
Diverse Talent Pipeline

How to Create A Diverse Talent Pipeline On Linkedin

Published on May 6th, 2023


Diversity, equity, and inclusion’ aren't just buzzwords anymore - they're essential values for any modern business. But, as important as they are, it’s not enough for companies to simply pay lip service to these concepts - they must actively work towards creating a more diverse and inclusive workforce. A recent study has shown that 76% of employees and job seekers believe diversity is important when considering job offers

But despite the progress made in some areas, there's still a long way to go. Women and people of color are still under-represented in specific job categories and industries, and wage disparities persist. In a recent survey, 88% of HR leaders revealed their organizations couldn’t successfully increase diverse representation. 

To address these challenges, employers need to take responsibility and create a more equitable workplace. And one effective way to achieve this is by building a diverse talent pipeline. By tapping into talented individuals from underrepresented groups, organizations not only create a more diverse workforce but also open up opportunities for people who have been historically overlooked. 

And what better platform to leverage than LinkedIn, the world's largest professional networking site, to attract and hire talented individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences?

This article will explore some of the best practices for creating a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn. We'll discuss strategies for attracting top talent from a variety of backgrounds and offer tips on how to engage with candidates in a way that promotes diversity. By following these guidelines, your organization can take the first steps toward building a more diverse and inclusive workplace that benefits everyone involved. 

So, let's dive in and learn how to create a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn!

The first step to building a successful workforce: Talent pipelines and inclusivity.

What is a Talent pipeline?

Picture this: you're a hiring manager for a fast-growing company, and you need to fill a new position quickly. What do you do? You could scramble to post job ads and sift through hundreds of resumes, hoping to find the perfect candidate. Or, you could have a talent pipeline in place - a pool of skilled and qualified candidates who are ready to step into the role at a moment's notice.

A talent pipeline is like having your talent pool that is pre-screened, pre-qualified, and waiting to be hired as soon as a position becomes available. This means that you can bypass the lengthy and often costly recruiting process and quickly fill the position with a high-quality candidate. 

The beauty of a talent pipeline is that it enables recruiters to maintain a close relationship with these highly skilled candidates, keeping them engaged and interested in working for the organization in the future. By building a solid talent pipeline, recruiters can create a network of talented professionals who are not only a great fit for the organization but also possess diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Importance of Diversity in your talent pool

A diverse talent pool is essential for organizations to thrive in today's global market. When different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds come together, it can lead to new ideas, innovation, and better decision-making. Not only can a diverse team improve customer engagement and satisfaction, but it can also help avoid group thinking by encouraging healthy debate and discussion. It's not about meeting quotas or ticking boxes; it's about creating an inclusive workplace culture that benefits everyone.

According to a Harvard Business Review study, diverse organizations have achieved 19% higher innovation revenue as a result of motivated employees who increase productivity and generate more financial revenue. 

McKinsey & Company also found companies with diverse management better compete with their competitors. A diverse workforce can also lead to more creativity, innovation, and better service for diverse customers.

However, diversity in the talent pool goes beyond ethnicity and race. A report by Deloitte suggests that companies with a diverse and inclusive culture have better employee engagement and retention rates. When employees feel valued and respected for their differences, they are more likely to be productive and satisfied with their work.

Here are some of the key benefits of Diversity and inclusion in your talent pool: 

- Increased Innovation: Diverse talent brings unique perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, leading to new and innovative ideas.
- Improved Customer Satisfaction: Diverse teams can better understand and serve diverse customers, which ultimately leads to improved customer engagement and satisfaction. 
- Enhanced Decision: Making: A diverse talent pool can help to avoid group thinking and encourage healthy debate and discussion, leading to better decision-making. 
- Increased Productivity: A diverse workforce means motivated employees that help increase the overall productivity in the workplace and generate more financial revenue. 
- Improved Company Performance: A diverse workforce can help companies innovate, be more creative, and better serve diverse customer bases, leading to improved company performance.

A new approach to recruitment: LinkedIn talent pipeline

Creating a talent pipeline on LinkedIn is not just about finding candidates and filling positions; it's about building a community of skilled professionals who are excited about your organization and ready to step into a role when the time is right. It requires a thoughtful and strategic approach that aligns with your company's values and objectives.

However, it's not enough to just connect with potential candidates and add them to your network. You need to actively engage with them, build relationships, and provide value to ensure that they stay interested and excited about your organization. This is especially important when it comes to building a diverse talent pipeline, as it requires a more nuanced approach that considers different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.

Here are six proven strategies for building a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn that will help you attract and retain top talent:

1. Define your diversity goals

Did you know that companies with diverse teams outperform their competitors by 35%?

It's a well-known fact that building a diverse talent pipeline is crucial for any organization looking to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. One of the first steps towards achieving this is by setting clear diversity goals for your organization. Defining your diversity goals not only aligns your team with your organization's objectives but also provides a clear direction for your recruitment efforts. 

By communicating your commitment to diversity and inclusion, you can attract top talent to your brand and make them more likely to engage with your organization. So, before diving into sourcing candidates, take the time to define your diversity goals and share them with your team. This will help you to create a well-coordinated and effective strategy for building a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn.

2. Use LinkedIn’s diverse candidate sourcing tool:

If you want to build a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn, you need to know where to look for candidates. Luckily, LinkedIn has several tools that can help you find and attract a diverse range of candidates. One of these tools is the "Diversity & Inclusion" job search filter, which allows you to specifically search for candidates who identify with underrepresented groups. This filter can help you broaden your candidate pool and connect with talented individuals who may have otherwise been overlooked.

Another powerful feature is the "Find More Candidates Like This" tool, which uses LinkedIn's advanced algorithms to suggest candidates who are similar to the ones you've already identified. By using this feature, you can expand your search beyond your immediate network and discover talented individuals from a wider range of backgrounds and experiences.

By taking advantage of LinkedIn's diverse candidate sourcing tools, you can increase the likelihood of finding qualified and diverse candidates who are a good fit for your organization. Not only will this help you build a more inclusive and dynamic team, but it can also give you a competitive edge in today's global marketplace.

3. Craft an inclusive job description:

First impressions matter, and when it comes to recruiting a diverse talent pool, it starts with the job description. A poorly written job description can discourage qualified candidates from applying, so it's crucial to create an inclusive job listing that attracts a diverse pool of applicants. This means using inclusive language, avoiding gendered terms, and focusing on skills and qualifications rather than age, race, or ethnicity. By using the right language, you can communicate that your organization values diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Research has shown that job listings with neutral language receive 42% more applicants than those containing gendered words. To further demonstrate your commitment to building a diverse workforce, consider adding a diversity statement to your job postings. This statement can highlight your organization's diversity initiatives, policies, and practices, which can attract candidates who share your values.

LinkedIn offers various resources to help you write more inclusive job descriptions, including a job description generator and an inclusive language guide. By using these tools, you can ensure that your job postings are not only attracting a diverse talent pool but also setting a tone of inclusion and respect from the very beginning.

4. Offer diversity training programs:

Diversity training is an essential tool for creating a culture of inclusion and building a diverse talent pipeline. It helps recruiters and hiring managers identify their unconscious biases, which can often lead to the exclusion of qualified candidates from underrepresented groups.

By offering diversity training to your hiring managers and recruiters, you can ensure that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to attract and retain a diverse talent pool on LinkedIn. This can help to create a more inclusive workplace culture and improve the overall performance of your organization.

5. Partner with diversity-focused organizations:

Collaborating with diversity-focused organizations can have a significant impact on building a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn. By partnering with organizations that prioritize diversity, you can access a wider range of potential candidates who may not have otherwise been on your radar. These organizations can provide you with unique and valuable insights into the diverse talent pool and can also help you connect with communities that are underrepresented in your industry.

Partnering with diversity-focused organizations and attending diversity job fairs not only helps to build a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn but also shows your commitment to creating an inclusive workplace. This can attract a wider pool of candidates who are passionate about working for an organization that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.

6. Use talent sourcing tools to create a diverse talent pipeline:

When it comes to building a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn, using talent-sourcing tools can be a game-changer. With these tools, recruiters and hiring managers can connect with a wider range of candidates, including those who often lack representation in the workforce. 

That's where EasySource comes in 

Developed by recruitment experts at HireQuotient, EasySource is a cutting-edge platform equipped with advanced algorithms and an intuitive user interface that simplifies the recruitment process from start to finish. EasySource gives you unprecedented access to LinkedIn's vast talent pool.

EasySource offers a range of search criteria, including skills, experience, location, industry, education, and even specific courses or authorizations to work in the US. Finding the perfect diverse candidates has never been easier! And with features like email automation and customization, as well as one-click shortlisting or rejecting candidates, you can save time and effort while still identifying the best candidates.

So, if you're serious about building a diverse talent pipeline, it's time to give EasySource a try!

Building a diverse talent pipeline on LinkedIn is not only essential for creating a more inclusive and innovative workforce, but it's also a smart business strategy that can lead to better financial performance and a stronger employer brand. By using the proven strategies discussed above and using talent-sourcing tools like EasySource, you can attract a broader range of candidates and tap into the full potential of diverse talent. With these tools and resources at your disposal, you can create a workplace that values and celebrates differences, drives innovation, and ultimately, achieves greater success.

For more insights and valuable advice on enhancing your recruitment skills, make sure to visit our website at



Thomas M. A.

A literature-lover by design and qualification, Thomas loves exploring different aspects of software and writing about the same.

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