What is Rage Applying?

Rage applying is a term used to describe the act of applying for jobs impulsively and without much thought, often out of anger or frustration with one's current job.

Amidst the backdrop of hybrid work culture, career cushioning, quiet quitting, moonlighting and the great resignation, rage applying has emerged as a powerful force, altering the dynamics of the corporate sector. This article aims to delve into the depths of this trend, shedding light on its reasons and potential effects on organizations in the present scenario.

While the term "rage applying" may have originated on social media platforms like TikTok, its significance and influence reach far beyond viral videos. As recruiters, it's essential to navigate this new terrain, adapting strategies to accommodate the evolving needs and expectations of job seekers.

Join us as we explore the world of rage applying, its underlying motivations, and the ways it can reshape your recruitment processes. Discover how to stay ahead of the curve and attract top talent by embracing this emerging trend rather than being overwhelmed by it.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of rage applying—a trend that demands our attention and requires innovative strategies to navigate successfully.

What is Rage Applying?

Rage applying is a term used to describe the act of applying for jobs impulsively and without much thought, often out of anger or frustration with one's current job. Rage applying is typically characterized by the following behaviors:

  • Applying for a large number of jobs in a short period of time.
  • Not taking the time to carefully read job descriptions or research companies.
  • Not tailoring resumes or cover letters to specific jobs.
  • Not following up with potential employers after applying.

Rage applying is often triggered by feelings of unhappiness, dissatisfaction, or underappreciation at work. When employees feel like they are not being treated fairly or that their work is not valued, they may be more likely to lash out by rage applying.

While rage applying may provide some temporary relief from negative emotions, it is ultimately counterproductive. By applying for jobs without careful consideration, rage applicants are more likely to waste their time and energy on applications that are not a good fit. They may also damage their reputation by ghosting potential employers or submitting poorly written resumes and cover letters.

Who Invented Rage Applying?

The term "rage applying" was coined by TikTok user @redweez, a Canadian millennial working in social media marketing. In a video that went viral in 2022, @redweez described how she applied for 15 jobs after getting angry at her current job. She said that she got a job with a $25,000 raise as a result of her rage applying.

Since then, the term "rage applying" has become increasingly popular, with many people sharing their own stories of applying for jobs out of anger or frustration. While some people believe that rage applying can be an effective way to find a new job, others warn that it can lead to impulsive decisions and wasted time.

There are several factors that contribute to a feeling of unhappiness among the Gen Z employees and causing them to start these workplace trends:

  • They have different values than previous generations. Gen Z is more likely to value work-life balance, flexibility, and purpose in their work than previous generations. They are also more likely to be concerned about social impact and sustainability. When these values are not aligned with their workplace culture, Gen Z employees are more likely to be unhappy.
  • They are more likely to have experienced workplace toxicity. Gen Z has entered the workforce during a time of great workplace disruption. They have seen firsthand the negative effects of layoffs, downsizing, and restructuring. They are also more likely to have experienced workplace harassment and discrimination. These experiences can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, and burnout, which can make it difficult to be happy at work.
  • They have more options than previous generations. Gen Z has grown up in a digital age, where they have access to more information and more opportunities than ever before. They know that they don't have to stay in a job that they're unhappy with, and they're more likely to be willing to walk away if they're not getting what they want.

What are the Factors Influencing Rage Applying?

1. Insufficient Compensation

Neglecting to address the issue of low pay can significantly impact employee retention. In a survey conducted by Flexjobs, 59% of the 2,202 polled employees cited a low salary as a primary reason for leaving their jobs. Failing to adequately compensate employees leads them to seek out positions that recognize the value of their skills and alleviate financial strain. As a result, employees may resort to haphazardly applying for jobs without careful consideration, contributing to the rise of rage applying.

2. Mounting Frustration

When employees are denied the necessary flexibility to fulfill their responsibilities or when their managers take credit for their work, it breeds a sense of dissatisfaction. Over time, this frustration and negative emotional state accumulate, prompting employees to join the bandwagon of rage applying. By addressing issues related to workload flexibility and properly attributing credit, organizations can mitigate employee frustration and diminish the prevalence of rage applying.

3. Lack of Recognition

A significant driver behind the surge in rage applying is the absence of appreciation within the workplace. When employees' efforts and accomplishments go unnoticed or unrewarded, they feel undervalued. In fact, 44% of employees leave their jobs due to inadequate recognition for their contributions. Recognizing the importance of appreciation, organizations should establish systems that appropriately acknowledge and celebrate employees' hard work.

4. Limited Growth Opportunities

Nurturing employees' professional growth is a pivotal aspect of their career journey. Without adequate opportunities for advancement, employees can find themselves stuck in stagnant roles, constrained by monotonous tasks. Seeking new challenges and avenues for skill development, employees may resort to applying for other jobs without comprehensive future plans. To address this issue, organizations should focus on providing avenues for growth and encouraging continuous learning and upskilling.

5. Poor Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritizing personal well-being are essential factors for job satisfaction, as recognized by 53% of employees. Conversely, organizations that fail to support work-life balance are more likely to experience higher employee attrition rates. In such cases, employees may turn to rage applying as a response, indicating a negative impact on both the individuals and the company. Organizations should prioritize creating an environment that supports work-life balance and promotes personal well-being to minimize the prevalence of rage applying and the associated long-term consequences on employee turnover.

The Downsides of Rage Applying for Recruiters

  • Increased workload: Recruiters may have to spend more time screening and interviewing candidates who are not a good fit for the job. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and an increase in stress levels.
  • Wasted time: Recruiters may spend time interviewing candidates who are not serious about the job or who are not qualified. This can lead to a feeling of frustration and a loss of confidence in the recruiting process.
  • A Crooked Talent Pipeline: Rage applicants dilute the talent pool leading to a lower quality of candidates and hence disturbing the entire talent sourcing process.
  • Unqualified Candidates: Rage applicants are more likely to be unqualified for the roles they apply for. When you're applying for jobs out of anger or frustration, you're less likely to take the time to read the job descriptions carefully or to research the companies you're applying to. This can lead to you applying for jobs that you're not qualified for, which can waste your time and the time of the recruiters who review your application.
  • No follow-up: Rage applicants are less likely to follow up with recruiters. When you're not genuinely interested in the roles you're applying for, you're less likely to follow up with recruiters after you apply. This can make it difficult for recruiters to track your progress and to keep you updated on the status of your application.
  • Job Ghosting: Rage applicants are more likely to ghost recruiters. Ghosting is when you stop communicating with a recruiter after you've applied for a job. This can be incredibly frustrating for recruiters, who have invested time and energy into helping you find a new job.

How to Identify the Signs of Rage Applying in your Employees?

When an employee engages in rage applying, it is a clear indication that they have either made the decision to leave the company or are on the verge of doing so. While it may not be possible to predict with certainty whether employees are rage applying, there are certain signs that can raise concerns within the workplace.

These signs may vary, and their direct connection to rage applying is not proven. However, by being attentive, employers can identify these signs and address the underlying issues faced by their employees.

1. Casual Attitude and Disruption

One noticeable sign of employee unhappiness is when they adopt a casual attitude towards their work. They may demonstrate a lack of seriousness, arriving late and leaving early, which can disrupt the workflow and negatively impact other employees. Reduced professionalism and declining productivity over time are common indicators of this casual approach.

2. Irritability over Minor Matters

Employees who may be prone to rage applying are more likely to become easily irritated by minor issues in the workplace. Their lack of empathy and understanding towards others' feelings can lead to conflicts, demoralizing the overall work environment. Ultimately, this impacts productivity and employee engagement.

3. Neglecting Responsibilities

When employees perceive their current role as lacking growth opportunities and fail to enhance their learning curve, they can become disengaged. Consequently, they may no longer feel motivated to fulfill their responsibilities diligently. Their enthusiasm dwindles, and they may make impulsive decisions without considering the consequences. This disrupts the smooth functioning of teams and diminishes overall performance.

4. Increased Absenteeism

Detachment from work and a feeling of discomfort within the workplace can result in increased absenteeism. Employees start skipping work, and signs of withdrawal become apparent. This not only raises the organization's absenteeism rate but also negatively affects employee morale and mental health. To escape such situations, employees may resort to rage applying in search of better working conditions.

5. Lack of Effort in Team Projects

Rage-applying employees, due to their decreased productivity and detachment, exhibit a lack of effort when collaborating on team projects. They contribute minimally, offer little to no assistance to team members, and fail to provide valuable input and ideas. This damages team dynamics and increases pressure on other team members.

While these signs may not directly prove that an employee is rage applying, they do indicate potential dissatisfaction and the need for employers to address underlying issues. By addressing these concerns, organizations can foster a more positive work environment, reduce the likelihood of rage applying, and enhance employee retention and engagement.

How can Organizations Handle Rage Applying?

As rage applying continues to escalate, it becomes imperative for organizations to thoroughly explore the matter and develop effective strategies for resolution. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of what rage applying entails and how it originated, organizations can better equip themselves to address this corporate trend. The following steps provide guidance for developing a strategy to tackle this phenomenon:

1. Reassess the Work Culture: Conduct surveys that specifically target the pain points experienced by employees. By focusing on concise and relevant questions, organizations can gather data-driven insights without deviating from the core issue. This will help identify areas of improvement within the work culture that contribute to rage applying.

2. Revamp Talent Management Systems: Implement changes to talent management systems that provide a clear overview of employees' development in their roles. Such systems can serve as a guide to support employees, allowing organizations to create modules that enhance their skills and provide more extensive learning opportunities.

3. Enhance Reward and Recognition Programs: Place greater emphasis on rewarding and recognizing employees to enhance their overall experience. Consider implementing tangible incentives, such as redeemable points, to make rewards more meaningful. This approach will help employees feel valued and appreciated within the organization.

4. Foster Mentorship and Coaching Programs: Create opportunities for mentorship and coaching programs that allow employees to develop essential interpersonal skills and enhance their overall personality. By providing guidance and support in these areas, organizations can boost employees' confidence and empower them to progress in their careers, potentially cultivating future leaders.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can proactively address rage applying and work towards creating a more positive and engaging work environment. By understanding the root causes and taking appropriate measures, organizations can effectively mitigate the negative effects of this trend and foster a more productive and satisfied workforce.

To Sum it Up

The presence of rage applying within the workplace can lead to significant repercussions. These include the increased allocation of time and effort towards evaluating low-quality applications, potential damage to employer branding and reputation, and negative impacts on employee retention and turnover rates.

Additionally, companies may experience the loss of highly qualified candidates who become dissatisfied with the hiring process and opt to pursue opportunities elsewhere.

To effectively address the issue of rage applying, employers should prioritize enhancing the candidate experience and alleviating the frustrations that contribute to impulsive decisions.

Organizations can make considerable progress by developing clear and transparent hiring processes, maintaining effective communication with candidates throughout the hiring journey, and providing job seekers with adequate support and resources. By doing so, the likelihood of rage applying can be reduced, while simultaneously enhancing the quality of applicants and overall recruitment outcomes.