
How To Search On LinkedIn

How To Search On LinkedIn?

Published on May 8th, 2023



Searching on LinkedIn can be a unique challenge:

 the platform is full of candidates, and it can often feel like finding a needle in a haystack. You click through profile after profile, hoping to find that one perfect match for an open position at your company – but you're not sure where to start! 

The truth is that searching on LinkedIn doesn't have to be overwhelming if you leverage its powerful tools, which are designed specifically for recruiters and hiring managers. Today we'll show you how to make those complex searches simpler so that the perfect candidate won't stay hidden for long.

1. Basic LinkedIn search

The most basic way to search on LinkedIn is by using the search bar located at the top of the LinkedIn homepage. Simply enter the name, keyword, or phrase you're looking for, and LinkedIn will display relevant results. You can also filter your results by location, company, job title, or other criteria using the filters on the left-hand side of the search results page.

2. Advanced LinkedIn search

If you're looking for more specific results, LinkedIn also offers an advanced search feature. This allows you to search for people, jobs, companies, or groups based on more specific criteria, such as job function, industry, or seniority level. To access advanced search, click on the "All Filters" button on the search results page and then enter your search criteria.

3. LinkedIn search operators

For even more precise results, LinkedIn offers search operators that allow you to use specific commands and operators to refine your search. For example, you can use the "AND" operator to search for results that include multiple keywords, or the "NOT" operator to exclude certain terms from your search. To use search operators, simply enter your search terms and operators in the search bar using the proper syntax.

4. Saved searches

If you frequently search for the same criteria, LinkedIn allows you to save your search results for future use. This is a great way to stay updated on new job opportunities or to keep track of new content related to your industry or interests. To save a search, simply click on the "Save Search" button on the search results page.

5. LinkedIn Recruiter search

If you're a recruiter or hiring manager, LinkedIn offers a specialized search tool called LinkedIn Recruiter. This tool allows you to search for and contact potential candidates based on a wide range of criteria, including job function, seniority level, and past experience. LinkedIn Recruiter is a paid tool, but it can be a valuable investment for companies that are serious about finding the best talent.

Use EasySource

EasySource is an automated talent sourcing tool that works as an extra layer on LinkedIn and helps the recruiters to find top talent from a pool of active and passive candidates and build a robust talent pipeline. It is a one-of-a-kind outbound recruitment tool that hyper-personalizes candidate outreach, automates it and gives access to a candidate dashboard for easy tracking. 

Now that you know the ins and outs of searching for the perfect connections on LinkedIn, you're ready to take advantage of all the networking opportunities it has to offer. With enough practice, you'll be able to find potential new coworkers, find advice from industry experts, and even form strong connections with people outside of your usual professional circles. 

Who knows? You may find a lifelong friend or business partner! In the meantime, why not have a little fun? Check out some new faces on LinkedIn and see if they're someone you'd like to connect with. After all, what's more exciting than meeting new people? With EasySource in hand, you can go forth into the great unknown of LinkedIn and find some incredible talent. Happy searching!




Radhika Sarraf

Radhika Sarraf is a content specialist and a woman of many passions who currently works at HireQuotient, a leading recruitment SaaS company. She is a versatile writer with experience in creating compelling articles, blogs, social media posts, and marketing collaterals.

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