

Quiet Quitting vs Loud Quitting: HR Trends Ruling the Workplace

Published on June 7th, 2023



Loud quitting, as the term implies, does not mean to enter the workplace and scream about quitting your job. When aiming for loud quitting, an employee loudly informs their boss that they are seeking better opportunities elsewhere.

Quiet quitting on the other hand is a much more passive approach towards your job. Loud quitting and quiet quitting have become buzzwords in the workplace today and it is time to understand the differences between them. 

What Is Quiet Quitting Compared to Loud Quitting?

Quiet quitting and loud quitting are two different ways that employees can express their dissatisfaction with their jobs.

- Quiet quitting is when an employee disengages from their work and puts in less effort. They may start coming in late, taking longer lunches, or avoiding taking on new projects. They may also start complaining to their coworkers or friends about their job, but they don't actually quit.

- Loud quitting is when an employee makes their dissatisfaction known to their employer. They may complain to their boss, start looking for a new job, or even badmouth the company on social media.

Quiet Quitting vs Loud Quitting - Visible Differences

|  Aspect |  Quiet Quitting |  Loud Quitting |

| ---------------| --------------- |--------------- |

| Verbal communication | No | Yes |

| Behavioral communication | Disengagement | Complaining, job searching, badmouthing |

| Intent | To preserve mental health or to avoid conflict | To get a raise, promotion, or other change |

| Impact on employer | Can be detrimental in the long run | Can be disruptive in the short term |

| Impact on employee | Can be a healthy way to cope with dissatisfaction | Can damage relationships and reputation |

What Are the Reasons Behind Quiet Quitting and Loud Quitting?

There are many reasons why employees might choose to quiet quit or loud quit. Some of the most common reasons include:

- Dissatisfaction with their job or their employer. Employees who are unhappy with their work or their boss may choose to quiet quit as a way to preserve their mental health or to avoid conflict. They may also feel that they have no other options, such as if they are in a difficult financial situation or if they are afraid of retaliation from their employer.

- Hope that their behavior will be noticed and that something will change. Employees who quiet quit may be hoping that their behavior will be noticed by their employer and that something will change. For example, they may be hoping for a raise, a promotion, or a change in their work responsibilities.

- Avoidance of conflict. Employees who are conflict-avoidant may choose to quiet quit as a way to avoid confrontation. They may be afraid of making waves or of upsetting their boss or coworkers.

- Lack of confidence. Employees who lack confidence may choose to quiet quit because they don't feel like they have the skills or the experience to find a new job. They may also be afraid of failure or of rejection.

- Loud quitting is often motivated by a desire to make a change or to get something that the employee wants. For example, an employee who is unhappy with their pay may choose to loud quit in order to get a raise. Or, an employee who is being mistreated by their boss may choose to loud quit in order to get the boss's attention or to get them fired.

How does one loud quit?

Loud quitting is a negotiation tactic where an employee expresses their displeasure with their job in a demonstrative way, in the hopes that their boss will offer them a raise or promotion to keep them.

According to The Guardian, one way to execute a loud quit is by subtly expressing dissatisfaction, highlighting achievements to the boss, and emphasizing the potential for greater opportunities elsewhere. It is most effective to carry out a loud quit directly with the relevant individuals—namely, one's bosses. Attempting to do so in front of colleagues may backfire, as it can be perceived as disruptive, leading employers to be less receptive to demands. 

It is advisable for employees to refrain from discussing their intentions with colleagues and approach loud quitting as a compromise, avoiding a self-centered approach. Before initiating conversations about salary raises or promotions, those who choose to loud quit should consider how such requests would benefit their bosses and the organization.

How to Identify a Disengaged Employee?

There are many signs that can indicate that an employee is disengaged. Some of the most common signs include:

- Reduced productivity and quality of work. Disengaged employees are less likely to put in the effort to do their work well. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and the quality of their work.

- Increased absenteeism and tardiness. Disengaged employees are more likely to miss work or be late. This can be a sign that they are not interested in their job or that they are unhappy with their work environment.

- Withdrawal from the team. Disengaged employees are less likely to participate in team activities or social events. They may also start to isolate themselves from their coworkers.

- Negative attitude. Disengaged employees are more likely to have a negative attitude towards their work and their coworkers. They may complain frequently or be difficult to work with.

- Resistance to change. Disengaged employees are more likely to resist change. They may be reluctant to try new things or to embrace new ideas.

If you notice any of these signs in an employee, it is important to talk to them about it. Find out what is causing their disengagement and see if there is anything you can do to help. Disengaged employees can be a drain on your team, so it is important to address the issue early.

Here are some additional tips for identifying disengaged employees:

- Pay attention to their body language. Disengaged employees often have closed body language, such as crossing their arms or avoiding eye contact. They may also appear tired or bored.

- Listen to their tone of voice. Disengaged employees often have a flat or monotone tone of voice. They may also be less likely to volunteer their opinions or ideas.

- Check their work. Disengaged employees' work may be of lower quality or may be completed later than usual. They may also make more mistakes.

- Talk to their coworkers. Coworkers may be able to provide you with insights into an employee's engagement level. They may notice that the employee is less social or that they are not as involved in team activities.

The Final Note

These HR trends are reshaping the way organizations and employees navigate resignations, and they underscore the importance of fostering a healthy work environment. Employers need to proactively address workplace issues, listen to their employees' concerns, and create a culture that encourages open dialogue. By doing so, they can mitigate the risk of both quiet quitting and loud quitting, ultimately fostering a more engaged and satisfied workforce.

Check out HireQuotient’s EasySource - an automated talent sourcing tool,  to find and engage with candidates who fit your requirements and minimise the risk of quiet quitting or loud quitting. 

Related Reads

- What is Quiet Quitting? - A Guide for Employers

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Radhika Sarraf

Radhika Sarraf is a content specialist and a woman of many passions who currently works at HireQuotient, a leading recruitment SaaS company. She is a versatile writer with experience in creating compelling articles, blogs, social media posts, and marketing collaterals.

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