
Performance Appraisal Survey Sample Questions

Performance Appraisal Survey Sample Questions

Published on July 4th, 2023


Welcome to our Performance Appraisal Sample Survey Questions! As hirers and recruiters, assessing the effectiveness of performance appraisal processes is essential for evaluating employee performance, providing feedback, and making informed decisions regarding career development and compensation. This question bank provides you with a comprehensive set of HR survey questions to gather feedback from employees, evaluate their perceptions of the performance appraisal process, and identify areas for improvement. The questions cover various aspects of performance appraisal, including communication, fairness, goal alignment, and employee development. Incorporate the keywords "HR survey" and "Performance appraisal survey questionnaire" in your survey introduction to emphasize the purpose of the questionnaire.

35 Performance Appraisal Sample Survey Questions

  1. How well did the performance appraisal process align with the goals and expectations set for your role?
  2. Were the performance criteria and evaluation standards communicated clearly and effectively?
  3. Did the performance appraisal provide a fair and accurate assessment of your performance?
  4. How satisfied are you with the frequency and timing of performance appraisal discussions?
  5. Did the performance appraisal process facilitate open and constructive communication between you and your manager?
  6. How well did your manager provide feedback on your strengths and areas for improvement during the appraisal?
  7. Were the performance goals and objectives for your role clearly defined and understood?
  8. How satisfied are you with the clarity and relevance of the performance criteria used for evaluation?
  9. Did the performance appraisal process consider both qualitative and quantitative aspects of your work?
  10. How well did the performance appraisal process support your professional development and career aspirations?
  11. Were you given an opportunity to provide self-assessment and reflect on your performance?
  12. How satisfied are you with the level of fairness and objectivity in the performance appraisal process?
  13. Did the performance appraisal discussion include a focus on goal alignment and future objectives?
  14. How well did your manager address your concerns and provide guidance during the performance appraisal?
  15. Were the performance appraisal discussions constructive and focused on growth and improvement?
  16. How satisfied are you with the documentation and record-keeping of the performance appraisal process?
  17. Did the performance appraisal process recognize and appreciate your contributions and achievements?
  18. How well did the performance appraisal process address your work-life balance and well-being?
  19. How satisfied are you with the level of transparency in the performance appraisal process?
  20. Were development opportunities discussed and identified during the performance appraisal?
  21. How well did the performance appraisal process align with the organization's values and culture?
  22. How satisfied are you with the performance ratings and their link to career advancement and compensation?
  23. Did the performance appraisal process encourage a two-way dialogue between you and your manager?
  24. How well did the performance appraisal process assess your competencies and skills?
  25. How satisfied are you with the timeliness and consistency of the performance appraisal process?
  26. Were the performance goals and objectives mutually agreed upon between you and your manager?
  27. How well did the performance appraisal process facilitate recognition and rewards based on performance?
  28. How satisfied are you with the effectiveness of the performance appraisal feedback received?
  29. Did the performance appraisal process include discussions on your training and development needs?
  30. How well did the performance appraisal process support team and organizational objectives?
  31. How satisfied are you with the level of guidance provided for goal-setting and performance improvement?
  32. Did the performance appraisal process address any biases or potential discrimination?
  33. How well did the performance appraisal process recognize and address your individual strengths?
  34. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for upward feedback and suggestions in the appraisal process?
  35. How likely are you to recommend improvements to the performance appraisal process based on your experience?


We hope these Performance Appraisal Sample Survey Questions will assist you in gathering valuable feedback from employees regarding the performance appraisal process. By incorporating the keywords "HR survey" and "Performance appraisal survey questionnaire" throughout your survey, you highlight the purpose and relevance of the questionnaire, leading to meaningful responses. Analyzing the survey findings will help you identify strengths and areas for improvement, resulting in a more effective and impactful performance appraisal process. Remember to regularly review and update your survey questions to align with evolving employee expectations and industry best practices.
 Sample Survey Questions for Performance Appraisal (1).png



Thomas M. A.

A literature-lover by design and qualification, Thomas loves exploring different aspects of software and writing about the same.

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