
Strategic Proactive Sourcing

03 Ways To Close Skills Gap With Strategic Proactive Sourcing For Future-Ready Talent

Published on March 31st, 2024


In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the pace of change is unrelenting. New technologies, shifting consumer demands, and disruptive business models are continuously reshaping industries. To thrive in this environment, organizations must be agile and proactive, adapting their talent strategies to address emerging skill gaps and capitalize on new opportunities.

The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2020 highlighted that by 2025, analytical thinking, creativity, and innovation will be among the most sought-after skills across industries. 

Additionally, roles in areas like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science are projected to experience substantial growth. This trend underscores the pressing need for companies to proactively identify and source talent with the necessary skills to stay ahead of the competition.

Reactive vs. Proactive Talent Sourcing

Traditionally, many organizations have taken a reactive approach to talent sourcing, filling open positions as they arise. However, this reactive model is increasingly inadequate in today's fast-paced business environment. By the time a skill gap is recognized and a job posting is created, competitors may have already secured the best talent, leaving companies scrambling to fill critical roles. 

In contrast, a proactive talent sourcing strategy involves continuously monitoring the market for emerging skills and roles, and actively engaging with potential candidates before specific openings arise. This approach not only ensures a steady pipeline of talent but also positions companies as employers of choice, attracting top performers seeking cutting-edge opportunities.

Identifying Emerging Skill Gaps and Roles  

The first step in proactive talent sourcing is to understand the evolving skill requirements within your industry and organization. 

This process involves:

1. Conduct regular skill gap analyses: Assess the current skills and competencies of your workforce against projected future needs. Identify areas where gaps may emerge due to technological advancements, regulatory changes, or shifting market dynamics. 

According to a McKinsey study, nearly 90% of executives believe their organization faces skill gaps or will soon.

2. Monitoring industry trends and disruptors: Stay informed about new technologies, business models, and consumer preferences that could impact your industry. Anticipate the skills and roles that will be essential to capitalize on these trends or mitigate potential disruptions. 

Gartner predicts that by 2025, 55% of corporate jobs will be redefined by emerging technologies like AI and automation.

3. Collaborating with cross-functional teams: Engage with leaders across departments, such as product development, marketing, and operations, to gain insights into future projects, initiatives, and skill requirements. This cross-pollination of ideas can uncover skill gaps that may not be immediately apparent.

4. Leveraging data and analytics: Utilize workforce analytics tools to track employee skills, performance data, and career trajectories. This information can help identify high-potential individuals and areas where upskilling or reskilling initiatives may be necessary. 

According to LinkedIn's 2020 Workforce Learning Report, organizations that leverage data insights are 8.5 times more likely to outperform their peers.


Sourcing for Emerging Roles

Once you have identified the emerging skill gaps and roles within your organization, the next step is to develop a strategic sourcing plan. This plan should leverage the latest technology and innovative sourcing techniques to attract and engage top talent proactively. Sourcing for emerging roles presents unique challenges that require a multi-faceted approach.

Enter EasySource, a cutting-edge candidate sourcing software designed to streamline the entire talent acquisition process. With its advanced features, EasySource empowers recruiters to source, screen, and engage qualified candidates effortlessly, ensuring they stay ahead of the competition when it comes to securing talent for emerging roles.

Source Candidates Effortlessly:

EasySource's candidate discovery module reads simple prompts or job descriptions to source relevant candidates from active and hidden talent pools across multiple channels, including professional networks, job boards, social media, and proprietary databases. 

By combining multiple high-intent signals, such as job title changes, skill endorsements, online activity, and career interests, EasySource identifies candidates who are genuinely interested in and qualified for emerging roles within your organization. This targeted approach saves valuable time and resources, allowing recruiters to focus on the most qualified prospects.

According to a recent study by LinkedIn, passive candidates make up 70% of the global workforce, highlighting the importance of tapping into this hidden talent pool. EasySource's ability to uncover and engage these passive candidates can be a game-changer for organizations seeking to fill emerging roles where competition for top talent is often fierce.

Screen Candidates Like Magic:

When sourcing for emerging roles, the pool of qualified candidates can be relatively small, making it crucial to identify the best fit quickly. EasySource's persona-based Candidate Screening Module leverages advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to find qualified candidates in minutes. 

The module screens candidates based on a comprehensive set of qualitative and quantitative nuances beyond the job description, including skills, experience, cultural fit, and growth potential. This ensures that your recruiters engage only with the most suitable candidates for emerging roles.

According to a recent study by Talent Board, candidates who have a positive experience during the hiring process are 38% more likely to accept a job offer. By leveraging EasySource's candidate screening capabilities, companies can streamline the process, providing a seamless and efficient experience for both candidates and recruiters, even when filling niche or highly specialized emerging roles.

Engage Candidates at Scale:

Crafting personalized outreach messages is crucial when sourcing for emerging roles, as top talent is often inundated with opportunities. EasySource's Candidate Engagement Module takes the guesswork out of this process. By analyzing candidates' profiles, and career aspirations, and aligning them with the requirements of emerging roles, the module generates highly targeted, personalized messages that resonate with candidates and increase response rates.

In a recent case study, a leading technology company leveraged EasySource's Candidate Engagement Module and saw a 45% increase in response rates from top-tier candidates for emerging roles in areas like artificial intelligence and machine learning, compared to traditional outreach methods. This level of engagement can be critical when sourcing for emerging roles, where competition for top talent is often fierce.

Additionally, EasySource's Candidate Engagement Module enables recruiters to tailor their messaging and value propositions to highlight the cutting-edge nature of emerging roles, appealing to candidates seeking opportunities for growth, innovation, and career advancement.

Seamless Integration:  

EasySource integrates seamlessly with all the tools recruiters use daily, including applicant tracking systems (ATS), candidate relationship management (CRM) platforms, social media channels, and collaboration tools. With its bi-directional integration capabilities, EasySource ensures a smooth talent-sourcing experience, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

According to a survey by Bullhorn, 67% of recruiters cite data entry and integration challenges as their biggest pain points. By addressing these issues, EasySource empowers recruiters to focus on high-value activities, such as building relationships with candidates, crafting compelling employer brand messaging, and driving strategic sourcing initiatives for emerging roles.

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The Power of Proactive Sourcing

By implementing a proactive talent sourcing strategy and leveraging innovative tools like EasySource, organizations can stay ahead of the competition and position themselves for long-term success. Here are some of the key benefits of this approach:

1. Access to Top Talent: Proactive sourcing enables companies to engage with top performers before competitors, increasing the likelihood of securing the best talent for emerging roles. In a recent study by LinkedIn, companies that hired proactively were 3.5 times more likely to retain their top talent.

2. Reduced Time-to-Hire: By maintaining a steady pipeline of qualified candidates, organizations can fill critical positions more quickly, minimizing the impact of skill gaps on business operations. According to data from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the average time-to-hire for open roles is 42 days, which can be significantly reduced through proactive sourcing.

3. Employer Branding: A proactive sourcing strategy positions companies as forward-thinking employers committed to professional growth and development, enhancing their ability to attract and retain top talent. Universum's 2020 World's Most Attractive Employers report found that career and development opportunities were among the top drivers of employer attractiveness for job seekers.

4. Competitive Advantage: By anticipating and addressing emerging skill gaps proactively, organizations can stay ahead of industry trends and capitalize on new opportunities before competitors. A study by Deloitte revealed that companies that proactively address skill gaps are twice as likely to outperform their peers in revenue growth.

5. Diversity and Inclusion: Proactive sourcing allows organizations to tap into a wider talent pool, increasing the likelihood of building a diverse and inclusive workforce. According to McKinsey, companies in the top quartile for ethnic and cultural diversity outperform those in the bottom quartile by 36% in profitability.

6. Cost Savings: By reducing time-to-hire and minimizing the impact of skill gaps, proactive sourcing can lead to significant cost savings for organizations. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that the cost of leaving a position vacant for an extended period can be up to twice the annual salary for that role.

Thus, in today's rapidly changing business environment, the ability to identify and source talent for emerging roles is essential for success. By embracing a proactive sourcing strategy and leveraging innovative tools like EasySource, organizations can future-proof their workforce, ensuring they have the right skills and competencies to drive growth and innovation. 

Don't get left behind – start proactively sourcing today.




Soujanya Varada

As a technical content writer and social media strategist, Soujanya develops and manages strategies at HireQuotient. With strong technical background and years of experience in content management, she looks for opportunities to flourish in the digital space. Soujanya is also a dance fanatic and believes in spreading light!

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