
Recruitment Automation

8 Reasons Why the HR Industry is moving to Recruitment automation!

Published on December 8th, 2022


You come to the office one morning with the idea that you are going to cease this day and find the best candidates, screen them, interview them, and then finally hire them.  so you now entered the recruitment battlefield with a strong mug of coffee, your pen and your Mighty notepad to scribble down any important piece of information,  and yes of course excel and word to categorise information and vital pieces of data collected from each potential candidate. 

And soon after the third and the fourth applicant, and several other facepalm interviews in the process you honestly do not have it in you to interview another applicant. Especially with all the lies in the resume,  the poor grammar, the fancy but not-so-true education qualifications,  and yes of course the exaggerated work experience and their descriptions.

Now,  what if we told you you didn't have to go through this entire cumbersome  rigmarole  of finding your purple squirrel,  but all you needed was just one proper and effective solution- Recruitment automation!

What is Recruitment Automation?

Consider this as your saviour on a day when you are drowning in a pile of resumes cover letters emails and whatnot. 

 In other words, recruitment automation is a way of enhancing your typical recruitment processes and procedures by diminishing the event of manual tasks such as attracting and Sourcing candidates,  screening and pre-screening them interviewing and finally onboarding them. 

Here's what recruitment automation does for you,  it helps you save your mental energy and focus on pitching the right of us to the right candidates while a simple software or a simple program does all the other classes of finding Sourcing and attracting hiring in the final onboarding of the person. 

Let's face it everything is getting automated today and so are various other processes in the head HR and recruitment industry.  there is honestly nothing to be afraid of in this. Automating your entire recruitment and hiring process does not mean people are going to be e removed from their positions of recruitment and replaced with software and probably programming codes that do all the job for you.  It simply means you get to focus on the human and the more empathetic side of hiring a candidate and bringing them into your team and your company. recruitment automation means you are letting software or a program or something not so human-like take care of tasks that could drain you and fatigue you from  making the right decisions and offering the right offers to the right and the most deserving candidates. 

Often recruiters and hiring managers around the world,  talk about how much it takes to find the right candidate.  they also talked about how tiring the entire process can be.  they also so have claimed that after hours of screening and  interviewing several applicants there is an overvalued or there is a burnt out. 

This is exactly where recruitment automation comes in to save the day.  through this form of automation in the hiring industry,  recruiters can screen better hire better and attract better. 

Definition of Recruitment Automation.

Recruiting automation is a technology that creates automated workflows for tasks that would often be handled manually, such as recruiting or HR. Recruiting automation may speed up time-consuming processes including applicant sourcing, communication, scheduling, and evaluations.

When you integrate automation into your recruiting processes, you are able to focus better on getting on calls with candidates and closing positions and roles at a much fater rate. The software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry typically includes recruiting automation, which supports HR operations by enhancing productivity and saving time.

Recruitment Automation is a valuable resource for companies and organizations because this helps them scale their teams quickly and efficiently. This form of recruitment also offers a competitive advantage over other recruiters.

In this article, we decided to put 8 solid reasons why you need to automate your recruitment process. We touch on points about how this improves hiring decisions, how to attract the right candidate, and how you can also significantly reduce the time takes to hire and fill a position.

Here are 8 reasons why you need to automate your recruitment process right now!

Attracting, sourcing, selecting and hiring the right people for the right job:

The first step to hiring anyone new is the thought that you want to hire the best and to go ahead and create the best job advertisements, descriptions and offers. But doing everything from scratch can be a daunting task. Recruitment automation software helps you create and customize your job descriptions and advertisements with ready-to-use templates, formats and layouts quickly and easily. With this, you can post your job advertisements quickly, attract the right candidates and close positions faster.

Recruitment Automation helps you organize and draw up lists of the necessary skills, talents and educational qualifications your candidates must possess. How this software helps you by filtering out those applications that do not meet the requirements or criteria. This way you don't waste your time manually filtering out applications from ‘not-so-ideal candidates.

A Ready-to-hire Talent Pool:

Here’s something you should know. Nearly 75% of resumes for high-volume roles are either ignored or rejected. This is because recruiters often struggle to keep up with a huge volume of resumes and applications. Your answer to this problem is to immediately go back to all the resumes you either engaged or interacted with at some point in recent times.

This works best especially if you need to close positions in a super tight timeline. Instead of posting jobs on different platforms and channels and waiting for a reply or an action, you rather reach out to your existing set of applications.

Building a talent roadmap:

Recruitment automation helps you index and store vast amounts of data about your potential workforce. This helps you understand their skills, previous work experience, Aptitude tests, work experiences, and so much more. It helps you figure out what you want in a team and gives you a clear talent roadmap for you to follow and find the right opportunities.

Analytical view of the Talent Funnel:

With recruitment automation, you can find all your data in one place that gives your complete a glance view of the Talent funnel.  this helps you in getting a bird's eye view of what is working and what is not working across various other recruitment channels. This increased visibility with analytics tells you very inefficiencies lie and areas that need a lot of work. 

Decreased time to hire and time to fill:

Automating your entire recruitment process only means savings hours of work every week.  From  automatic scheduling interviews to conducting skill-based and talent-based tests;  recruitment automation speeds up your processes of hiring and finding the right candidate and filling a job opening alot faster. 

Recruitment automation helps you as a recruiter or HR manager in simplifying and streamlining your entire recruitment procedure.   whether it is contacting 10 or 10000 candidates every day with recruitment automation you can find your purple squirrel in no time.

More time to allocate to high-value work:

As a recruiter, your day begins with a few resumes and before you even know it you are drowning in a pile of cover letters emails and more resumes.  It is impossible and tiring to constantly keep going through applications and organising meetings and most importantly building engagement  across various job portals and platforms.  when you automate all of these tasks and processes you have enough more time to spend on high-value work,  interact with the right and qualified candidates,  and focus on increasing your hiring experience building the image of a company or a brand. 

Diminish or eliminate hiring biases:

 another striking benefit of automating your recruitment processes are the fact that you can eliminate or diminish hiring biases and judgmental decisions.  this is because its a software that handles the data and the information provided I am not a human being who is present with preconceived notions,  judgements and ideas about who they want to bring on board.  with recruitment automation, you can bring a sense of equality, diversity and inclusivity through your hiring processes. 

At the end of all of this, you are giving everyone an equal and Square chance to prove what their talents and skills are worth.  you are able to achieve this because the reports are the results that you get from automating your recruitment process backed by data and supported by various other analytics  that give you a understanding of what each candidate can bring to the table.  this is because these tests don't test a candidates ability to do a job by their religious background, gender, caste, or creed.  

Better Employee Onboarding:

The area between making an offer to a candidate to the first day of joining your company is known as the employee onboarding phase,  and this is extremely crucial.  Here's why.  This phase contains everything from welcome emails to setting up their devices,  induction training programs, to also  explaining to them what they are expected to do. 

If you are still hesitant about automating your recruitment processes and giving automation a chance to do a good job, here are some more convincing. These  are 5 signs that we put together  for you to identify whether or not you need to automate the recruitment process. 

3 warning signs your company is in dire need of recruitment automation!

Number 1:  You have more facepalm interviews and less WOW  interviews

Yes!  there is something called as a ‘facepalm interview’. This is usually when a candidate has lied through their teeth about their qualification  experience,  their skills, and their portfolio. 

This is a clear indication that there is a flaw in your recruitment process  and someone somewhere is not collecting the right information all the necessary details about the candidate. This also means that your job description was not quite clear for candidate whenever applying for the job. 

And this is not  unheard of in the world of recruitment where resumes come with fancy job titles and work experiences as well as a  of stellar record of achievements.  it's not that through recruitment automation you will always strike gold but a part of  automating your recruitment process  includ skill assessment and talent  assessments  that give you a pen picture of whether the candidate is really cut out for the job or no. 

Number 2 : Your team of recruiters and hirers are absolutely tired and burnt out!

The only way to recharge recruiter or hirer is by letting them talk to people and engage with others rather than throwing them in front of Excel sheets that they need to update,  and bombarding them with tons of emails,  and throwing and as many resumes as you find. 

Here's how your top recruiters Burnout can affect an entire recruitment process.  when they don't have the clear space on the head space to think,  they are clouded by their own judgement and blinded by the pressure of deadlines to find, source, hire, interview and finally close a position.

In the process of all of this there is a very good chance that they can this regard potential candidates or even scrap them out too!

Number 3 : Bad employer branding:

Employer branding need not just be limited to your existing base of employees. This also includes what sort of a hiring experience you give candidates who have come to apply for a job at your firm. If your recruitment processes have a number of rounds of interviews and tests you have to make sure that they are worth your candidates time and effort. 

Often Times candidates who applied for job and inland the position could go around  furnishing the name of your company. there could be a  1000 reasons as to why they do that.  some of them include multiple rounds of interviews only for them not to run the position,  or haphazard for unorganised ways of conducting an interview,  making them wait for hours together only to say that  the position is closed. 

You can eliminate all of this and more by just automating your recruitment process. This does not mean that it only takes care of hiring the right candidate and then giving them their offer letters and things alike. 

Recruitment automation also includes video assessments, talent assessments, skill based assessments,  screening and pre screening,  generating offer letters,  aur even letters a mail that tell a candidate the status of their application in your system. 

How to get started with recruitment automation today and who do you call!

There are plenty of ways you can automate your recruitment process.  now that you are here,  why not book a demo with us and let us show you how to increase your productivity and efficiency at hiring. 

At HireQuotient,  we have a number of skill based assessment that can be tailor made to each job role. These tests and assessments are designed to test the abilities and knowledge of a candidate in a systematic manner. 

Our skill based assessments, help you hire candidates with skills and true potential.  Don't believe us?  Demo now to find out!




Radhika Sarraf

Radhika Sarraf is a content specialist and a woman of many passions who currently works at HireQuotient, a leading recruitment SaaS company. She is a versatile writer with experience in creating compelling articles, blogs, social media posts, and marketing collaterals.

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