What is Grievance?

A grievance is a formal complaint or concern about a perceived injustice, wrong or mistreatment that someone may have experienced, usually in the workplace or within an organization.

What is Grievance?

A grievance is a formal expression of dissatisfaction or complaint about an action or situation that has caused harm, distress or injustice to an individual or group of individuals. It is often raised within an organization, such as a workplace or a union, but can also be made to external bodies, such as regulatory authorities or human rights organizations.

Grievances can arise for many reasons, such as disputes over working conditions, pay, benefits, promotion, disciplinary action, bullying, harassment, discrimination, or a lack of support or recognition. The complaint may be made by an individual employee, a group of employees, or a union on behalf of its members.

Grievance procedures typically involve a structured process of reporting, investigation, and resolution. The procedure usually starts with the employee making a formal complaint to their immediate supervisor or manager, outlining the nature of the grievance and the desired outcome. If the grievance is not resolved at this stage, it may be escalated to a higher level of management or to a designated grievance officer.

The next stage in the process is typically an investigation, during which the grievance officer or an independent investigator gathers information and evidence from both parties involved. This may involve interviews, document reviews, and fact-finding exercises.

Once the investigation is complete, the grievance officer or the manager responsible for resolving the grievance will make a decision on how to address the complaint. This may involve mediation, negotiation, disciplinary action, or any other appropriate action to resolve the issue.