How a leading financial research company sourced talent in just 2 hrs 200+ hard-to-find
with EasySource.

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Region :

Industry :
Financial research

Use Case :
Talent sourcing

Strategy & Implementation

EasySources team understood the difficulties faced by the client’s recruiting team and the integration was completed in less than an hour.

By leveraging AI algorithms, the EaseSource’s Candidate Discovery Module created a pool of highly qualified candidates that are difficult to find. With just a few minutes of usage every day, the tool delivered a bunch of candidates with this rare skill combination.

Additionally, the Candidate Screening Module enabled a more thorough examination of profiles with accuracy, using intelligent persona-based screening criteria to assess experience and competence. As a result, the tool shortlisted individuals that completely matched their expectations.


The client’s team dedicated less than 2 hours to source and shortlist the most relevant candidates for their niche role- SEO technical Manager with rare skills combination (SEO, Technical & project management).


200+ relevant candidates were sourced in an hour


Hiring process gained momentum with the acquisition of hard to find talent with marketing, technical, and project management skills

Recruiting top talent is hard. We make it effortless.

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