
Recruiting Generation Z

Recruiting Generation Z: Tips to Hire the Next Generation of Star Talent

Published on November 5th, 2022


The generational cohort that follows millennials, known as Generation Z or Gen Z, includes those who were born in the late 1990s and early 2010s. According to research, Generation Z, which makes up 27% of the population, is the largest generation in American history. At 82 million, Gen Z will outnumber millennials by 2 million as the largest segment of the U.S. consumer population by 2026.

With 49 percent of Generation Z identifying as non-white, it is the most diverse generation in American history to date. Since they were born after the invention of the Internet and during the emergence of smartphones, they are also referred to as digital natives. According to one statistic, 98 percent of Generation Z members currently own a smartphone. The average amount of time Generation Z spends online or connected to a smart device per day is three hours, which is substantially more than prior generations.

Researchers have noticed another Gen Z trend: a need for stability and knowledge in personal finance. Many people witnessed their parents' struggles during the Great Recession as children. As a result, they are concerned about their financial situation in the future and planning

The most intelligent and well-educated generation is Gen Z. It has not been a waste for us to have access to such a vast amount of knowledge. Compared to 52 percent of Millenials and 43 percent of Gen X, 57 percent of Gen Z members in the United States are said to have enrolled in a two- or four-year college. In a few years, Gen Z will be prepared and educated to enter the world.

The wealth of time is the only wealth that is more valuable than human resources - Sunday Adelaja

Top tips to consider while recruiting generation Z

1. Maintain visuals

Gen Z, in contrast to older generations, dislikes being contacted via social media. At least, there was no direct business contact. Instead, draw them in with personal content like profiles and employee anecdotes about working at the organization. Get the point through as quickly as you can by keeping them brief and using emojis and other graphic elements.

Another thing to consider is that, whether it be through FaceTime, Skype, or other platforms, Generation Z genuinely enjoys face-to-face contact. They value establishing a personal connection and being able to see the person on the other end of the line.

2. Offer insightful growth trajectories

According to a Robert Half study, 64% of Generation Z jobseekers ranked the chance for career advancement as their top priority while looking for a job. Therefore, it is essential to demonstrate a clear progression from entry-level to the following career level. By assisting in the retention of Generation Z employees, creating internal mentorship programs will benefit you in the long term.

3. Connect linguistically

Being the first generation to be born into a fully digital environment, Generation Z is special. They can take in a huge amount of information instantly, in addition to being able to process it quickly. The world needs Gen Z to be able to stay up as it becomes increasingly inundated with knowledge.

By using their language, you can draw in Gen Z applicants. They seek an environment at work that fosters creativity, personal development, and social interaction. Use social media to highlight your workplace's culture and to encourage discussion, as was briefly suggested earlier (point #2). Engage in dialogue to proactively demonstrate the chances for growth, connection, and innovation that your business provides for its employees.

4. Provide them with someone or something to relate to.

Candidates from Generation Z can't relate to Janice in accounting, who has worked there for 25 years, because they can't fathom being with one firm for that long. They choose work-life balance for long-term stability. By hiring Generation Z employees, you may provide Generation Z prospects with someone to identify with. You can also use an internship or co-op program to draw them in and retain them when they graduate.

5. Early bird entry is key

Although Generation Z is only now beginning to enter the workforce, this situation won't last for very long. The number of Gen Z applicants will soon be constantly increasing. Your recruiting strategy cannot and should not be changed overnight, but you may start experimenting right now to see what works. For instance, a lot of senior employees use LinkedIn, whereas younger applicants are more likely to use Instagram. Test to find out where they are and what works; you'll only come out better than you would have otherwise and ahead of your rivals.

6. Emboss and emphasize on meaning and value

Balance between work and life is crucial for Generation Z. Instead of working more hours and earning more money, they would choose to work part-time. In the aforementioned Universum survey, 51% of North American participants identified "flexible" employment as their top professional objective.

How does that affect you? In your messaging, focus on value and purpose. What sort of long-term professional progress can they anticipate? What effect will it have? Gen Z is more worried about your company's positive social impact than it is about your pay and financial stability, and your branding ought to convey that message.

7. Encourage their sense of entrepreneurship

Gen Z was raised in a world where almost any question might get an immediate online response. They could end up being the most independent generation ever, so to speak. Therefore, Generation Z will be seeking autonomy in their jobs, business-like prospects, and meaning from their companies.

Offering flexible work hours and virtual teams can be helpful, but Gen Z will seek out employers who give them the opportunity to express their thoughts and advance swiftly.

8. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important

Long work hours and a lack of personal or family time are things of the past. Gen Z is very particular about having a good work-life balance, or they won't stay. After seeing Millennials struggle to succeed in a cutthroat job environment, Generation Z is determined to avoid burnout.

You can gain an advantage by allowing them to work flexible hours, take a lot of yearly leave, and coordinate their job with their obligations for childcare and their families.

9. Show adaptability

The COVID-19 epidemic demonstrated to the globe the viability of flexible and remote work settings. And Gen Z noticed. The majority of Generation Z employees—2/3—prefer to work remotely and at home.

Since remote employees can be based anywhere in the world, providing remote and flexible work conditions will help you draw in Zoomers and widen your candidate pool!

10. Embrace Diversity

The generation known as Gen Z is the most racially and ethnically diverse in history. And they anticipate the same at work.

You must not just advertise but also uphold your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. If a business doesn't meet expectations, Gen Z won't let it go and won't have any trouble moving on. Create a diversity and inclusiveness statement, be transparent about your DEI goals and initiatives, and lead by example in your organization to demonstrate that you mean business.

11. Enhance their professional abilities

Nearly 40% of Gen Z employees in the UK think their worry prevents them from pursuing their ideal careers. Most people believe they lack sufficient preparation for some of the most popular workplace abilities. For instance:

  • Negotiating\sNetworking
  • settling disputes
  • speaking in public
  • having a long workday

    It's crucial to let potential employees know that your business values professional advancement. Additionally, it is sensible to put in place programs to mentor and retain new personnel in order to ensure their long-term retention.

12. Utilize technology to get more done

No other generation is more technologically savvy than Generation Z. They are very at ease using technology in the job because they used it growing up.

To make their jobs simpler, many Gen Z employees embrace automation and technological improvements. Gaining Gen Z's attention can be done by demonstrating how your company uses technology.

And if your company is tech-averse, you should be aware that Gen Z can and will leave businesses that refuse to embrace the digital world.

13. Secure their employment

Gen Z observed how Millennials were compelled to work several jobs in order to make ends meet or develop in their careers. They also do not desire that for themselves. For 65% of Gen Z employees, their place of employment is essential to who they are as a person.

Given how highly valued jobs are to such a large percentage of people, when picking a job, job security is a normal concern. Gen Z may be drawn to your available roles if you emphasize job security and prospects for growth in your recruiting efforts.

14. Make use of referrals

A referral from a current or former employer is preferred by nearly 62% of Gen Z job seekers. The world's information was readily available to this generation as they were growing up. They appreciate recommendations since they are aware that things aren't always as they seem and want to learn firsthand about a company before applying. Sending the proper message to Gen Z can be accomplished by asking current employees to suggest individuals they feel would fit well with your company. Additionally, it motivates current employees to participate in the hiring process.

15. Employers on campus

Campus recruiting is one of the top job sources for 54% of Gen Z college students. The value of face-to-face communication is understood by this generation. They also take their jobs seriously.

In their first two years of college, almost 25% of Gen Zers begin hunting for their first job! One in ten people, however, waits until after graduation. Utilize employment fairs and on-campus gatherings to meet and interact with Gen Z.

16. Improve the state of the world.

Both Gen Z and Millennials want to make the world a better place. And they want to work for an organization that shares their philosophy. You should emphasize any involvement with local communities, pledges to sustainability, or charitable connections to boost your recruitment strategy.

If you don't already have these programs, it might be time to think about developing some. Embracing your ability to make a difference can attract Gen Z and enhance impressions of your business as a whole.

Gen z recruiting trends

  • Automated texting and AI integration can keep them interested. Internet, social media, computers, and texting were all part of Gen Z's upbringing. The Financial Services Job Seeker Trends Survey 2021 found that 79.4% of applicants would rather schedule an interview by text message than by phone or email.

    Not to add, compared to email, texts have a 98% open rate. Employers must use text and chat capabilities in their hiring process if they want to appeal to this generation.

    No matter where they are, prospects can respond to texts instantly, and recruiters can engage 4 times as many candidates than via email. Additionally, candidates may arrange and reschedule interviews from the convenience of their phones thanks to text-powered chatbots that pre-screen applicants.

  • Using on-demand video interviewing, encourage flexibility. Did you know that the majority of the 2021 video interviews were conducted outside of regular work hours? The hiring process is a reflection of the working environment.

    A strong applicant experience gives businesses a significant competitive edge because, according to 78% of respondents, it shows how much a company appreciates its employees.

    Candidates are able to present themselves in the best light possible, which may not be 9 to 5 when there are obligations for school and employment.

  • Promote DEI goals with automation while minimizing unconscious bias. Diversity "will be a deal-breaker for Gen Z in the workplace," according to Intel. Moreover, a third of Gen-Zers claim that, given two comparable offers, they would unquestionably choose the organization they believed to be more inclusive and varied.

    Candidates of the Gen Z generation look for employers who share their values, and when they believe the recruiting process was fair, they are 204% more inclined to interact with that firm.

    Hiring managers may create and structure interviews with proven questions using technology solutions like HireVue Builder, which is vetted by data scientists and IO psychologists to actively battle prejudice. This ensures consistency and fairness for all candidates.

    Well, you don’t need to think twice about the A to Z of hiring your Gen-Z workforce. We at HireQuotient believe in creating the most effective and efficient workforce by choosing skills over tags. All you have to do? Click below, get on a quick call with us, and we will give you the killer formula to scale up your hiring like never before!



Thomas M. A.

A literature-lover by design and qualification, Thomas loves exploring different aspects of software and writing about the same.

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