
Traditional vs Modern Hiring

Traditional vs Modern Hiring

Published on December 7th, 2022


We all know the saying “Old is Gold” but does it hold true when it comes to traditional hiring methods? Do modern methods of hiring make the old methods irrelevant? Read on to find out!

The search for the best employees is a constant battle between companies where HR leaders are constantly striving to develop relevant strategies. In order to hire the best talent, organizations resort to more than one recruitment method to influence a large number of qualified applicants and it improves the level of visibility of a vacancy amongst the targeted audience. Choosing the right method involves an elaborate process of consideration of factors like cost, time scale, type of vacancy, the target population, and the company’s reputation. Let’s analyze both the methods to understand which is best for your company.

Traditional Hiring Process

Traditional hiring refers to the conventional methods and processes used to recruit and hire employees. Some examples of traditional hiring methods include:

  • Posting job openings in newspapers or on job boards: Advertising job openings in print or online media to reach a wide pool of potential candidates.
  • Conducting in-person interviews: Inviting candidates to the organization's offices or a neutral location to participate in an in-person interview with a hiring manager or a panel of interviewers.
     Reviewing resume and cover letters: Reviewing candidates' resumes and cover letters to assess their qualifications and fit for the position.
  • Administering tests or assessments: Administering aptitude tests or other assessments to assess candidates' skills or abilities.
    Checking references: Contacting candidates' references, such as past supervisors or colleagues, to get more information on their work history and performance.
  • Referral programs: Encouraging current employees to refer friends or colleagues for open positions, as referrals can often be more reliable and successful hires.
  • Using recruitment agencies: Hiring a third party, such as a headhunter or recruitment agency, to find and recruit candidates on behalf of the organization.


  • Familiarity: Traditional hiring methods are familiar and well-established, so they may be more comfortable and easier for both employers and candidates to use.
  • Personal connection: In-person interviews and other methods of assessment can allow employers to get a sense of a candidate's personality and fit for the organization.
  • Established processes: Traditional hiring methods often have established processes and protocols in place, which can help to ensure fairness and consistency in the hiring process.


  • Limited reach: Traditional hiring methods may not reach as wide a pool of potential candidates as modern methods, which can limit the diversity of the applicant pool.
  • Time-consuming: Traditional hiring methods can be time-consuming, as they often involve in-person interviews and other assessments that require scheduling and coordination.
  • Bias: Traditional hiring methods can be prone to unconscious bias, as they often rely on subjective assessments of candidates.
  • Limited data: Traditional hiring methods may not provide as much data on candidates as modern methods, which can make it more difficult to make informed hiring decisions.Recruitment and Selection Process_ the fist crucial step.png

Modern Hiring Process

Modern hiring, on the other hand, refers to newer approaches and technologies that are being used to recruit and hire employees. Some examples of modern hiring methods include:

  • Online job boards and social media: This involves advertising job openings on online platforms, such as LinkedIn or Indeed, or on social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, to reach a wider pool of potential candidates.
  • Conducting video interviews: Using video conferencing technology to conduct interviews remotely, which can be more convenient for both employers and candidates.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Employing AI and machine learning algorithms to assist with tasks such as resume and cover letter review, or to assess candidates' fit for the position based on data such as their past performance or skills.
  • Using blind resumes: Removing identifying information, such as names and addresses, from resumes to reduce unconscious bias in the hiring process.
  • Virtual reality and simulations: Using virtual reality or simulations to assess candidates' skills or fit for the position in a more immersive and realistic way.
  • Digital portfolios: Utilizing online platforms to showcase candidates' work and achievements, which can provide a more comprehensive view of their skills and experience.
  • Online assessments and tests: This involves using online platforms to administer aptitude tests or other assessments to assess candidates' skills or abilities.

Here are some pros and cons of modern hiring methods:


  • Wide reach: Modern hiring methods, such as online job boards and social media, can reach a wider pool of potential candidates, which can increase the diversity of the applicant pool.
  • Efficiency: Modern hiring methods often involve the use of technology to streamline and automate certain tasks, which can make the hiring process more efficient.
  • Candidate experience: Modern hiring methods, such as video interviews, can provide a better candidate experience, as they often allow candidates to apply and interview remotely and provide more transparency into the hiring process.
  • Data-driven: Modern hiring methods often provide more data on candidates, which can help employers make more informed hiring decisions.


  • Lack of personal connection: Modern hiring methods, such as video interviews, may not provide as much opportunity for personal interaction and assessment as traditional methods.
  • Technical issues: Modern hiring methods may be disrupted by technical issues, such as internet connectivity problems or software glitches.
  • Limited experience: Some employers may be less familiar with modern hiring methods and may need to invest time and resources in learning how to use them effectively.
  • Unproven: Some modern hiring methods, such as the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, are still relatively new and may not yet have a proven track record of effectiveness.

Some of the key differences between traditional and modern hiring include:

  • Speed: Modern hiring processes tend to be faster than traditional ones, as they often involve the use of technology to streamline and automate certain tasks.
  • Reach: Modern hiring methods can reach a wider pool of potential candidates, as they often allow for remote or online applications and interviews.
  • Diversity: Modern hiring methods may be more effective at promoting diversity in the workplace, as they often involve the use of blind resumes or other techniques to remove unconscious bias from the hiring process.
  • Candidate experience: Modern hiring methods may provide a better candidate experience, as they often allow candidates to apply and interview remotely and provide more transparency into the hiring process.

It's important to note that traditional and modern hiring methods can be used together, and the best approach will depend on the specific needs and goals of the organization.

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Here are some ways that traditional and modern hiring methods can be combined:

- Use traditional and modern methods to advertise job openings: You can use traditional methods, such as posting job openings in newspapers or on job boards, as well as modern methods, such as using social media or online job boards, to reach a wider pool of potential candidates.
- Utilize technology to streamline traditional processes: You can use technology to streamline traditional processes, such as scheduling and coordinating interviews, or to automate certain tasks, such as resume and cover letter review.
- Combine in-person and remote assessments: You can use a combination of in-person and remote assessments, such as in-person interviews and video interviews, to get a more comprehensive understanding of candidates.
- Use technology to supplement traditional methods: You can use technology, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to supplement traditional methods, such as resume and cover letter review, to provide additional insights into candidates.
- Combine data-driven and subjective approaches: You can use data-driven approaches, such as analyzing candidates' past performance or skills, in combination with subjective approaches, such as in-person interviews, to make more informed hiring decisions.

It's important to keep in mind that different methods may be more or less effective depending on the specific needs and goals of your organization, as well as the type of positions you are hiring for. It may be helpful to experiment with different combinations of traditional and modern methods to find the approach that works best for you.
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Radhika Sarraf

Radhika Sarraf is a content specialist and a woman of many passions who currently works at HireQuotient, a leading recruitment SaaS company. She is a versatile writer with experience in creating compelling articles, blogs, social media posts, and marketing collaterals.

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