date with the latest in human resource management.hich keywords will be used where. Do not stuff the keywords, provide the right context when including each keyword.

Encouraging Professional Development: Supporting HR Certification Pursuits

In the dynamic field of human resources, the pursuit of professional development and HR certifications is not just an individual endeavor but a strategic organizational asset. Recognizing and supporting HR certification pursuits within your organization is pivotal for recruiters, talent acquisition experts, and hirers. This final discussion underscores the importance of fostering an environment that champions continuous learning and professional growth.

Offering Study Leaves: One effective strategy to support HR professionals in their certification pursuits is by offering study leaves. Allowing dedicated time away from work responsibilities can significantly enhance the ability of your HR team to prepare for and successfully achieve their HR certifications. This not only demonstrates the organization’s commitment to employee development but also ensures that your HR staff are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills in the field.

Covering Exam Fees: The cost of HR certification exams can be a barrier for some professionals. By covering these exam fees, organizations can remove financial obstacles, making it easier for HR staff to pursue these valuable credentials. This investment in your HR team’s development is a testament to the value the organization places on high-quality HR practices and standards.

Providing Access to Preparatory Resources: Access to quality preparatory materials and resources is crucial for HR professionals aiming to obtain HR certifications. Employers can facilitate this by providing study materials, online courses, or even access to workshops and seminars. Collaborating with reputable HR education providers to offer these resources can significantly enhance the preparedness and confidence of your HR staff as they pursue certification.

Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning: Beyond individual support mechanisms, cultivating a culture that values continuous learning and professional development is essential. Encourage knowledge sharing among HR staff, organize internal training sessions, and celebrate certification achievements. Such a culture not only boosts the capabilities of the HR department but also fosters a sense of community, engagement, and loyalty among employees.

Recognizing and Rewarding Achievements: Acknowledging and rewarding the attainment of HR certifications can further motivate your HR team to engage in professional development activities. Recognition can take many forms, from formal acknowledgment in company communications to career advancement opportunities and financial incentives.

Supporting HR certification pursuits is a win-win strategy that enhances the HR department's capabilities while simultaneously contributing to a more engaged and committed workforce. By implementing these strategies, organizations can ensure their HR teams are well-positioned to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, driving organizational success through effective human resource management.

What are HR Certifications?

HR certifications are professional credentials that demonstrate your knowledge and skills in human resources. They are awarded by professional organizations after you have passed a rigorous exam. HR certifications can help you advance your career, earn a higher salary, and become a more valuable asset to your employer.

Obtaining an HR certification demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning and professional development, while also signaling to employers and colleagues that you possess the necessary qualifications to excel in various HR roles. These certifications cover a wide range of HR disciplines, including but not limited to recruitment, employee relations, compensation and benefits, training and development, and HR strategy.

HR certifications often require candidates to meet specific educational requirements, accumulate relevant work experience, and successfully pass rigorous examinations. They are a testament to an individual's mastery of HR best practices, industry standards, and legal regulations.

Why are HR Certifications Important?

  • Enhances Career Opportunities: Holding an HR certification can significantly enhance your career prospects. A study by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) found that 72% of HR professionals who are certified believe that their certification has helped them advance their careers.
  • Demonstrates Competence: HR certifications validate your expertise and competence in the HR field. According to a survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 94% of HR professionals with a certification believe it has increased their credibility within the industry.
  • Certifications can boost your salary: According to a study by PayScale, HR professionals with certifications earn an average of 12% more than those without certifications. This is because certifications show employers that you are committed to your career and that you have the skills and knowledge to do your job well.
  • Provides Networking Opportunities: Certifications often grant access to exclusive professional networks and communities. According to SHRM, certified HR professionals are more likely to engage in professional networking activities and connect with industry peers.

Benefits of HR Certifications

HR certifications offer a number of benefits including:

  • Enhanced credibility and recognition within the HR industry.
  • Expanded career opportunities and advancement potential.
  • Increased earning potential and higher salary prospects.
  • Demonstrated competence and expertise in HR practices.
  • Access to exclusive professional networks and communities.
  • Ongoing professional development and up-to-date knowledge.
  • Adaptation to changing industry standards and regulations.
  • Improved job security and marketability.
  • Recognition as a dedicated HR professional committed to excellence.
  • Increased confidence in tackling complex HR challenges.

When to Consider HR Certifications?

There are many factors to consider when deciding when to get an HR certification. Here are a few of the most important:

  • Your career goals. If you are looking to advance your career in HR, then an HR certification can be a valuable investment. Certifications can help you gain a competitive edge in the job market, improve your chances of getting promoted, and increase your earning potential.
  • Your experience level. If you are new to the field of HR, then an entry-level certification may be a good option for you. This will help you demonstrate your skills and knowledge to employers and show that you are committed to your career. If you have more experience in HR, then you may want to consider a more advanced certification.
  • Your personal goals. If you are looking to learn more about a specific area of HR, then you may want to consider a certification that focuses on that area. For example, if you are interested in employee relations, then you may want to consider a certification in that area.
  • The cost of certification. HR certifications can be expensive, so it is important to factor in the cost when making your decision. There are many different ways to finance your certification, such as employer reimbursement, scholarships, and loans.
  • Career Transition. If you are looking to switch careers and enter the HR field from a different industry or profession, earning an HR certification can help you bridge the knowledge and skill gap. 

Types of HR Certifications

SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP)


The SHRM-CP (Society for Human Resource Management Certified Professional) is an entry-level certification offered by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). It is designed for HR professionals with at least one year of experience in the field.

Eligibility Requirements for SHRM-CP

  • Intended for individuals performing general HR/HR-related duties or those pursuing a career in Human Resource Management.
  • Candidates are not required to hold an HR title.
  • No degree or previous HR experience is necessary to apply.
  • Basic working knowledge of HR practices and principles is recommended.
  • Degree from an Academically Aligned program is recommended.

Exam Fees

Fee TypeSHRM Member PriceNon-member Price
Early-Bird Exam Fee$335$435
Standard Exam Fee$410$510
Student Exam Fee$149$209
Corporate Exam Fee$270$270






Exam Details 

  • Two types of multiple-choice questions: knowledge-based items and situational judgment items.
  • Knowledge-based items assess factual information and understanding.
  • Situational judgment items assess judgment and decision-making skills.
  • Approximately half of the items allocated to behavioral competency clusters and half to HR knowledge domains.
  • 24 field-test items gather data on question effectiveness and are not part of the candidate's score.
  • Exam duration: Four hours (including 3 hours and 40 minutes of testing time).
  • Total of 134 questions (80 knowledge items and 54 situational-judgment items).
  • Computer-based testing at authorized testing centers or remotely through live remote proctoring.

Certification Span

Recertification is required every three years from your initial certification. You can choose to earn 60 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) or retake the exam to maintain your certification.



The SHRM-SCP (Society for Human Resource Management Senior Certified Professional) is an advanced-level certification offered by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). It is designed for HR professionals with at least three years of experience in the field.

Eligibility Requirements for SHRM-SCP

  • Minimum 3 years of work experience performing strategic-level HR or HR-related duties.
  • OR, SHRM-CP credential holders who have held the credential for at least 3 years and are working in, or transitioning to, a strategic-level role.
  • Candidates for the SHRM-SCP certification are not required to hold an HR title.
  • A degree is not mandatory to apply for the certification.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a minimum of 1,000 hours per calendar year (Jan. - Dec.) devoted to strategic-level HR or HR-related work.

Exam Fees

Fee TypeSHRM Member PriceNon-member Price
Early-Bird Exam Fee$335$435
Standard Exam Fee$410$510
Student Exam Fee$149$209
Corporate Exam Fee$270$270






Exam Details

  • The SHRM-SCP exam consists of two types of multiple-choice questions: knowledge-based items and situational judgment items.
  • The exam is four hours in length, including 3 hours and 40 minutes of testing time.
  • It consists of 134 questions: 80 knowledge items and 54 situational judgment items.
  • There are 24 field-test items included, which do not count toward the candidate's score but gather data on question effectiveness.
  • The exam is conducted via computer-based testing.
  • Candidates can choose to take the exam in-person at an authorized testing center or remotely from home through live remote proctoring.

Certification Span

Recertification is required every three years from your initial certification. You can choose to earn 60 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) or retake the exam to maintain your certification.

Professional in Human Resources (PHR)


The Professional in Human Resources (PHR) is an entry-level certification offered by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). It is designed for HR professionals with at least one year of experience in the field.

The PHR certification is designed for HR professionals who are involved in program implementation, have tactical and operational responsibilities, and focus on individual HR functions rather than strategic decisions. It signifies that an individual possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to handle the operational aspects of HR management effectively.

Eligibility Requirements for PHR

To be eligible for the PHR certification, the applicant should possess one of the following:

  • One year of experience in a professional-level HR position and a Master's degree or higher.
  • Two years of experience in a professional-level HR position and a Bachelor's degree.
  • Four years of experience in a professional-level HR position.

Exam Fees: $395.00 + Application Fee: $100.00

Exam Details

  • Exam Time: 2 hours (plus 30 minutes of administration time)
  • Exam Length: 90 scored questions + 25 pretest questions
  • The exam is computer-based.
  • It is administered at Pearson VUE testing centers.
  • Alternatively, candidates can take the exam remotely from their home or office using OnVUE.

Certification Span: To maintain the validity of your PHR certification, you are required to either earn 60 HR recertification credits within a three-year period or retake the exam. The certification remains valid for three years from the date of testing.

Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD)


The Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) is a credential offered by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) for professionals in the field of workplace learning and performance.  It is a comprehensive certification that evaluates a professional's expertise and practical application across a wide range of talent development capabilities.

Eligibility Requirements for CPTD

To be eligible for the CPTD program, candidates must have:

  • At least five years of professional work experience in the talent development or related fields.
  • Completed 60 hours of professional development in talent development within the last five years.

Alternatively, CPTD candidates must have:

  • At least four years of professional work experience in the talent development field or related fields.
  • Have earned the Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) certification and be in good standing.

Exam Fees: $975 (members) and $1350 (non-members)

Exam Details

  • Exam time: 3 hours
  • Exam format: Multiple choice questions and case management questions will be used.
  • The exam is computer-based.
  • Testing centers are conveniently located worldwide.
  • Alternatively, the exam can be taken in a secure location of your choosing through remote proctoring.

Certification Span: To maintain the CPTD® credentials, recertification is required every three years. To recertify, CPTDs must earn a minimum of 60 recertification points within that three-year period. 

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) Certification


The Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) certification is a professional designation offered by the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA). It is designed to recognize the knowledge and skills of HR professionals in Canada.

Eligibility Requirements for CHRP

  • Sufficient Foundation of HR Discipline-Specific Knowledge: To qualify for the CHRP designation, applicants must demonstrate a solid understanding of HR discipline-specific knowledge.
  • Coursework Requirement: Completion of specific coursework is necessary to meet the HR discipline-specific knowledge requirement. This coursework serves as the primary means to fulfill the eligibility criteria.
  • Pre-Requisite for CHRP Knowledge Exam: The coursework requirement must be satisfied before an individual becomes eligible to register for the CHRP Knowledge Exam. It is a prerequisite for exam registration.
  • Confirmation by HRPA: The Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) is responsible for confirming whether an individual has met the coursework requirement. Only after HRPA verifies the completion of the required coursework, can an individual proceed to register for the CHRP Knowledge Exam.

Exam Fees: Course approval for out-of-province coursework (per course) $90.00 Per Course

Exam Details

  • The exam format consists of 175 multiple-choice questions.
  • The questions in the exam are presented in a multiple-choice format.
  • Candidates will need to select the most appropriate answer from the provided options.
  • The exam evaluates candidates' understanding and proficiency in HR-related areas and topics.
  • Successful completion of the exam is a requirement for achieving the CHRP certification.

Certification Span: To maintain your CHRP designation, professionals are required to maintain an active membership with HRPA that is in good standing throughout the recertification period. By meeting these requirements, HR professionals can ensure the continued validity and recognition of their CHRP designation.

Certified Learning and Development Professional (CLDP)

The Certified Learning and Development Professional (CLDP) is a prestigious certification offered by the Learning and Performance Institute (LPI). It's designed for HR professionals specializing in training, learning, and organizational development. The certification underscores a professional's adeptness in designing and implementing effective learning strategies that align with business goals.

Eligibility Requirements for CLDP:

  • A minimum of two years of experience in a learning and development role.
  • Evidence of leading successful learning projects.
  • Commitment to adhere to the LPI Code of Practice.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypeLPI Member PriceNon-member Price
Application Fee$250$350
Exam Fee$400$500

Exam Details:

  • Format: The assessment comprises a practical portfolio submission and a professional discussion.
  • Duration: Candidates have six months from registration to submit their portfolio.
  • Portfolio: Must demonstrate practical application and impact of learning initiatives.
  • Professional Discussion: A 90-minute discussion with LPI assessors to explore the portfolio’s depth and impact.

Certification Span:

  • CLDP certification is valid for three years. Recertification requires evidence of continued professional development (CPD) and contributions to the learning and development community.

The CLDP certification is ideal for HR professionals who wish to solidify their expertise in learning and development, showcasing a commitment to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and talent development within organizations. As the demand for skilled learning and development professionals increases, the CLDP serves as a marker of excellence and dedication to the advancement of learning practices.

Associate Professional in Human Resources - International (aPHRi)

The Associate Professional in Human Resources - International (aPHRi) is an entry-level certification from the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) specifically designed for HR professionals outside the United States. It provides a solid foundation in HR practices and principles and is aimed at individuals who are beginning their HR careers on a global scale.

Eligibility Requirements for aPHRi:

  • No HR experience is required, making it accessible for entry-level professionals.
  • High school diploma or global equivalent as the minimum educational requirement.
  • Aimed at HR professionals outside the United States.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypeHRCI Member PriceNon-member Price
Exam Fee$300$400
Application Fee$100$100

Exam Details:

  • Format: Multiple-choice questions covering foundational HR practices and principles.
  • Duration: 2 hours and 15 minutes.
  • Number of Questions: 100 scored questions plus 25 pretest questions.
  • Delivered through Pearson VUE testing centers worldwide or online proctored exam.

Certification Span:

  • The aPHRi certification is valid for three years. Recertification requires demonstrating continued professional development or retaking the exam.

The aPHRi certification is tailored for HR practitioners at the beginning of their careers, providing them with an internationally recognized credential that validates their understanding of HR operations and practices. It is especially valuable for those seeking to establish a credible footing in the HR field while preparing for further professional advancement.

Global Talent Management Leader (GTML)

The Global Talent Management Leader (GTML) is a prestigious certification offered by the Talent Management Institute (TMI). This certification is designed for HR professionals who lead talent management in organizations that operate across different countries and cultures.

Eligibility Requirements for GTML:

  • Minimum of 10 years of work experience, with at least five years in a talent management leadership role.
  • Master’s degree or equivalent in HR, Business, or a related field.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypeTMI Member PriceNon-member Price
Certification Fee$2,200$2,700

Exam Details:

  • The GTML certification process includes a comprehensive evaluation of the candidate's portfolio of talent management initiatives and a leadership assessment.
  • Candidates must submit a detailed report of their strategic talent management projects and achievements.
  • A leadership assessment conducted by TMI assessors evaluates the candidate's capabilities in leading talent management on a global scale.

Certification Span:

  • GTML certification is valid for five years. Recertification requires evidence of ongoing leadership in global talent management and continuous professional development.

The GTML certification is aimed at senior HR professionals and leaders who have made significant contributions to the field of talent management. It recognizes their strategic vision, leadership, and ability to drive organizational success through effective talent management strategies across global operations.

Human Capital Strategist (HCS)

Offered by the Human Capital Institute (HCI), the Human Capital Strategist certification is designed for HR professionals and business leaders who want to develop and implement forward-thinking human capital practices in their organizations.

Eligibility Requirements for HCS:

  • Open to all HR professionals and business leaders interested in strategic human capital management.
  • No specific prerequisites regarding experience or education level.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypeHCI Member PriceNon-member Price
Certification Fee$2,295$2,495

Exam Details:

  • The HCS certification does not require passing an exam; instead, it involves completing a two-day interactive workshop.
  • Participants engage in case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises.
  • Certification is awarded upon completion of the workshop and evaluation.

Certification Span:

  • The HCS certification is valid indefinitely, but HCI recommends continuous learning through their webinars, conferences, and additional courses.

The HCS certification is ideal for HR professionals aiming to align human capital strategies with business objectives, enhancing organizational performance through effective talent management and development strategies.

Talent Management Certification Program (TMCP)

The Talent Management Institute offers the Talent Management Certification Program, tailored for HR practitioners focusing on talent management aspects within organizations.

Eligibility Requirements for TMCP:

  • A Bachelor's degree or equivalent in any discipline.
  • At least two years of work experience in an HR or talent management role.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypeTMI Member PriceNon-member Price
Certification Fee$1,650$1,850

Exam Details:

  • Format: Online exam consisting of multiple-choice questions.
  • Duration: 2 hours.
  • The exam covers various aspects of talent management, including strategy, acquisition, development, and retention.

Certification Span:

  • TMCP certification is valid for three years. Recertification requires earning professional development credits or retaking the exam.

The TMCP certification is perfect for HR professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in talent management and contribute to their organization's talent strategy effectively.

Associate Professional in Human Resources - International™ (aPHRi™)

The Associate Professional in Human Resources - International™ (aPHRi™) is a globally recognized entry-level certification designed by the HR Certification Institute (HRCI). This certification is perfect for professionals embarking on an HR career on a global scale.

Eligibility Requirements for aPHRi:

  • There are no eligibility criteria based on education or HR experience, making it accessible for individuals starting their HR career journey.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypeHRCI Member PriceNon-member Price
Certification Fee$300$400

Exam Details:

  • Format: Multiple-choice questions covering foundational HR practices and principles as applied in a global context.
  • Duration: 2 hours and 15 minutes.
  • The exam is administered via computer-based testing at Pearson VUE testing centers globally or through online proctoring.

Certification Span:

  • The aPHRi certification is valid for three years, requiring recertification through continuing education or reexamination to maintain its validity.

This certification lays the groundwork for understanding HR's role within an international business framework, providing a solid foundation for further professional development in human resources.

Global Talent Management Leader (GTML™)

The Talent Management Institute (TMI) offers the Global Talent Management Leader (GTML™) certification, aimed at senior HR professionals and consultants who lead talent management in multinational corporations.

Eligibility Requirements for GTML:

  • A minimum of 8 years of experience in an HR or talent management role, with at least 3 years in a leadership position.
  • A Master's degree or higher in HR, Business Administration, or a related field is preferred.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypeTMI Member PriceNon-member Price
Certification Fee$2,200$2,400

Exam Details:

  • The GTML™ certification process includes a rigorous assessment of talent management strategies, leadership capabilities, and the ability to manage talent in a global setting.
  • Candidates must submit a portfolio of their work in global talent management, followed by an interview with a panel of TMI-credentialed experts.

Certification Span:

  • Valid for five years, with the requirement of earning professional development credits focused on global talent management practices for recertification.

The GTML™ certification is recognized as a mark of excellence for HR leaders in the global talent management arena, emphasizing strategic insight and leadership in managing talent across diverse cultural and geographical boundaries.

Society for Human Resource Management - Certified Professional (SHRM-CP)

The Society for Human Resource Management - Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) is designed for HR professionals who are in the early stages of their career. It focuses on the implementation of policies and strategies, serves HR professionals in operational roles, and engages in practices that affect the success of the organization.

Eligibility Requirements for SHRM-CP:

  • Less than a Bachelor’s degree with 3-4 years of HR experience, depending on the level of the degree obtained.
  • Bachelor’s degree in an HR-related program with at least 1 year of experience in an HR role or a Bachelor’s degree in a non-HR program with 2 years in an HR role.
  • Graduate degree in an HR-related program with current HR employment or a Graduate degree in a non-HR program with at least 1 year of experience in an HR role.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypeSHRM Member PriceNon-member Price
Application Fee$300$400
Exam Fee$375$475

Exam Details:

  • The SHRM-CP exam assesses technical HR knowledge and understanding as well as behavioral competencies within a situational judgment test format.
  • The duration of the exam is 4 hours, consisting of 160 questions.
  • Offered in a computer-based testing format at designated testing centers worldwide.

Certification Span:

  • Requires recertification every three years through SHRM by earning 60 professional development credits (PDCs) or retaking the SHRM-CP exam.

Certified Employee Benefits Specialist (CEBS)

![CEBS Logo]

The Certified Employee Benefits Specialist (CEBS) program, offered in partnership with the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, is recognized for its comprehensive coverage of the employee benefits field. It is ideal for HR professionals specializing in benefits administration.

Eligibility Requirements for CEBS:

  • No formal education or experience prerequisites. However, a background in HR, benefits administration, or a related field is helpful.
  • Completion of required courses covering various aspects of employee benefits.

Exam Fees:

Each Course Exam$355

Exam Details:

  • CEBS consists of five required courses, each culminating in an exam.
  • The exams can be taken online or at designated testing locations.
  • Each course exam consists of multiple-choice questions designed to assess the candidate's understanding of the course material.

Certification Span:

  • The CEBS designation does not require recertification, but continuing education is encouraged to stay abreast of the latest trends and regulations in the benefits field.

Associate Professional in Human Resources - International (aPHRi)

The Associate Professional in Human Resources - International (aPHRi) certification from the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) is tailored for HR professionals outside the United States. It lays the foundation for a successful HR career on a global scale by validating the holder's knowledge of operational HR principles and practices.

Eligibility Requirements for aPHRi:

  • No HR experience is required, making it an excellent entry-level certification for those new to HR or professionals seeking to switch to an HR career.
  • High school diploma or global equivalent is the minimum educational requirement.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypePrice
Application Fee$100
Exam Fee$300

Exam Details:

  • The exam duration is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
  • Comprises 100 scored questions and 25 pretest questions.
  • The format is computer-based, available at Pearson VUE testing centers globally.

Certification Span:

  • Recertification is required every three years, either by retaking the exam or by earning 45 recertification credits.

Talent Management Certification (TMC)

![TMC Logo]

The Talent Management Certification, offered by the Talent Management Institute (TMI), is designed for HR professionals focusing on the strategies and practices of talent management. This certification is for those who wish to excel in talent acquisition, development, and retention.

Eligibility Requirements for TMC:

  • A minimum of three years of experience in HR or a related field is recommended.
  • Completion of a TMI-approved talent management program or workshop.

Exam Fees:

Fee TypePrice
Application Fee$400
Exam Fee$600

Exam Details:

  • The exam is conducted online, comprising multiple-choice questions that test practical knowledge and application in talent management.
  • Candidates are given 3 hours to complete the exam.

Certification Span:

  • Requires recertification every three years through continuing education or professional development activities in talent management.

Which is the Best HR Certification?

While we have already listed the best HR certifications for career advancement, ultimately, the best HR certification for you depends on your individual career aspirations, geographic location, and personal preferences. It's important to research and consider the specific requirements, curriculum, recognition, and relevance of each certification to determine which aligns best with your goals and objectives. Additionally, it can be beneficial to seek advice from HR professionals, mentors, or industry experts who can provide insights based on their experiences and knowledge of the HR field.

The Bottom Line

Remember that choosing the right certification or course is a personal decision that should align with your career objectives and aspirations. Consider factors such as program content, accreditation, industry recognition, and the time and resources required for completion.

Continuing education and professional development are crucial for HR professionals to stay competitive in an evolving field. Whether you pursue certification or enroll in a course, the investment in your HR education will pay dividends, providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your HR career and make a meaningful impact in the organizations you serve.

Visit HireQuotient if you are an HR professional looking to widen your recruitment toolkit. With our suite of tools for skills-based assessments, talent sourcing and video interviewing, you can rest assured and hire the right person for your organization. 

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Radhika Sarraf

Radhika Sarraf is a content specialist and a woman of many passions who currently works at HireQuotient, a leading recruitment SaaS company. She is a versatile writer with experience in creating compelling articles, blogs, social media posts, and marketing collaterals.

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