What is Micromanagement?

Micromanagement is a pattern of manager behavior marked by excessive supervision and control of employees’ work and processes, as well as limited delegation of tasks or decisions to staff.

Micromanagement is a management style in which a manager closely observes, controls, and scrutinizes the work of their subordinates, often to an excessive or unnecessary degree. Micromanagers tend to be highly detail-oriented and can be obsessive about making sure that every aspect of their subordinates' work is done exactly as they want it to be.

Some common characteristics of micromanagers include:

  • A lack of trust in their subordinates' abilities or judgment
  • A need for constant control and oversight
  • A tendency to be overly critical or nitpicky about their subordinates' work
  • A focus on details rather than the bigger picture
  • A reluctance to delegate tasks or responsibilities to others
  • A tendency to undermine their subordinates' autonomy and confidence

    Micromanagement can have negative consequences for both the manager and their subordinates. It can lead to decreased job satisfaction, low morale, and a lack of trust and respect between the manager and their team. Micromanagement can also stifle innovation and creativity, as subordinates may be hesitant to take risks or try new approaches if they fear criticism or disapproval from their manager.

    To avoid micromanagement, managers can focus on building trust and effective communication with their subordinates, delegating tasks and responsibilities appropriately, and providing constructive feedback and guidance rather than excessive criticism or control. Empowering subordinates to make decisions and take ownership of their work can also promote a more collaborative and productive work environment.