
LinkedIn for Hiring

How To Use Linkedin For Hiring Freshers

Published on April 3rd, 2023



LinkedIn has been the most popular social media platform widely used for professional networking, job searching, and recruitment purposes for quite a long time. It provides a platform for job seekers and employers to connect, exchange information, and explore employment opportunities. For employers, LinkedIn is a valuable tool for hiring and recruiting talented professionals. Here’s a quick read on how to use LinkedIn for hiring freshers!

Ways to find freshers on LinkedIn

Here are a few steps you could try to find freshers on LinkedIn:

Use advanced search filters: Use LinkedIn's advanced search filters to search for candidates who have recently graduated or are still in school. You can narrow down your search by specifying the candidate's location, industry, and education details.

HireQuotient has come up with EasySource, a chrome extension that provides the most efficient advanced search filters to find the right candidates. Try using it to find freshers on LinkedIn. All you have to do is add the extension to chrome and use the advanced filters provided to find your purple squirrels as per your specific requirements!

Join groups: Join LinkedIn groups related to your industry or area of interest. Many freshers join these groups to network and connect with professionals in their field.

Use keywords: Use keywords such as "freshers," "recent graduates," "entry-level," "junior," or "interns" in your search to find relevant profiles.

Attend career fairs:Attend career fairs and events hosted by colleges and universities to meet freshers in person and learn more about their skills and experience.

Utilize LinkedIn Recruiter: Consider using LinkedIn Recruiter, a paid tool that allows you to search for candidates using various filters, including education, experience, and skills. This tool can help you find and connect with freshers who match your job requirements.

Ways to use LinkedIn Recruiter to hire freshers

LinkedIn Recruiter is a powerful tool that can help you hire freshers for your organization. Curious about the steps that help you use LinkedIn Recruiter efficiently for hiring freshers? Here’s a few:

Create a job posting: Start by creating a job posting that clearly outlines the job requirements and responsibilities. Make sure to include relevant keywords in the job posting that will help it appear in search results for candidates.

Search for potential candidates:Use LinkedIn Recruiter to search for potential candidates who match the qualifications required for the job. You can use filters like location, education, skills, and experience to narrow down the search results.

Reach out to potential candidates: Once you have identified potential candidates, reach out to them with a personalized message that highlights why they are a good fit for the job opening. Make sure to include specific details about the job opening and the company to show that you have done your research.

Use LinkedIn Recruiter tools: LinkedIn Recruiter offers several tools that can help you manage the hiring process more efficiently. For example, you can use the "Save Candidates" feature to keep track of potential candidates and their qualifications. You can also use the "InMail" feature to reach out to candidates who are not connected to your network.

Engage with candidates: Engage with potential candidates by responding to their messages, answering their questions, and scheduling interviews. Make sure to provide a positive candidate experience throughout the hiring process.

By using LinkedIn Recruiter efficiently, you can find and hire freshers who are a good fit for your organization. Make sure to use relevant keywords, personalize your messages, and engage with candidates throughout the hiring process to ensure a successful outcome.

How to use keywords on LinkedIn for hiring?

Recruiters can use keywords efficiently on LinkedIn to find and connect with potential candidates who match the qualifications and experience required for a job opening. Keywords can help recruiters in the process of hiring freshers on LinkedIn. Here are some tips on how recruiters can use keywords effectively on LinkedIn:

Research relevant keywords: Start by researching the relevant keywords that are commonly used in your industry or for the specific job opening. Look at the job description, industry publications, and other LinkedIn profiles to identify the most relevant keywords.

Use Boolean search operators: Use Boolean search operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to create more specific and targeted search queries. For example, you can use the search query "Java developer AND Spring framework" to find candidates who have experience in both Java development and the Spring framework.

Use keywords in job postings: Use relevant keywords in your job postings to attract the attention of candidates who match the qualifications required for the job. Make sure to include keywords in the job title, job description, and required qualifications.

Use keywords in messages: When reaching out to potential candidates on LinkedIn, use relevant keywords in your messages to show that you have done your research and that you are interested in their specific skills and experience.

Be specific: Use specific keywords that accurately describe the qualifications and experience required for the job opening. For example, instead of using a generic keyword like "marketing," use more specific keywords like "digital marketing," "content marketing," or "social media marketing." 

By using keywords efficiently on LinkedIn, recruiters can find and connect with potential candidates who are a good fit for the job opening. This can save time and effort in the hiring process and lead to better-quality hires. Use these methods for hiring freshers on LinkedIn.

 How to apply filters on LinkedIn?

To find freshers on LinkedIn, you can use filters to narrow down your search. Here are the steps to follow while you use LinkedIn for hiring:

- Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to the search bar at the top of the page.

- Type in the relevant keywords to find freshers, such as "freshers", "entry-level", "recent graduates", or "new graduates".

- Click on the search button to see the results.

- Once you see the results, click on the "All Filters" button located at the top of the search results page.

- This will open a new page where you can use various filters to refine your search. Some useful filters to use include:

a. Location - select the location where you want to find freshers.

b. Industry - choose the industry you are interested in.

c. Experience level - select "Entry level" or "Internship" to find freshers.

d. Education - select "Recent Graduates" or "No Degree" to find freshers who have recently completed their studies.

- Once you have selected the filters, click on the "Apply" button to see the updated search results.

- You can further refine your search by using additional filters such as skills, language, and interests.

Using these filters can help you find profiles of your purple squirrels on LinkedIn who meet your specific criteria. Remember to personalize your message when you reach out to them and explain why you are interested in connecting with them. 

Also, make sure you use EasySource for using the advanced filters on top of the ones that LinkedIn provides by default. Check out Easy Source now! Finding freshers on LinkedIn is made a lot easier with the advanced features that it provides.

 How to find the right  groups on LinkedIn?

Finding the right groups on LinkedIn can be a great way to network and connect with your purple squirrels. Here are some steps to help you find the right groups on LinkedIn:

Identify your goals: Determine why you want to join a group on LinkedIn. Are you looking to connect with other professionals in your industry or just the freshers crowd? Do you want to learn about industry trends and best practices? Are you looking for freshers in a particular industry? Understanding your goals will help you find groups that align with your interests.

Use LinkedIn's search function: Use LinkedIn's search function to find groups related to your industry or profession. Enter keywords related to your industry or profession, and LinkedIn will suggest relevant groups. Here, you could search for freshers. You can also filter your search by selecting "Groups" in the drop-down menu.

Browse LinkedIn's groups directory: LinkedIn has a directory of groups that you can browse by category, such as industry, location, or interests. This can be a great way to find groups that you may not have thought of before.

Check out the recommended groups: LinkedIn will recommend groups based on your profile, activity, and connections. You can find these recommendations by clicking on the "My Groups" tab on the LinkedIn homepage.

Evaluate the group: Once you find a group that interests you, take some time to evaluate it. Look at the group's description, rules, and recent activity. Consider the group's size, engagement level, and whether it is active or not. You can also look at the profiles of members in the group to see if they are a good fit for you.

Follow these steps to find the right groups on LinkedIn that align with your goals and interests. Remember to engage with the group and participate in discussions to get the most out of your membership.

Hope you find the information provided above useful. Remember all these points and information while you use LinkedIn for hiring freshers. Do you wonder if you could find better ways to hire freshers? Yes, we do have a better alternative here. Check out HireQuotient’s talent sourcing platform for finding the perfect hires. Book a demo with our experts now! 





Thomas M. A.

A literature-lover by design and qualification, Thomas loves exploring different aspects of software and writing about the same.

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