
Sourcing Strategies

Sourcing Strategies in Recruitment That Are Ineffective

Published on June 6th, 2023


Sourcing strategies in recruitment play a pivotal role in attracting qualified candidates for job openings. Effective sourcing strategies are crucial for recruiters and hirers aiming to build a strong talent pipeline. In this article, we will delve into a comprehensive discussion on various sourcing strategies, exploring both effective and ineffective approaches. By understanding these strategies, recruiters can make informed decisions, avoid common pitfalls, and enhance their ability to find the right talent.

1. Relying on Diverse Job Boards

Traditional job boards are valuable but diversify your approach. Supplement generic job board postings with targeted sourcing methods. Explore industry-specific job boards, professional networking platforms, and niche websites to ensure a comprehensive candidate pool. Actively search for passive candidates and engage through personalized outreach.

Instead: Utilize a variety of platforms to cast a broader net, including industry-specific boards, professional networks, and niche websites. Actively search for passive candidates and engage with them through personalized outreach.

2. Leveraging Technology for Automated Sourcing

Integrate advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning for automated candidate sourcing. Utilize applicant tracking systems and algorithms to identify potential candidates more efficiently. This technological approach enhances the overall sourcing process, allowing recruiters to focus on strategic decision-making.

Instead: Integrate advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning for more efficient candidate sourcing. Utilize applicant tracking systems and algorithms to identify potential candidates, freeing up time for strategic decision-making.

3. Incorporating Personalized Email Campaigns

Engage with potential candidates through personalized email campaigns. Craft compelling messages that highlight the unique aspects of your organization and the opportunities available. Personalization creates a stronger connection and increases the likelihood of passive candidates considering new job prospects.

Instead: Engage potential candidates through personalized email campaigns, highlighting your organization's unique aspects and available opportunities. Personalization fosters a stronger connection and encourages passive candidates to consider new prospects.

4. Networking Through Virtual Industry Events

Participate in virtual industry events to expand your professional network. Networking provides access to both active and passive candidates. Utilize virtual platforms to connect with professionals, share insights, and identify potential candidates who may not be actively seeking job opportunities.

Instead: Expand your professional network by participating in virtual industry events. Networking opens doors to both active and passive candidates. Utilize virtual platforms to connect, share insights, and identify potential candidates.

5. Proactive Engagement with Passive Candidates

Implement proactive sourcing techniques to reach out to passive candidates. Utilize professional networks, social media platforms, and industry forums to identify and engage with individuals who may not be actively looking for new opportunities. Establishing relationships with passive candidates can yield valuable talent over time.

Instead: Proactively reach out to passive candidates using professional networks, social media, and industry forums. Building relationships with individuals not actively seeking opportunities can yield valuable talent over time.

6. Enhanced Employee Referral Programs

Strengthen your employee referral program by offering increased incentives and recognition. Employees are valuable sources for identifying qualified candidates. Enhance the program's appeal by clearly communicating benefits, providing attractive rewards, and regularly acknowledging employees who refer successful candidates.

Instead: Strengthen your employee referral program with increased incentives and recognition. Communicate benefits, offer attractive rewards, and regularly acknowledge employees who refer successful candidates.

7. Utilizing Social Media Advertising

Extend your reach by incorporating social media advertising into your sourcing strategy. Identify platforms where your target candidates are active and leverage targeted advertising campaigns. Social media advertising provides an opportunity to showcase your employer's brand and attract a broader audience.

Instead: Extend your reach through social media advertising on platforms where your target candidates are active. Leverage targeted campaigns to showcase your employer brand and attract a broader audience.

8. Mobile-Friendly Application Processes

Optimize application procedures for mobile devices to enhance the candidate experience. A mobile-friendly approach ensures that potential candidates can easily apply for positions using smartphones or tablets. Streamlining the application process contributes to a positive candidate experience.

Instead: Enhance the candidate experience by optimizing application procedures for mobile devices. A mobile-friendly approach allows easy application on smartphones or tablets, contributing to a positive experience.

9. Video Interviews for Remote Hiring

Incorporate video interviews as one of the sourcing strategies, especially in the context of remote hiring. Video interviews allow recruiters to assess candidates' communication skills, cultural fit, and professionalism, making the selection process more efficient and adaptable to remote work scenarios.

Instead: Incorporate video interviews, particularly for remote hiring. Assess candidates' communication skills, cultural fit, and professionalism efficiently, adapting to the demands of remote work scenarios.

10. Collaboration with Educational Institutions

Establish partnerships with educational institutions to tap into emerging talent. Collaborate with universities, colleges, and vocational schools to create internship programs, attend career fairs, and build relationships with students who may become valuable future candidates.

Instead: Tap into emerging talent by establishing partnerships with educational institutions. Collaborate on internship programs, attend career fairs, and build relationships with students for potential future candidates.

11. Continuous Evaluation and Optimization

Regularly evaluate and optimize your sourcing strategies based on feedback and data analysis. Continuous improvement ensures that your recruitment efforts remain aligned with industry trends and candidate preferences.

Instead: Ensure ongoing success by regularly evaluating and optimizing your sourcing strategies. Use feedback and data analysis for continuous improvement, keeping your recruitment efforts aligned with industry trends.

12. Diversity-Centric Sourcing

Prioritize diversity and inclusion in your sourcing strategies. Actively seek candidates from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups. A diverse talent pool contributes to innovation and enhances the overall effectiveness of your organization.

Instead: Prioritize diversity and inclusion in your sourcing strategies. Actively seek candidates from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups to foster innovation and enhance organizational effectiveness.

In the realm of effective sourcing strategies discussed in our blog, one noteworthy tool that stands out is EasySource – a robust Chrome extension. This extension serves as a game-changing tool for recruiters seeking efficiency in sourcing and outreach efforts.

EasySource simplifies the profile extraction process, providing recruiters with a seamless way to filter and search for potential candidates. Its Outreach Automation feature is particularly empowering, allowing recruiters to automate candidate engagement, efficiently categorize candidates, and manage lists effectively.

The user-friendly interface of EasySource enables the creation of personalized workflows, incorporating connection requests, emails, and LinkedIn InMails, all with customizable time delays. The extension's AI-driven suggested filters and profile analysis streamline the candidate selection process, significantly reducing manual effort for recruiters and enhancing overall efficiency.

Moreover, EasySource offers a trackable dashboard that provides real-time insights into sourcing activities. This feature ensures recruiters, talent sourcers, and hiring managers have a comprehensive view of their recruitment processes, allowing for informed decision-making and strategic optimization.

Incorporating tools like EasySource into your sourcing strategies, as outlined in our blog, can significantly enhance your ability to find and engage with the right candidates. It exemplifies how leveraging technology can streamline sourcing processes and contribute to the overall success of recruitment efforts.


By diversifying sourcing strategies and incorporating technological advancements, recruiters can increase their chances of finding the right candidates. The expanded set of strategies outlined above provides a comprehensive approach to talent acquisition, ensuring a robust and adaptable recruitment process. Continuous evaluation and optimization further contribute to sustained success in attracting top talent.



Thomas M. A.

A literature-lover by design and qualification, Thomas loves exploring different aspects of software and writing about the same.

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