What is Disciplinary Action?

Disciplinary action is a formal process that employers use to address and correct employee behavior or performance that does not meet expected standards.

What is Disciplinary Action?

Disciplinary action is a formal process that employers use to address and correct employee behavior or performance that does not meet expected standards. Disciplinary action can range from verbal warnings to termination of employment and is used to help employees understand the consequences of their actions and to encourage them to improve their behavior or performance.

The disciplinary process typically involves several steps, including:

  • Verbal warning This is an informal conversation between the employee and their supervisor to discuss the behavior or performance issue and to provide feedback and guidance on how to improve.
  • Written warning If the behavior or performance issue continues, the employer may issue a written warning that outlines the specific issue, the expected changes in behavior or performance, and the consequences of not improving.
  • Suspension In more serious cases, the employee may be suspended from work for a period of time as a disciplinary action.
  • Termination If the behavior or performance issue is not corrected, or if it is particularly serious, the employer may terminate the employee's employment.