A Leading Recruitment
and Staffing Company
Closed 25 Diverse and
Niche Positions

Region :

Use Case :
Talent sourcing,Hiring diverse and niche workforce

Industry :
Recruitment & Staffing


The primary objective of the leading recruitment and staffing organization was to hire a diverse workforce for 25 job positions with niche technical skills.

  A leader in delivering staffing solutions, needed a talent sourcing partner to identify potential job candidates in order to fill up the job positions faster. They were looking for a user friendly platform to source qualified and diverse candidates to join their team.


Before adopting HireQuotient, the team used a sourcing tool that focused on assisting recruiters in identifying potential candidates with technical expertise. However, the team encountered obstacles, the main problems were:

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Complicated user interface

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Talent pool with only few qualified & diverse candidates

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Expensive services


Benefits with hirequotient

Improved recruitment team’s productivity

Qualified candidate pipeline

Reduced cost-to-hire

Faster time-to-hire

Streamline candidate information


For the position of Graphic Designer, the client wanted candidates who could also supervise processes in all the countries where it operated. Therefore they needed candidates who had great design skills, visualization, and software skills as well. HoreQuotient’s skill assessments enabled them to evaluate applicants for these parameters and shortlist the best. 



 Increase in qualified candidates



decrease in sourcing time

Build Winning Teams With HireQuotient