Tip Calculator

Use our Tip Calculator to calculate tip for a meal, bar tab or service gratuity.

Easy-to-use tip calculators for single and multiple persons.

Tip Calculator

Shared Bill Tip Calculator

What is a Tip?

A tip, also known as a gratuity, is an extra sum of money given to service workers for the services they provide. It is a way of showing appreciation for good service and is typically given in addition to the bill or invoice amount. Tips are common in many service industries, such as restaurants, bars, hotels, salons, and taxis. The amount of the tip can vary based on the quality of service, cultural norms, and personal preference.

In many countries, tipping is customary and often expected. It serves as an incentive for service providers to offer excellent service, as a portion of their income may rely on these additional earnings. The practice of tipping can vary widely between cultures and regions, with some places having specific guidelines or expectations for how much to tip in different situations.

How Much to Tip

Determining how much to tip can sometimes be confusing, but there are general guidelines that can help you decide an appropriate amount. Here are some common tipping practices:

  • Servers:

    The standard tipping rate is usually 15-20% of the total bill before tax. If the service is exceptional, you might consider tipping more.
  • Bartenders:

    It is customary to tip $1-$2 per drink or 15-20% of the total tab.
  • Housekeeping:

    It is typical to leave $2-$5 per night, depending on the level of service and the hotel.
  • Concierge:

    Tips can vary based on the service provided, ranging from $5 for simple requests to $20 or more for more complex arrangements.
  • Bellhops and Porters:

    $1-$2 per bag is standard.
  • Taxis and Ride-Sharing Services:

    Tipping 10-15% of the fare is common practice. If the driver assists with luggage or provides exceptional service, you might consider tipping more.
  • Hairdressers, Manicurists, Massage Therapists:

    A tip of 15-20% of the total service cost is customary.
  • Food Delivery:

    A tip of $2-$5 or 10-15% of the total bill is standard, whichever is higher.
  • Grocery Delivery:

    Similar to food delivery, 10-15% of the total bill is appropriate.
  • Movers:

    $20-$50 per mover, depending on the complexity and difficulty of the move.
  • Dog Groomers:

    15-20% of the service cost.

Whom to Tip and How Much

Tipping practices vary widely depending on the country and the type of service provided. Below are general guidelines on whom to tip and how much:

  • Waitstaff:

    15-20% of the pre-tax bill.
  • Bartenders:

    $1-$2 per drink or 15-20% of the tab.
  • Baristas:

    Optional, but $1-$2 if you feel generous.
  • Housekeepers:

    $2-$5 per night.
  • Concierges:

    $5-$20 depending on the service.
  • Bellhops:

    $1-$2 per bag.
  • Valet:

    $2-$5 when your car is returned.
  • Taxi and Ride-Share Drivers:

    10-15% of the fare.
  • Airport Shuttle Drivers:

    $1-$2 per bag.
  • Private Chauffeurs:

    15-20% of the fare.
  • Hairdressers, Barbers, Manicurists:

    15-20% of the service cost.
  • Massage Therapists:

    15-20% of the service cost.
  • Tattoo Artists:

    15-20% of the total cost.
  • Food Delivery:

    $2-$5 or 10-15% of the bill.
  • Grocery Delivery:

    10-15% of the total bill.
  • Furniture or Large Item Delivery:

    $5-$20 per person.
  • Movers:

    $20-$50 per mover.
  • Dog Groomers:

    15-20% of the service cost.
  • Parking Attendants:

    $1-$2 each time the car is fetched.

How to Use the Tip Calculator

The Tip Calculator is a simple tool designed to help you calculate the tip amount and the total bill, including the tip. Here’s how to use it:

  • Enter the Bill Amount: Input the total amount of your bill before any tips.
  • Select the Tip Percentage: Choose the percentage of the bill you wish to tip. Common choices are 15%, 18%, and 20%, but you can select any percentage that you prefer.
  • View the Tip and Total Amounts: The calculator will display the tip amount based on the percentage you selected and the total amount, including the bill and the tip.
  • Adjust as Needed: You can adjust the bill amount or the tip percentage to see how different values affect the tip and total amounts.

This tool makes it easy to quickly determine how much to tip and what your final bill will be, ensuring you leave an appropriate and fair gratuity.

How to Use the Shared Bill Tip Calculator

The Shared Bill Tip Calculator is ideal for situations where a bill is being split among multiple people. Here’s how to use it:

  • Enter the Bill Amount: Input the total amount of your bill before any tips.
  • Select the Tip Percentage: Choose the percentage of the bill you wish to tip. Common choices are 15%, 18%, and 20%, but you can select any percentage that you prefer.
  • Enter the Number of People: Specify how many people will be sharing the bill. The calculator will then divide the total amount (including the tip) by the number of people.
  • View the Per Person Amounts: The calculator will display the tip amount per person, as well as the total amount each person needs to pay, including their share of the tip.
  • Adjust as Needed: You can adjust the bill amount, the tip percentage, or the number of people to see how different values affect the amounts each person needs to pay.

This tool simplifies the process of splitting a bill and calculating tips, making it easy for groups to fairly share the cost of a meal, bar tab, or other shared expenses.

Benefits of Using the Tip Calculators

Using a tip calculator offers several advantages, making it a handy tool for anyone dining out, ordering delivery, or availing of various services. Here are the key benefits:

  • Accuracy:

    Tip calculators ensure that you calculate the correct tip amount based on the percentage you choose. This accuracy helps avoid under-tipping or over-tipping, ensuring fair compensation for service providers.
  • Time-Saving:

    Manually calculating tips can be time-consuming, especially if you're in a hurry or dealing with a large group. A tip calculator provides instant results, saving you time and effort.
  • Convenience:

    Tip calculators are user-friendly and accessible on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This convenience allows you to calculate tips anytime, anywhere.
  • Fair Cost Distribution:

    For group outings, a shared bill tip calculator ensures that everyone pays their fair share, including the tip. It eliminates the need for complicated math, making the process smooth and hassle-free.
  • Customizable:

    You can easily adjust the tip percentage, bill amount, and number of people sharing the bill. This flexibility allows you to customize the calculation based on your specific needs and preferences.
  • Educational:

    Using a tip calculator can help you learn more about appropriate tipping practices and percentages. Over time, you might become more comfortable with calculating tips even without the tool.

How to Calculate Tips Using Your Phone’s Calculator

If you don't have access to a tip calculator, you can easily calculate tips using your phone's built-in calculator. Here’s how:

  • Open the Calculator App: Most smartphones come with a pre-installed calculator app. Open this app to get started.
  • Enter the Bill Amount: Input the total amount of your bill into the calculator.
  • Determine the Tip Percentage: Decide on the tip percentage you want to leave. Common percentages are 15%, 18%, and 20%.
  • Calculate the Tip: To calculate the tip, multiply the bill amount by the tip percentage. For example, if your bill is $50 and you want to leave a 15% tip, you would enter: 50 x 0.15 = 7.50. The result, $7.50, is the tip amount.
  • Calculate the Total Amount: To find the total amount you need to pay, add the tip to the original bill amount. Using the previous example: 50 + 7.50 = 57.50. The result, $57.50, is the total amount you need to pay.
  • Splitting the Bill (Optional): If you’re splitting the bill, divide the total amount by the number of people. For example, if the total is $57.50 and there are 3 people: 57.50 / 3 = 19.17. Each person would pay $19.17.

This method is quick and easy, allowing you to calculate tips accurately even without a specialized tool.

How to Calculate Tips in Your Head

Being able to calculate tips in your head is a useful skill, especially when you don't have access to a calculator. Here are some simple methods to do so:

  • The 10% Method:

    Calculate 10% of the bill by moving the decimal point one place to the left. For example, for a $50 bill, 10% is $5.00. For a 15% tip, take the 10% amount and add half of it. Using the previous example: 10% of $50 = $5.00; Half of $5.00 = $2.50; $5.00 + $2.50 = $7.50. So, a 15% tip on a $50 bill is $7.50.
  • The Doubling Method:

    For a 20% tip, calculate 10% of the bill and then double it. For a $50 bill: 10% of $50 = $5.00; 20% of $50 = $5.00 x 2 = $10.00. So, a 20% tip on a $50 bill is $10.00.
  • The 5% Method:

    Calculate 5% of the bill by taking half of the 10% amount. For a $50 bill: 10% of $50 = $5.00; 5% of $50 = $2.50. For a 15% tip, add the 10% amount and the 5% amount: $5.00 + $2.50 = $7.50.
  • Rounding for Simplicity:

    Round the bill amount to the nearest easy-to-calculate number. For instance, if your bill is $48, round it to $50 for easier mental calculation. Calculate the tip on the rounded number and then adjust if necessary.
  • Estimating:

    For quick estimates, you can round the bill to the nearest $10 or $5 and calculate a rough percentage. This method is less precise but can be useful for quick decisions.

By practicing these methods, you can quickly and confidently calculate tips in your head, making dining out and other tipping situations more convenient.

Real-World Examples of Calculating Tips

Understanding how to calculate tips in real-world scenarios can help you feel more confident when dining out or using various services. Here are some examples:

  • Dining at a Restaurant:

    Scenario: Your dinner bill at a restaurant comes to $80.
    For a 15% tip: $80 x 0.15 = $12.00
    For a 20% tip: $80 x 0.20 = $16.00
    Total Payment:
    15% tip: $80 + $12 = $92
    20% tip: $80 + $16 = $96
  • Ordering Delivery:

    Scenario: You order pizza, and the total comes to $25.
    For a 10% tip: $25 x 0.10 = $2.50
    For a 15% tip: $25 x 0.15 = $3.75
    Total Payment:
    10% tip: $25 + $2.50 = $27.50
    15% tip: $25 + $3.75 = $28.75
  • Taking a Taxi:

    Scenario: Your taxi fare is $35.
    For a 10% tip: $35 x 0.10 = $3.50
    For a 15% tip: $35 x 0.15 = $5.25
    Total Payment:
    10% tip: $35 + $3.50 = $38.50
    15% tip: $35 + $5.25 = $40.25
  • Hotel Stay:

    Scenario: You stay in a hotel for three nights, and the room rate is $150 per night. You want to tip the housekeeping staff.
    For a $5 tip per night: 3 nights x $5 = $15
    Total Payment:
    $150 x 3 nights = $450 (room rate)
    $450 + $15 = $465 (total with tip)
  • Hair Salon Visit:

    Scenario: You get a haircut and color treatment, and the total cost is $120.
    For a 15% tip: $120 x 0.15 = $18
    For a 20% tip: $120 x 0.20 = $24
    Total Payment:
    15% tip: $120 + $18 = $138
    20% tip: $120 + $24 = $144

These examples demonstrate how to calculate tips in various situations, ensuring you leave an appropriate amount for the service received.

What Does the Law Say About Tips in the US

Tipping laws in the United States can vary by state, but there are federal guidelines that provide a framework for how tips should be handled. Here are some key points regarding tipping laws in the US:

  • Federal Minimum Wage and Tips:

    The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets the federal minimum wage at $7.25 per hour. However, for tipped employees, the minimum wage can be lower because tips are expected to make up the difference. The federal tipped minimum wage is $2.13 per hour. Employers are required to ensure that an employee's total earnings (wages plus tips) meet or exceed the standard federal minimum wage.
  • Tip Credit:

    Employers can claim a tip credit, which allows them to pay tipped employees less than the federal minimum wage, provided that the employee’s tips bring their total earnings up to at least $7.25 per hour. If an employee’s tips do not meet this threshold, the employer must make up the difference.
  • Tip Pooling:

    Tip pooling, where tips are shared among employees, is allowed under the FLSA, but employers and managers cannot participate in the pool.
    Employees must be informed of any tip pooling arrangements beforehand.
  • State Laws:

    Many states have their own minimum wage and tipping laws that can be more generous than federal requirements. For example, states like California, Oregon, and Washington do not allow tip credit and require employers to pay tipped employees the full state minimum wage before tips.
    Other states, such as New York and Massachusetts, have higher tipped minimum wages than the federal standard.
  • Service Charges:

    Mandatory service charges (e.g., for large parties at a restaurant) are not considered tips under federal law. These charges are typically included in the employee's regular wages and are subject to payroll tax withholding.
  • Employer Restrictions:

    Employers cannot require employees to turn over their tips, except in a valid tip-pooling arrangement.
    Employers cannot take deductions from employees' wages to cover cash register shortages, breakage, or the cost of uniforms if these deductions reduce the employee’s earnings below the minimum wage.

Understanding these laws helps ensure that both employees and employers comply with federal and state regulations, promoting fair labor practices and protecting workers' rights to their earned tips.

Tip Calculator: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How much to tip movers?

    For movers, it is customary to tip $20-$50 per mover, depending on the complexity and difficulty of the move. If the move involves stairs, heavy items, or long distances, consider tipping on the higher end.
  • How much to tip hairdresser?

    The standard tip for a hairdresser is 15-20% of the total service cost. If you receive exceptional service, you may choose to tip more.
  • How much to tip tattoo artist?

    It is customary to tip a tattoo artist 15-20% of the total cost of the tattoo. If the tattoo is particularly complex or time-consuming, you might consider tipping on the higher end of that range.
  • How much to tip valet?

    For valet services, a typical tip is $2-$5 when your car is returned to you. If the service is particularly prompt or courteous, you may choose to tip more.
  • How much to tip pizza delivery?

    For pizza delivery, a standard tip is $2-$5 or 10-15% of the total bill, whichever is higher. If the delivery is difficult or during adverse weather conditions, consider tipping more.
  • How much to tip delivery driver?

    For general delivery drivers, such as those delivering groceries or packages, a tip of $2-$5 is customary. If the delivery involves heavy items or multiple trips, consider tipping more.
  • How much should you tip?

    The amount you should tip varies depending on the service. Generally, 15-20% of the total bill is a good guideline for most services. Refer to specific recommendations for different services to ensure you are tipping appropriately.
  • How much to tip a massage therapist?

    A tip of 15-20% of the total cost of the massage is standard for massage therapists. If the service is exceptional, you may choose to tip more.
  • How much to tip DoorDash?

    For DoorDash deliveries, a tip of $2-$5 or 10-15% of the total bill is typical. If the delivery is difficult or during adverse weather conditions, consider tipping more.
  • How much to tip housekeeping?

    For housekeeping in hotels, it is customary to tip $2-$5 per night. Leave the tip in a visible place, such as on the pillow or nightstand, with a note indicating it is for housekeeping.
  • How to tip?

    Tips are usually given in cash directly to the service provider. In some cases, you can add the tip to your bill when paying by credit card. Always ensure the tip is clearly designated and handed directly to the person who provided the service.
  • How much to tip Instacart?

    For Instacart grocery deliveries, a tip of 10-15% of the total bill is standard. If the delivery involves heavy items or multiple trips, consider tipping more.
  • How much to tip dog groomer?

    A tip of 15-20% of the total cost of the grooming service is customary for dog groomers. If the service is exceptional or your dog requires special handling, you may choose to tip more.
  • How much to tip Uber?

    For Uber rides, a tip of 10-15% of the fare is typical. If the service is exceptional or the driver assists with luggage, you may choose to tip more.
  • How to calculate tip?

    To calculate a tip, multiply the total bill by the desired tip percentage. For example, for a 20% tip on a $50 bill, you would calculate $50 x 0.20 = $10. Add the tip amount to the total bill to determine the final amount you need to pay.
  • How much to tip hair stylist?

    The standard tip for a hair stylist is 15-20% of the total service cost. If you receive exceptional service, you may choose to tip more.
  • How much to tip nail salon?

    A tip of 15-20% of the total cost of the service is customary for nail salon technicians. If the service is exceptional, you may choose to tip more.
  • How much to tip wedding vendors?

    Tipping wedding vendors varies, but general guidelines include:
    • Caterers and waitstaff: 15-20% of the total bill
    • Hairstylists and makeup artists: 15-20%
    • Photographers and videographers: $50-$200 each
    • DJs and musicians: $50-$150 each
    • Wedding planners: Optional, but $100-$500 is common for excellent service
  • How much to tip for pedicure?

    For a pedicure, it is customary to tip 15-20% of the total service cost. If the service is exceptional, you may choose to tip more.
  • How much to tip Lyft driver?

    For Lyft rides, a tip of 10-15% of the fare is typical. If the service is exceptional or the driver assists with luggage, you may choose to tip more.
  • How much to tip furniture delivery?

    For furniture delivery, a tip of $5-$20 per person is customary, depending on the complexity and difficulty of the delivery. If the delivery involves heavy or multiple items, consider tipping more.
  • How much to tip the house cleaner?

    For house cleaners, a tip of $10-$20 per cleaning session is standard. If you have a regular cleaner, consider tipping the equivalent of one cleaning session during the holiday season.
  • How much to tip Uber Eats?

    For Uber Eats deliveries, a tip of $2-$5 or 10-15% of the total bill is typical. If the delivery is difficult or during adverse weather conditions, consider tipping more.
  • How much to tip a photographer?

    Tipping a photographer is optional but appreciated. If you choose to tip, $50-$100 for a job well done is a good guideline, especially for event or wedding photographers.
  • How much to tip grocery delivery?

    For grocery deliveries, a tip of $2-$5 or 10-15% of the total bill is standard. If the delivery involves heavy items or multiple trips, consider tipping more.
  • How to use tip calculator on iPhone?

    To use a tip calculator on your iPhone:
    • Open the App Store and search for "tip calculator."
    • Download and install a tip calculator app of your choice.
    • Open the app and enter the total bill amount.
    • Select the desired tip percentage.
    • The app will calculate the tip amount and the total amount you need to pay.
    • If you are splitting the bill, enter the number of people to see the amount each person should pay.