
Hire Gen Z

This is Why You Need Gen Zs on Your Team Now!

Published on December 4th, 2022

They’re efficient, they’re diverse and they’re digital natives. We are talking about the Generation Z or Gen Z, who are geared up to enter the global workforce and ready to reshape the world. It is up to recruiters and businesses to capitalize this newest generation in the workforce. 

Why is recruiting Gen Z important?

Recruiting the younger generation is a must to bridge the aging talent gap. Baby boomers are reaching retirement age, roughly about 10,000 of them will become eligible for retirement each day for the next ten years. On the other hand, millennials who represent about 35% of the global workforce as of 2020, will make about 75% by 2025. Gen Z now makes up around 24% of the current global workforce, which means they will be the dominating workforce of the future.

Acting now will give you the benefit of future-proofing your organization. You will have a multi-generational workforce, and both millennials and Gen Z can benefit through mentoring from boomers. Mentorship enables your younger employees to gain wisdom and insights into maneuvering the workplace, whereas older employees can hone their tech and social media skills.

Key Insights

  • Gen Z, also known as Zoomers, are the generation born between 1997 and 2012. Millennials, also known as Gen Y, are the generation born between 1981 and 1996.
  • They are the first generation to grow up with widespread access to the internet and social media, which has shaped their values and expectations.
  • Known for being more racially and ethnically diverse than previous generations.
  • They value social and environmental responsibility and tend to prioritize purpose over salary when choosing a job.
  • Highly skilled at adapting to new technologies and is comfortable with collaboration and remote work.
  • Highly educated, with many having completed or pursuing higher education.
  • Gen Z values transparency and open communication in the workplace and expects their employers to be transparent as well.
  • Gen Z is looking for opportunities for personal and professional development and values a strong company culture.
  • More likely to use online job boards and social media to search for job opportunities, so it's important for employers to have a strong online presence.
  • Gen Z tends to be more independent and self-directed than Millennials, and values flexibility and work-life balance. Employers should consider offering flexible work arrangements to attract and retain Gen Z talent.

What are the benefits of having a Gen Z workforce?

Accepting Social Differences: Gen Z highly values cross-cultural communication. About 86% of Gen Z job seekers feel the company's commitment to diversity is important. As a company, you can showcase cultural differences and build a cooperative workforce. It will allow you to breakdown discrimination in workspace and systematic social issues.

  • Problem-Solving Skills: Gen Z continues to grow up in a fast-paced, result-oriented world. Their minds are profiled to be entrepreneurs and they are incredible problem solvers.
  • Fresh perspectives: Gen Z brings a unique set of experiences and perspectives to the workplace. They have grown up with technology and social media, and may have different ideas about how to use these tools to solve problems and drive innovation.
  • Digital literacy: Gen Z is often referred to as the "digital native" generation, meaning they have grown up with technology and are comfortable using a wide range of digital tools. This can be a valuable asset in today's increasingly digital world.
  • Adaptability: Gen Z is known for being adaptable and flexible, which can be helpful in a rapidly changing business environment. They are often willing to learn new skills and embrace new technologies, which can help your organization stay competitive. Dforce can lead to more creative and innovative thinking, as different viewpoints can stimulate new ideas and approaches.
  • Social and environmental consciousness: Gen Z is often more socially and environmentally conscious than previous generations, and may be more inclined to work for organizations that align with their values. This can be an important consideration for companies looking to attract and retain top talent.

What are the challenges in employing Gen Z?

Limited Work Experience: Since they are a relatively new generation in the workforce, they may not have as much job experience as older generations. This can make it harder for them to stand out in a competitive job market and may require businesses to invest more in training and development.

  • Low Median Job Tenure: Gen Z employees have a job tenure that is two-thirds shorter than older generations, which means HRs have to work harder to retain them.
  • Different communication styles: Zoomers have grown up with social media and may be more accustomed to communicating through digital channels. This can make it difficult for businesses to connect with them in more traditional ways, such as through in-person interviews.
  • Competition for top talent: They are known for being ambitious and motivated to succeed in their careers. This can make it competitive for businesses to attract top talent from this generation.
  • Different values: Gen Z may have different values and priorities than older generations, which can lead to misunderstandings and challenges in the workplace. For example, Gen Z may place a higher value on work-life balance and may not be as willing to put in long hours as older generations.
  • Stereotypes: There may be stereotypes about Gen Z that can make it harder for them to be taken seriously in the workplace. For example, they may be perceived as being entitled or not being able to handle challenges.

Overall, hiring Gen Z requires businesses to be open to new perspectives and ways of working, and to invest in training and development to support their growth. It may also require businesses to adapt their communication and management styles to better suit the needs and values of this generation.

How to keep GenZ engaged with work?

Thanks to social media and the effects of instant gratification Gen Z has the tendency to lose their focus pretty quickly. According to a recent study, the average attention span of the younger generation is about 8 seconds, which is less than goldfish with an attention span of 9 seconds. So, how do you keep your new cohorts engaged with work? Here are six ways to do it:

  • Offer opportunities for professional development: Gen Z values the opportunity to learn and grow, so offering professional development opportunities such as training and learning resources can help keep them engaged.
  • Foster a culture of collaboration: Contrary to popular belief, Gen Z welcomes teamwork and collaboration, so creating an open and collaborative work environment can help keep them engaged.
  • Provide flexibility: They value work-life balance, so offering flexible work arrangements such as remote work or flexible scheduling can help keep them engaged.
  • Foster a sense of purpose: Zoomers are driven by a desire to make a positive impact, so communicating the purpose and mission of the company and connecting their work to that purpose can help keep them engaged.
  • Encourage open communication: They appreciate transparency and open communication, so creating channels for open and honest communication can help keep them engaged.
  • Show appreciation and recognition: Gen Z loves recognition and appreciation, so regularly showing appreciation and recognition for their hard work and contributions can help keep them engaged.

Where to attract Gen Z talent?

As we mentioned earlier, this is a generally more tech-savvy generation, they are digitally connected than previous generations, and they tend to use a variety of online resources to search for jobs. Some common methods that Gen Z may use to search for jobs include:

As we mentioned earlier, this is a generally more tech-savvy generation, they are digitally connected than previous generations, and they tend to use a variety of online resources to search for jobs. Some common methods that Gen Z may use to search for jobs include:

  • Online job boards and job search engines: Online job boards such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to search for job openings and find potential employers.
  • Social media: Gen Z is likely to use social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with potential employers and find job openings.
  • Professional networks: They may leverage their professional networks, including connections on LinkedIn and other social media platforms, to find job opportunities.
  • Company websites: Gen Z may visit company websites directly to find job openings and learn more about potential employers.
  • Online job fairs and virtual career events: Gen Z may participate in online job fairs and virtual career events to connect with potential employers and learn about job opportunities.

As a recruiter you can also attract Gen Z talent by doubling down on campus recruitment. Maintain a strong relationship with colleges and universities. Use best practices like a mobile-friendly career page, sharing employee stories, and showcasing benefits of the job.

It's worth noting that they may also use more traditional methods such as networking events and job fairs, as well as reaching out to recruiters and staffing agencies, to find job opportunities.

What job roles is Gen Z suitable for?

Gen Z is generally well-suited for a wide range of job roles, as they are often highly educated, tech-savvy, and adaptable. Some job roles that may be particularly well-suited for them include:

  • Digital marketing and social media: They are generally very comfortable with technology and social media, making them well-suited for roles in digital marketing and social media management.
  • Data analysis and analytics: Thanks to the internet, social networks and mobile systems, Gen Z is hypercognitive, meaning they are very comfortable with collecting and cross-referencing data from many sources. They are often analytical and data-driven, making them well-suited for roles in data analysis and analytics.
  • Customer service: Businesses must rethink how they deliver value to consumers. If they wish to rebalance the scale and personalize their brand experience, Gen Z is the workforce to do the job. This younger generation is customer-focused and dedicated to providing excellent service, making them well-suited for customer service roles.
  • Software development and technology: Gen Z is generally comfortable with technology and may have strong skills in programming and software development, making them well-suited for roles in these fields.
  • Graphic design and content creation: Gen Z is creative and skilled in visual communication, making them well-suited for roles in graphic design and content creation.

It's worth noting that Gen Z is generally well-suited for a wide range of other job roles as well, depending on their individual skills, interests, and experience. We leave to you, our fellow HRs and recruiters. The next wave of talent is upon us, let’s do our bit to engage and employ the next generation of job seekers.

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